Pictures: Terry Xu, Shawn Danker and Chong Woon Hian/

Results of the Presidential Election 2011:

Tan Cheng Bock – 737128 votes
Tan Jee Say – 529732 votes
Tony Tan – 744397 votes
Tan Kin Lin – 103931 votes
Rejected votes – 37826
Total votes cast – 2,153,014 votes

Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam is the candidate elected as the 7th President of Singapore, gets 35.91 per cent of the valid votes cast and wins by 0.34 per cent of the valid votes cast.

Dr Tan Cheng Bock gets 34.85 per cent of valid votes.
Mr Tan Jee Say gets 25.04 per cent of valid votes cast.
Mr Tan Kin Lian gets 4.91 per cent of the valid votes and loses his election deposit.

“The President is a President of all SIngaporeams. Not only for those who voted for me but also those that did not bvote for me I promise to work for all of you.” President-elect Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam

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