~by: Jewel Philemon~

National University of Singapore's student group NUS Campus Crusade for Christ has removed a website and several posters deemed disrespectful and insensitive to other religions and communities.

The contents of the website and posters said among other things that Thailand is “a place of little true joy. Buddhism is so much of the Thai national identity and permeates into every level of society and culture that only one hundred Thais accept Christ each year”; and that “much of the population (in Turkey) is M, much prayer and work is needed in this place” 

The University student group's representaitve in posting the group's apology in HardwareZone discussion forum said:

I am a NUS CCC representative from NUS. With reference to the closed thread:

[GPGT] NUS group "Campus Crusade for Christ" insults Thai Buddhists and Turkey – www.hardwarezone.com.sg

We would like to post an online apology as follows:

Dear Netizens,

We humbly apologize for the distress we have caused you through the poster of ours that has gone viral online. We recognize that our choice of words used should have been more sensitive and tactful. We acknowledge that everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and it is definitely not our intention to force anyone to believe in what we do. We have since removed our posters and websites, and will be watchful of future actions. Thank you for your understanding and our deepest apologies again for the distress that this incident has caused you.

With sincere apologies,

On behalf of NUS Campus Crusade

We seek your permission to post this up personally.

NUS' Office of The Provost also commented on the issue saying, that they have contacted the student group and that the posters put up on campus have been removed.

Professor Tan Eng Chye, Deputy President (Academic Affairs) & Provost in commenting further on the matter said, "NUS is a multi-ethnic and multi-religious community. We expect every member of our community to be respectful towards the religious customs, beliefs and sensitivities of others. The University does not endorse any comment or action by members of our community that disrupt religious harmony or disparage the diverse communities that live in Singapore and overseas."


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