This is an excerpt of an article posted on 8 February 2011 on Dredging


Singapore, one of the world’s most prosperous and fastest growing economies, is being accused of expanding its coastline with illegally dredged sand from neighboring states.

Singapore has been importing sand for years and its territory has increased by over 20% in the last half century, but sand imports are now threatening the regional ecosystem and harming its economy.

Singapore is one of the smallest 20 nations in the world and it is growing fast in every way, too.

A key global shipping hub, its vast port complexes have been relentlessly expanding in the sea due to land reclamation.

Professor Chou Loke Ming from the Biological Science Center of the National Institute of Singapore says, “We have been taking sand from our hills and then, when there are no more hills left, we have been dredging sand from sea beds, and now most of it is been imported from neighboring countries.”

Singapore is today the world’s largest importer of sand, literally the foundation of the tiny state’s extraordinary economic growth.

But with other countries in the region, such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia, banning sand exports, reclaiming more land has become a difficult task for this tiny island city-state. At least legally – there are some accusations that sand smuggling is making up the shortfall.

To read on, click here.

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研究显示调高公积金缴交率益处多 网民斥恐加剧年长雇员觅职困境

本地主流媒体《联合早报》报导,一项研究指若55岁至64岁员工的公积金缴交率保持和年轻人一样,那10年间就能累积超过14万元,能提高年长者工作意愿,他们的公积金入息甚至足于缴交房贷。 但是网民们对此的反应似乎一面倒,表示难以接受,因为提高公积金缴交率不仅减少了现有的可动用资金,甚至会让年长雇员更难觅得工作,因为雇主的公积金缴交率也提高了。 这项由新加坡政策研究所演技研究员进行的模拟推算发现,若是将55岁至64岁员工的公积金保持和55岁之前一样,他们的退休储蓄可在10年内累积超过14万元,退休后的每月入息也会因此增加超过一倍。 这项由该研究所高级研究员余国安和副研究员黄锐洲展开的研究,假设一名员工在55岁后的公积金缴交率保持和年轻员工一样,那么在从55岁到64岁之间,其普通和特别户头储蓄能够在这10年间累积多少。 终身入息可增加150巴仙 有关的研究以人力部公开的数据,估算了55岁到59岁员工的大概月薪金额后进行推算,发现最低和最高的第10个百分位的员工,能够累积到3万1056元至14万5117元。研究人员推算发现员工在10年内,累积的储蓄能增加三倍,月薪处于第20个百分位的员工,储蓄从2万5610元增加到6万6524元;处于中位数的员工的储蓄从5万1557元增加到13万3923元。 如果将这些额外储蓄纳入公积金终身入息计划(CPF LIFE)中,月薪处于第20个百分位的员工在65岁起,每月能领的入息将从166元增加到414元,增幅约150巴仙;月薪处于中位数的员工每月入息,也将从326元增至777元,增幅为140巴仙。 他们也发现若只是把缴交率提高一个百分比,处于第20个百分位的员工也能够在10年期间多存约5000元,每个月的公积金终身入息能多领33元。 一次性调高或需累进元素 本地年长员工的公积金缴交率曾于1988年、1993年和1999年,在面对金融危机时进行下调,确保他们在经济萧条时段能够保住工作。缴交率虽然在之后有所恢复,但是55岁之后的缴交率仍然不如年轻员工。 目前55岁以下员工的公积金缴交率为月薪的37巴仙,雇主17巴仙及雇员20巴仙;55岁到60属于的缴交率为26巴仙,雇主和雇员各13巴仙;60岁到65岁为16.5巴仙,雇主9巴仙和雇员7.5巴仙;以及65岁及以上的缴交率为12.5巴仙,雇主7.5巴仙而雇员5巴仙。…

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