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HOME: Migrant workers continue to be exploited because of their nationality, class and gender



Justice must be done

International Migrants’ day celebration event held previously by HOME

This International Migrants’ Day 2014, we stand in solidarity with workers all over the world in their struggle for dignity and human rights. Migrant workers make important contribution to their countries of origin and destination. However, in Singapore, HOME has been witness to the afflictions of thousands of migrant workers, who continue to be exploited because of their nationality, class and gender.
We have upheld that ‘Domestic Workers are Workersand should receive the same protections as all other workers in Singapore. No domestic worker should be made to work every day of the year without a day off, without limits to their working hours, without overtime pay, and other standard employment rights.
It is a shame that Christmas Day and other holidays is the right of all workers except domestic workers. In spite of efforts to improve their wellbeing, many of them continue to be abused, marginalized and discriminated against. Even though a law has been passed to ensure weekly days off for domestic workers, HOME’s experience has shown that significant numbers are still denied this basic labour right and attempts by domestic workers to claim it has resulted in instant dismissal and repatriation by their employers. The lucky ones who are granted days off are still required to perform household chores, or have to return to their employer’s homes only after a few hours of freedom.
The continued exclusion of these women from the Work Injury Compensation Act and Occupational Safety and Health Act means that the household is still a potential minefield for domestic workers. This year, HOME assisted two domestic workers who suffered debilitating injuries from falling out of a window. They were immediately dismissed and repatriated when the doctor certified them fit for travel. It was only with the persistence of HOME and our partners that we were able to secure compensation for one of the injured women. The fate of the other injured worker is still uncertain.
Construction work remains a dangerous occupation for migrants, in spite of many years of work site safety campaigns. In the first 3 months of this year alone, 19 workers died because of a work accident. Workers in all sectors continue to be vulnerable to heavy recruitment debts, excessive hours, earning wages as low as $1.50 per hour and living in decrepit quarters. When protests against such conditions occur, repatriation thugs are brought in to get rid of such “recalcitrant troublemakers”. There is usually little recourse for workers in such situations.
If they are HIV positive, they are immediately deported without post counseling or referral treatment services. The work permit and security bond system encourages slavery like conditions and human trafficking: passports are taken from workers and job mobility is mostly not an option.
The voices of migrant workers are muted even before they get hoarse. They are not allowed to register associations or form their own unions. Any industrial action will result in immediate deportation and revocation of their work permits. The Controller of Immigration and Work Passes have sole and arbitrary powers to decide the fate of a migrant worker residing in Singapore, with no statutory avenues of appeal. This is deeply unjust.
The SMRT strike in 2012, the Little India riot last year and the fire at a Geylang shop house this year which killed 4 have clearly shown there are many challenges before migrant workers can fully realise their rights. The road to dignity will be an arduous one, but HOME pledges not to lose hope and to persevere in the long march to freedom from slavery Happy International Migrants’ Day!

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Civil Society

FORUM-ASIA condemns Myanmar junta’s forced conscription expansion, urges international action

FORUM-ASIA condemns Myanmar’s military junta for expanding forced conscription, calling it a desperate bid to maintain power. The policy, affecting men aged 35 to 60, adds to a long list of human rights violations, including forced labor and the use of civilians as human shields.



The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) has condemned the Myanmar military junta’s recent decision to expand the age limit of its forced conscription policy, calling on the international community to stand in solidarity with the people of Myanmar.

The move is seen as a desperate attempt by the junta to maintain control in the face of a growing pro-democracy resistance movement.

On 25 August 2024, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing announced the introduction of a new “security system with public participation.”

This system would require men aged 35 to 60 to serve as guards, potentially placing them on the frontlines of conflict. The announcement follows the formation of the Central Supervisory Committee for People’s Security and Anti-Terrorism on 16 August, tasked with organizing military training and overseeing “people’s security and anti-terrorism” groups at various administrative levels.

The junta’s plan builds upon the forced conscription policy it implemented on 10 February 2024, invoking the 2010 People’s Military Service Law.

The law mandates men aged 18 to 35 and women aged 18 to 27 to serve two years in the military, with professionals like doctors and engineers potentially serving up to five years. Those who evade service or assist others in doing so face up to five years in prison. As part of this policy, the junta planned to conscript 5,000 individuals monthly from April 2024.

Civilians as Human Shields and Forced Labor

FORUM-ASIA has condemned the junta’s forced conscription policies, highlighting the military’s history of using civilians as human shields and forcing them into hard labor.

The International Labour Organization’s Commission of Inquiry found in October 2023 that the military continues to impose forced labor amidst the ongoing armed conflict, a practice that has escalated since the 2021 coup attempt.

Local news and human rights groups have reported that the junta is also abducting and arresting citizens to use as human shields, further contributing to the human rights violations in Myanmar. Many youths, rather than being conscripted into fighting for a regime they oppose, have fled their homes to join the resistance.

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has expressed concern over the junta’s detention and recruitment of Myanmar youth. Meanwhile, Tom Andrews, UN Special Rapporteur on Myanmar, noted the junta’s increasing use of powerful weapons against civilians as troop losses and recruitment challenges mount.

Call for Action

FORUM-ASIA is calling on the Myanmar military junta to immediately halt its forced conscription, abductions, forced labor, and the use of civilians as human shields.

“FORUM-ASIA urges the international community, including the UN and ASEAN, to thoroughly investigate the Myanmar military junta’s long list of human rights violations. The junta should be held accountable for all its crimes through sanctions and other punitive measures,” said Mary Aileen Diez-Bacalso, Executive Director of FORUM-ASIA.

“The international community must urgently isolate the junta and support the people of Myanmar in their struggle for justice and freedom,” Bacalso added.

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Civil Society

CIVICUS Monitor labels Singapore as ‘repressed’ for crackdown on civic freedoms

CIVICUS has rated Singapore as “repressed,” citing ongoing restrictions on civic space. The use of laws like POFMA and the Public Order Act continues to target dissent, peaceful protests, and press freedom, while new legislation such as FICA and the Racial Harmony Bill raise further concerns over human rights.




(Photo: Amnesty International)

SINGAPORE: The global civil society alliance, CIVICUS, has rated Singapore as “repressed,” citing ongoing concerns about restrictive laws and the harassment of human rights defenders.

A recent update from the CIVICUS Monitor highlighted that the new Prime Minister, Lawrence Wong, continues the policy of silencing dissent by criminalising protesters and targeting critics.

Since PM Wong’s swearing-in as Singapore’s first new prime minister in 20 years on 15 May 2024, hopes for reform have not materialised, with state policies that restrict civic space remaining firmly in place.

Singapore’s restrictive legal framework, including the 2019 Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA) and the 2009 Public Order Act (POA), continues to suppress dissent.

POFMA grants the government broad powers to target critics and block websites, while the POA limits peaceful assembly, further stifling civic freedoms.

Crackdown on Peaceful Protests

Peaceful protesters in Singapore have increasingly faced investigations and charges for their activism on sensitive issues such as Palestine and the proposed Maintenance of Racial Harmony Bill.

On 16 April 2024, three activists displayed a banner at Gardens by the Bay, calling for an end to Singapore’s arms trade with Israel.

Despite attempts to organize lawful demonstrations, the restrictive Public Order Act hindered these efforts.

Later, on 7 June 2024, 40 students and alumni from various institutions were investigated for violating the Public Order Act after peacefully delivering letters opposing amendments to the proposed Racial Harmony Bill.

Further challenges arose on 27 June 2024 when three women were charged under the Public Order Act for allegedly organizing a solidarity march in support of Palestine without a permit.

POFMA targets political dissent and press freedom

The Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA) has increasingly been used to restrict freedom of expression, particularly targeting opposition politicians, civil society, and media outlets.

Opposition leader Kenneth Jeyaretnam has been issued multiple POFMA correction orders.

Additionally, his website, The Ricebowl Singapore, and social media platforms have been designated as “Declared Online Locations” (DOLs).

This designation limits his ability to receive financial benefits and mandates that he display a notice declaring them as DOLs across all his channels.

Similarly, on 29 June 2024, a correction notice was issued under POFMA against the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) for their statements regarding the charges against three women who had participated in a procession supporting Palestine.

The Transformative Justice Collective has also faced correction directions for their criticism of Singapore’s death penalty practices.

The government’s ongoing use of POFMA has raised alarms about press freedom.

On 11 June 2024, independent news portal Gutzy Asia was designated as a DOL under POFMA, restricting its financial activities.

Although the outlet operates outside Singapore, it is one of the few sources of critical news about the country.

This designation underscores the broader issue of press control in Singapore, which ranks low on international press freedom indices.

FICA and Racial Harmony Bill Raise Further Concerns

The Foreign Interference (Countermeasures) Act (FICA) has imposed further restrictions on civil society.

In July 2024, the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) was designated as a “politically significant person,” following similar designations for groups like Maruah and Think Centre.

Human rights organizations have expressed concern that FICA’s vague definitions of “foreign interference” could be used to suppress freedom of expression and association.

Additionally, the proposed Maintenance of Racial Harmony Bill, introduced in April 2024, has sparked concern for its potential to stifle public discourse on racial issues.

Critics argue that the bill’s Restraining Orders (ROs) could disproportionately affect minority communities and further curtail free speech.

Human rights lawyer M Ravi, known for his defence of civil liberties in Singapore, was struck off the roll of advocates and solicitors on 31 May 2024, following statements he made about the constitutionality of certain political appointments.

Lastly, whistleblower Jeanne Ten continues her decades-long fight for accountability after being denied a Master’s degree for exposing academic plagiarism at the National University of Singapore.

Her struggle highlights issues of power and accountability in Singapore’s institutions.

These developments paint a concerning picture of Singapore’s shrinking civic space, where restrictive laws and government policies continue to undermine fundamental freedoms.

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