SFD Media Release
27 January 2011

SFD to MDA: Ban the Jolly Hangman

Singaporeans For Democracy (SFD) calls on the Media Development Authority (MDA) to ban Once A Jolly Hangman: Singapore Justice in the Dock or assign it a classification that clearly and publicly indicates that the said book cannot be distributed or sold in Singapore.

SFD makes this call following police questioning of Mr Seelan Palay 27, Mr Jarrod Luo 27 and Miss Rachel Zeng 28 today at the Major Crime Division of the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) at the Police Cantonment Complex.

The SFD trio spent a total of 4 hours fielding questions from different police officers who individually and separately recorded their statements over the sale of 12 copies of the Jolly Hangman at an SFD hosted film screening on 14 November 2010.

Mr Seelan Palay was interviewed for one hour by ASP Roy Lim.

Mr Jarrod Luo was interviewed for two hours by ASP Jason Lim.

Miss Rachel Zeng was interviewed for one hour by ASP Foo Jit Choon.

The absence of a clear classification of the said book by MDA, which is still the subject of a contempt of court case brought upon by the Government against its author Alan Shadrake, puts members of the public at legal risk.

In this case, it has made these three SFD members the subject of police investigations in the course of their work to promote freedom of expression in tightly regulated Singapore.

SFD calls on the authorities to resolve this anomaly quickly and release our members from the investigations.

Dr. James Gomez
Executive Director
Singaporeans For Democracy

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居住马国母亲离世 长子获准穿隔离回乡奔丧

两兄弟因为身在家乡的母亲过世,希望能回家送最后一程,获得当局通融,兄长一人穿着隔离衣,在民防部队的护送下,从新山的酒店隔离区回到昔加末老家,跪拜和瞻仰母亲遗容后,重返隔离酒店。 据《星洲日报》指出,事情发生在马来西亚柔佛州的昔加末,在狮城工作的两名儿子父亲童金豹指出,他的妻子周玉真(70岁)于本月26日早上过世。他们就住在昔加末的罗加什诗笛花园,当时在本地工作的长子和次子获悉后,都火速办理回国手续,并成功在26日当天抵达新山,入住马国当局安排用于隔离的一家酒店内。 童金豹受询时指出,两名孩子在隔离酒店曾申请暂时离开以回家奔丧,惟当局表示只能让一人离开,因此只有长子获得通融,次子只能继续呆在酒店内。 前后参与不超过一小时 据悉,43岁的长子童明善在民防部队的陪同下,于28日早上离开隔离中心,并在约10时抵达住家。 当时一名身穿隔离衣的民防部队官员先下车向在场的人们讲解规矩,包括要求大家不要接近童明善,因为他仍在隔离期,还有不要有任何接触。 身穿全服隔离服饰的童明善,在民防部队的监督下下车后,和家人隔着数公尺的距离喊话和比手势交流,包括要求童明善对母亲说,“妈,我回来了”,“妈,你一路慢慢走”等等。 童金豹表示,长子签署了一份意愿书后,走到母亲灵前瞻仰仪容并行跪拜礼。在和母亲独处数分钟后,长子就走出灵堂,参与出殡前的最后祭拜仪式,再次对着母亲棺木跪拜后,才和家人挥别。 他表示,长子是在差不多10时40分,在民防部队的陪同下上车,返回隔离酒店,参与祭拜行程不超过一小时。 他对于当局特意通融孩子回家奔丧之举表示感谢,并表示了解,基于目前疫情肆虐,两国都采取限制行动禁令,因此长媳和长孙都呆在狮城无法回国,幸好女儿、次媳和女婿孙子们都能奔丧。

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