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Think Centre's Labour Day Message



~ By Think Centre ~

This Labour Day, Think Centre salutes all workers and asks the tripartite movement for Fairer opportunities, Safer work and Minimum wage. 

Workers all over the world are celebrating the achievements of trade unions, and expressing their hopes for the future. More than ever before, in this globalised world, the situation of workers in one part of the world is linked to the challenges faced by workers in another. Today, the need for effective international solidarity – ASEAN Workers Solidarity – is more pressing.

Wide income gap between low income families and the rich

Singapore low-wage workers need a substantial increase in pay to provide for decent living. The income gap has widened in the last decade between families with a household lower income of $1200 – $3000 and the rich. The household income of $1200 is insufficient to provide a decent standard of living for even a small family; they suffer from poor quality of life. Without meaningful decent work oriented policies, the pressure to work long hours is rooted into low wages. Thus low wage Workers compete willingly to accept longer hours and overtime in order to maintain living standards.

A higher wage increase to ensure decent standard for this poorer households to improve their welfare and quality of life is needed. This can be achieved through sharing of the economic growth on an inclusive and equitable basis by raising wages for the lower income earners to cope with the high cost of living.  

Increasing wages will not chase jobs way

Employers cry against wage increase saying that it will reduce the economic growth and reduce employment but there is limited truth in that argument as wages are not a substantial factor impacting on employment. In fact, employers addicted to cheap, easily exploitable labour – foreign workers who are employed under lower and discriminative terms of employment – are refusing to provide fair terms of employment to the workers as well as decent living wages for both local and foreign workers. It should be recalled that no economic or financial crisis over the past decade had been caused by minimum wage standards  instead, it was the excesses of a largely unregulated global financial sector that brought about much untold suffering to millions of families all over the world. 

Employers also argue that wage increase is not possible due to lower productivity of workers. However, the facts show that in the last decade, growth in labour productivity outpaced the increase in wages. The reality is that workers' share of the wages had been suppressed for a long time.

Singapore is plugged into the global economy; it cannot avoid nor run away from addressing this issue without the risk of exacerbating social tensions. There are many external factors like the financial crisis, but among them the increase in wages is not one of the key factors, impacting on economic growth and employment. Even though there currently are some measures, painted as targeted social safety net, to deal with insecure employment and low wages, there must be a fundamental re-think towards implementing a minimum wage in Singapore  many proponents had suggested it to be implemented for workers currently receiving the lowest income share of the economy.  

Higher inflation

The recent increase of inflation hit 5.2% eroding any increase in wages. The real value of the household incomes has fallen as the increase in wages do not keep in pace with inflation. In fact, over the decade the real values of  the wage have been eroded and have affected the purchasing capacity of those from the lower household income bracket of $1200 and lower as the prices of goods and services increase.

Singapore: is this decent work?

In 2005, there were about 1 million Singaporeans with GCE 'O' levels or lower, ageing, and prone to unemployment. They do not have fair and equal opportunity in terms of employment. Even if they work harder and long hours for low pay, their jobs were not secure. They live in fear of being jobless any moment at the mercy of their employers.

In 2007, there were an estimated 300,000 "vulnerable poor" who earned less than $1,200 a month on the threshold of poverty. About 120,000 or 12 per cent of the working population were doing odd-jobs, contract work, and part-time jobs that do not make contribution to the CPF.

Women are generally paid less for the same job and those with disabilities are mostly shunned. Older workers are often rejected at job interviews except for the lowest paying jobs as cleaners. When economic growth fell, workers' Central Provident Fund (CPF) pay was cut. However, taxes have gone up in the form of GST. Without a minimum wage our aged and lower educated workers can neither compete fairly with the migrant workers nor gain a job with decent working conditions. Instead many workers, both local and foreign, are trapped in a vicious cycle of low wages, poor working and living conditions.

Voiceless, hidden, unseen and unheard in this wealthy island state 

Many workers have very little bargaining power and many still do not have access to union representation to deal with unreasonable employers. They dare not make reports to the Ministry of Manpower or the Central Provident Fund Board about their poor working conditions and non-contribution of CPF by errant employers. They suffer silently the consequences of depressed wages, unreasonable hours, poor bargaining power or risk becoming unemployed.

White-collar workers not spared

For the white-collar middle class new poor, it is insufficient for the government to provide skills upgrading without enforcing mindsets change in employers. More employers need to be educated on the value-add of older talents and incentivized to retain or re-hire such talents, in the current rigid, bottom-line-driven and performance-based job market.  

Office workers are often under pressure to arrive early, take less time for lunch and leave office late: falsely believing that this will ensure their job is secure. Longer work hours mean poor family and social life, bad health and lack of time for retraining, leading to weak family and social ties, dysfunctional families, neglected children and increased divorces. Workers feel lousy and unhappy as they hoped to be better parents or friends. Longer work hours also obstruct meaningful participation in civil society and politics.

Workers in many developed countries enjoy shorter workdays without reduction in pay. Shorter workdays also mean more jobs for workers. Unfortunately, today workers in Singapore are forced to work 12-hours shift, as the labour law permits. They have to work long hours to secure their jobs and increase their take home pay as there is no minimum wage. Let's also not forget the workers who are killed due to unsafe working conditions.

International Workers Day

May Day is an occasion to remind ourselves that it is the workers who create wealth and that this wealth belongs to all of us. May Day is an international event bringing together workers in solidarity. Unfortunately, Labour Day is likely to remain for many only a holiday with little or no thought given to its roots. There is no public education as to the origin of May Day – the celebration of the working peoples successful struggle for eight-hour work-day in 1880's. The struggled for the right to a decent and balanced life  “eight hours of work, eight hours of rest and eight hours for what we will”. May Day is a celebration of workers' solidarity, aspiration and struggle for decent working conditions, better wages, job security and a better life for all workers and their family.


All workers have the right to fair and decent working and living conditions, regular payment of wages, and adequate access to the legal and judicial system for victims of discrimination, abuse, exploitation and violence. To protect the workers better with decent work standards, Think Centre urges the government to update deficient labour legislation by amending or removing outdated policies. Think Centre calls on the government to:

1. Amend the Employment Act, within the ILO decent work framework, with a 40-hour work week and decent living wage policy;

2. Institute better labour and anti-discrimination laws to protect against discrimination of older workers, gender, race and religion, disabilities and foreign domestic workers;

3. Change the rules so people who are self employed, work part-time or on contract are not left out in the cold as they reach retirement;

4. Respect the 1998 ILO Declaration on fundamental principles and rights at work, especially on elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation;

5. Provide greater support for retrenched and unemployed workers through a national insurance scheme, as well as to provide a reasonable living with access to housing, health-care, re-training and other essentials to maintain life;

6. More space and mechanism for workers to express their views, concerns, report abuses, discrimination and exploitations, without fear is necessary as such laws, policies and practices restricting their expressions and associations must be removed;

7. To amend failed labour legislations and outdated, unjust, unfair policies and practices such as:

7.1 Stop: Piling up overtime work as requested by employees so companies need not pay double for work on rest days;

7.2 Stop: Deducting salaries of overtime work for food and housing for employees;

7.3 Stop: Giving employees working 11 hours (shift work) daily for 30 days and only 1 rest day per month for the first year in the service industry;

7.4 Stop: Forcing foreign workers refusing to sign their terms of contract to pay their own return tickets home and the company liquidated damages of around S$1,000 or more;

7.5 Amend: The 1973-policy which requires prior permission for work permit holders to marry locals. Instead those with relevant skills and who have worked in Singapore for 4 years should be free to marry locals;

Think Centre expresses our solidarity and support with all workers. Think Centre wishes all workers happy May First. 


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Malaysian man who recently reunited with family after 20 years dies in Kaki Bukit fire

On 19 September, a fire erupted in an industrial building at 25 Kaki Bukit Road 4, leading to the deaths of two men. During the firefighting operation, the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) discovered the two carpentry foremen unconscious and rushed them to Changi General Hospital, where they were later pronounced dead. One of the victims, Luo Jiaqiang, had reconciled with his family just six months prior after a 20-year estrangement.



SINGAPORE: On Thursday (19 September), a fire broke out in an industrial building at 25 Kaki Bukit Road 4, resulting in the deaths of two men.

The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) responded to the incident at approximately 12:55pm, finding thick smoke enveloping the fifth floor.

During the operation, two unconscious individuals were located in a unit opposite the one ablaze and were immediately rushed to Changi General Hospital, where they were later pronounced dead.

The victims were identified as 51-year-old Malaysian Luo Jiaqiang (罗家强) and 65-year-old Singaporean Vincent, as reported by Lianhe Zaobao.

Both were carpentry foremen who had scheduled a lunch meeting with He Shuxiang, the 63-year-old owner of a furniture company, at 12:30pm.

However, due to last-minute work issues, Mr He was delayed, and the two men went to rest in separate rooms on the mezzanine floor.

When the fire erupted, two employees working on a lower floor attempted to warn the men before evacuating.

Despite shouting to alert them, Mr Luo and Mr Vincent could not hear and were unable to escape.

The employees tried to rescue the pair but were thwarted by the thick smoke.

They managed to reach the men by phone, with Vincent reportedly saying, “It’s choking; I can’t breathe,” before the call cut off.

Mr Luo’s call also ended abruptly after about a minute, with only the sound of laboured breathing.

After failing to make further contact, the employees informed the firefighters and evacuated the building.

Mr He expressed deep regret over the tragedy, wondering if it could have been prevented had he arrived on time for the meeting.

The two men had been discussing a potential collaboration on a furniture project when the fire broke out.

Luo moved to Singapore two decades ago after a family dispute

On Friday, Mr Luo’s younger brother, Luo Jialong, visited the mortuary to claim his body.

In an interview with 8world News, he recounted how he had been notified of his brother’s death between 3pm and 4pm the previous day by one of Mr Luo’s colleagues.

Mr Luo had moved to Singapore 20 years earlier following a family dispute but had reconciled with his relatives just six months ago.

Since then, he had returned to Malaysia every weekend to spend time with his family, with his final visit occurring on Sunday (15 September).

His funeral will be held in Malaysia on 22 September.

The Singapore police confirmed that both men were found unconscious and later succumbed to their injuries.

Preliminary investigations have ruled out foul play, though inquiries are ongoing.

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Elderly men eating leftovers at People’s Park Food Centre spark concerns over rising living costs

A recent report revealed that elderly men have been seen eating leftovers at People’s Park Food Centre, raising concerns about their potential struggles amid rising living costs in Singapore. Online community are urging relevant agencies to reach out and understand their situations.



Singapore: A group of elderly men has reportedly been eating leftovers at in People’s Park Food Centre, as reported by Shin Min Daily News on Wednesday (18 September).

According to tips from readers, these elderly men have been spotted scavenging for food at the bustling food centre in Chinatown.

Witnesses noted that they not only take unfinished meals from tables but also search the dish return area for additional leftovers.

Several hawkers reported seeing multiple elderly individuals, including one specific man, frequently visiting the food centre to collect leftovers, although they were unaware of their identities and living situations.

A Chinese food hawker, who has worked there for over ten years, noted that at least three or four scavengers come daily, usually around 8 or 9 PM, and sometimes kind customers buy food for them.

Another stall assistant, Ms Ma, observed that diners often leave their tables, allowing the older man to sit down and eat the leftovers directly.

Cleaner Mr Quan mentioned that while he has seen the man taking food left by others, he has also witnessed him buying his own meals, suggesting he is not in dire financial need.

Additionally, Quan noted that these scavengers typically arrive around 10 AM and leave in the afternoon.

One Elderly Man Interviewed Attributes Leftover Eating Habit to Waste Prevention, Not Financial Struggles

Among the scavengers is Mr Wang, an 84-year-old resident of Bedok, who emphasised that he doesn’t want to waste food.

He told reporter, “I have a home and children, but it’s very lively here, so I come every day and go home in the evening.”

He acknowledged his habit of eating leftovers, stating, “It’s not because I lack money; I simply don’t want to waste food.”

He explained, “Some people order a lot and can’t finish it; sometimes a whole fish is left uneaten. ”

“When I see large plates of leftover food, I think it’s a waste, so I take it to eat, and it’s still warm,” he said, adding that other scavengers respect each other’s space and enjoy their own finds.

Not everyone supports the practice of scavenging for leftovers. Daniel Tay, a retired financial advisor and advocate for freeganism, expressed concerns about the potential dangers of consuming discarded food.

He pointed out that it’s often unclear how long the food has been left out or if it has been contaminated by animals or pests, which could lead to food poisoning.

“It’s extremely unhygienic. Diners might throw away food or toss used napkins into it, contaminating it further. If a diner gets sick, such as with the flu or COVID-19, they could pass the virus to someone eating the leftovers,” he warned.

Tay suggested a more proactive approach, encouraging people to ask diners if they can take home any uneaten food, which would help ensure the food is clean and raise awareness about food waste.

Netizens Urge Agencies to Address Challenges Faced by Elderly Amid Rising Living Costs

Comments on Shin Min’s Facebook page reveal that many netizens suspect the elderly men scavenging for food may be facing significant challenges and are urging relevant agencies to reach out to understand their situations.

Some are questioning whether the rising cost of living in Singapore is prompting individuals to resort to drastic measures to save money.

One netizen commented, “Every family has its own difficulties; who hasn’t faced storms and hardships? If you see an elderly person, please invite him to a meal. After all, we will all grow old one day. Whether it’s a blessing or a curse, only heaven and earth know. I believe that Singaporeans who see him will definitely invite him to a meal.”

Discussion on Singapore’s Hardwarezone forum also highlighted that many have witnessed similar situations, indicating that this issue is not new.

One netizen speculated that some elderly individuals might be facing mental health challenges. The user shared observation of an elderly woman in Little India who regularly collects cardboard and sells 4D lottery tickets. Despite receiving money from passersby, she continues her activities.

Another user recounted an experience of seeing an elderly woman eating directly from leftover plates and offered to buy her a plate of duck rice.

However, the hawker advised that it would be pointless, as the woman allegedly prefers eating leftovers to fresh food. The netizen expressed pity for her situation, noting that other customers had also tried to buy her a meal.

Not the First Time Elderly Individuals Spotted Scavenging for Leftovers at People’s Park Food Centre

This is not the first time elderly individuals have been spotted eating leftover food at People’s Park Food Centre.

In November 2022, 8World News reported that at least seven elderly people allegedly engage in such practice regularly at the hawker centre. These individuals typically search for unfinished food left on tables or at the tray return area.

At that time, in response to inquiries from 8World News, the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) stated that they were collaborating with grassroots volunteers and hawkers to identify these elderly individuals and provide assistance if needed.

MSF encourages the public to report any elderly individuals in need of help by calling 1800-222-0000 or connecting them with local social service agencies through the OneService App.

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