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Celebrities leave Singapore because of kids' education



By Yasmeen Banu
Nadya Hutagalung, the 39-year old host of Asia’s Next Top Model (ASNTM), recently revealed why she had decided to leave Singapore.
“This is why we left Singapore,” she posted on her Twitter account on 8 May. She was apparently referring to her family – Singaporean husband, Desmond Koh, former national swimmer, and her three children – sons Tyrone, 20; Fynn,12; and daughter, Nyla, 6.
The tweet by Ms Hutagalung, who is Indonesian-born but is an Australian citizen, was accompanied by a link to an article about youth suicides on the website of the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP).
“Kids need to be kids. The youth suicide rates are high & unreported,” the TV host, model, eco-activist and jewellery designer said.
She later added:
The SDP article, titled ‘Why do we do this to our children?’ spoke about the cases of a couple of students who took their own lives due to pressure in school or not faring well in exams.
The article said that “while a majority of the American and Japanese children said that losing a friend or the death of their parents was their number one fear, Singaporean students said that not achieving good grades was what they were most afraid of.”
It also said that calls to an Institute of Mental Health (IMH) programme to help schoolchildren with psychological problems increased with a nearly 30-fold jump within a year, with 70 per cent of the cases involving primary school children.
“We must not subject our children to such crippling school pressures that they are psychologically maimed and, in some cases, have their young lives taken,” the article went on to say.
Another celebrity who has left Singapore because of the education system is local entertainer, Moe Alkaff, who had hosted several tv shows in Singapore before he left.
He said that Singapore’s rigid education system and his wife’s worry to be closer to her family was what led him to eventually settle in the United States in 2000.
Mr Alkaff, 48, who has two children – Shamzi, 11, and Zara, 9 – now lives with his family in Fort Collins, Colorado.
In an interview with Yahoo recently, the well-known entertainer who runs Moezik Events International, described life there in the States:
“We live in an estate like a kampong (small village), they all go to the same school 200 metres away, all on bicycle. Every kid in the same estate goes there and they will all come back together, play outside, they go into our house, open and raid our fridge,” said the rubber-faced comedian with a ready smile.
“That’s the kind of life I want my kids to have because that’s the kind of life I had. In Singapore, you can’t see that anymore: kids playing downstairs, going into each other’s house, going to school together and becoming like brothers and sisters.”
One of the push factors to leave was the Singapore education system, he said.
“The education system is pretty stiff here (Singapore), it has created great people but is there enough creativity?” he asked. “I want my kids to be street smart. The schools there (Colorado) are different. They take some subjects from Singapore, like math, but the rest involves a lot about their social abilities in terms of being creative, so my kids always come back with projects to do for school. I like that because they get parents involved too,” Mr Alkaff said.
In 2012, it was reported that the number of suicide cases rose by some 30 per cent to hit a 20-year high. With the increase in percentage mostly coming from young adults aged 20 to 29, it was indeed a cause for concern.
The statistics back in 2012 reported 467 suicides, compared to the previous year, with 361 cases.
The Samaritans of Singapore (SOS) has so far only provided National Suicide Statistics up till 2012. No recent statistic has been released yet.
If you know anyone undergoing extreme stress or pressures, you can encourage them to talk to someone at these hotlines:
For suicide prevention and crisis:
Samaritans of Singapore: 1800-221-4444
Family Service Centre: 1800-838-0100
Singapore Armed Forces-SAF (for SAF personnel): 1800-278-0022
For Mandarin-speaking folks:
Care Corner Mandarin Counselling Centre: 1800-353-5800
For the elderly folks:
Seniors Helpline: 1800-555-5555
For young adults and children:
Tinkle Friend: 1800- 274-4788 (on weekdays)
Youth Line: 6336 3434 (on weekdays)
Touch Line: 1800-377-2252
 (Photo – Guardian)

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Singapore performer impersonating Sivaji Ganesan dies after collapse during live show

Asokan S/O Muniyandy, a Singaporean performer famed for his impersonation of Indian actor Sivaji Ganesan, passed away on 12 October at the age of 60. Dubbed the “Singapore Sivaji,” he collapsed after a performance. His final rites will take place on 15 October at 5 pm.




SINGAPORE: Singaporean performer Asokan S/O Muniyandy, renowned for his impersonation of Tamil cinema legend Sivaji Ganesan, passed away on Saturday (12 Oct) at the age of 60.

Known as “Singapore Sivaji” for his uncanny resemblance to the iconic actor, Asokan was a regular performer at cultural events in Singapore and Malaysia.

He reportedly collapsed and died at the end of a live performance, leaving the audience in shock.

Videos circulating on social media show Asokan dancing moments before he suddenly collapsed face-first as the emcee spoke to the crowd.

The sudden incident left onlookers stunned.

Seithi Mediacorp reported that Asokan’s final rites will take place on Tuesday (15 Oct) at 5 p.m.

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Controversy erupts as NParks sets traps for wild chickens following resident complaints

A video showing NParks contractors trapping wild chickens in Yio Chu Kang has sparked online controversy. Many netizens criticize the agency for targeting harmless chickens while ignoring more disruptive animals. They argue that chickens contribute to the local charm and should be preserved instead of culled, raising questions about the complaints received.




SINGAPORE: A video showing contractors hired by the National Parks Board (NParks) laying chicken traps has ignited controversy online.

The incident occurred in the Cactus estate, located in Yio Chu Kang.

The video, first uploaded on 9 October to the Facebook group Singapore Wildlife Sightings, shows two men in green vests kneeling on a grass patch and setting up what appeared to be traps for wild chickens.

According to the original post, the contractors were responding to complaints from local residents.

In response to media inquiries from MS News, Mr How Choon Beng, NParks’ Group Director of Wildlife Management, confirmed that both NParks and the Cheng San Grassroots Organisation had received numerous complaints about free-ranging chickens in the Cactus and Sunrise estates over the past year.

The complaints cited issues related to disturbances caused by the chickens, referred to as “dis-amenities.”

Mr How explained that NParks is currently conducting “population management measures” to address the growing number of chickens in the area.

He emphasized that NParks adopts a science- and community-based approach to managing animal populations, including free-ranging chickens.

These efforts include studying the birds’ population ecology, conducting biosurveillance programs, and implementing a variety of management strategies such as public education and habitat modification.

Mr How noted, “There is no one-size-fits-all management approach when it comes to addressing the multi-faceted issues related to free-ranging chickens.”

In addition, NParks collaborates with Grassroots Organisations to promote best practices in population control and engages residents by sharing tips on managing disturbances caused by the chickens, including the removal of eggs.

NParks also reminded the public to avoid feeding the chickens, as this contributes to their overpopulation and exacerbates the problem.

Netizens criticize NParks for trapping and culling wild chickens

Under an MS News Facebook post, many netizens expressed their opposition to the trapping and culling of wild chickens, arguing that they are harmless creatures.

Some users commented that they enjoy the presence of chickens, as they contribute to a “kampong” atmosphere in the neighbourhood.

One user mentioned that it is always nice to see chickens roaming around, helping to create that nostalgic vibe of home.

Another user shared their fondness for the sight of chickens, stating it feels reminiscent of the kampong days.

They suggested that instead of targeting chickens, NParks should focus on managing more disruptive animals like pigeons and otters, which can be a nuisance.

Several commenters questioned why NParks would catch harmless chickens while allowing other animals that pose more significant issues, like otters and pigeons, to remain unchecked.

One user criticized NParks for wasting time on chickens, emphasizing that they do not pose any threat to the public, unlike otters or wild boars that have attacked people.

Another commenter pointed out that chickens play a role in controlling harmful insects and pests, while otters contribute to the removal of pet fish in local ponds.

Others urged NParks to prioritize addressing the pressing issues posed by crows and pigeons rather than focusing on roaming chickens.

Many argued that NParks should aim to preserve nature by leaving harmless chickens alone and managing genuine pests instead.

A frustrated user criticized the authorities for succumbing to complaints rather than making decisions based on what is right.

They recalled a personal experience at Alexandra Village hawker centre, where they admired a group of wild chickens with a Malaysian worker, only to learn that authorities planned to cull them due to complaints.

One user questioned the nature of these complaints, urging NParks to clarify what is so problematic about having chickens in the neighbourhood.

They argued that these animals are harmless, self-sufficient, and do not bother humans.

As urban development continues to encroach on their natural habitats, many believe it is unjust to deny them the right to coexist with people in their own neighbourhoods.

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