by: Jewel Philemon/

On 24th August, we asked our readers who had watched our ‘Face to Face 2: Presidential Forum’ (F2F2) videos to take a survey which asked three questions.

The 3 questions being:

  1. Did you decide who to vote for before watching F2F2?
  2. Did you change your vote after watching F2F2?
  3. After watching F2F2, who do you intend to vote for?

2382 of our readers responded to this survey over the last two days.  Of these, 1632 responded that they had decided who to vote for before watching F2F2; but 597 of the 1632 (or more than 26 per cent of respondents) , responded that they changed their mind on who they would vote for after watching F2F2.

The survey results are here:

According to this survey, Tan Jee Say is the most popular candidate as more than 65 per cent of the respondents to this survey indicated that they intend to vote for him.

Survey results HERE.

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