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Ho Kwan Ping warns people not to draw wrong lessons from events across the Causeway



Executive Chairman and co-founder of Banyan Tree Limited Holdings, Mr Ho Kwon Ping warned that it would be a “foolish mistake” for Singaporeans to heed Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s suggestion that Singaporeans “must be tired of their government”.  

Speaking at the OCBC Global Treasury Economic and Business Forum on “Singapore Politics and Business in an Age of Disruption” on 12 July, Mr Ho said that the parallels that can be drawn between both nations cannot be used as a basis to justify Dr Mahathir’s prediction.

Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad prophesised a ripple effect across the Causeway, merely weeks after Pakatan Harapan (PH, or The Alliance of Hope)’s monumental victory in Malaysia’s General Election last 9 May, according to the Financial Times.

“I think the people of Singapore, like the people in Malaysia, must be tired of having the same government, the same party since independence,” he said in the interview on 29 May. 

Ho pointed out that the key factor that led to the downfall of the Barisan Nasional (National Front) rule of almost sixty-one years in Malaysia was the “unbridled, egregiously blatant, and massively enormous corruption of the Najib (Malaysia’s former Prime Minister) government”, which has not occurred under the governance of the People’s Action Party (PAP) in Singapore.

Mr Ho noted that the similarities between both nations, including the fact that Singapore’s PAP and Malaysia’s BN are founding parties in their countries, will not necessarily mean that the former would suffer the same fate.

“It is not the absence of full democratic institutions, it is not the absence of full human rights, or the putting down of dissent, nor the presence of paternalistic governance which brings down a government, or has brought down the Malaysian government,” said Mr Ho during the OCBC forum, which was held at The Ritz-Carlton Millenia.

Thus, Singapore and its people, he argued, would be “drawing the wrong lessons” should they conclude “that the fall of the PAP is imminent for whatever reasons that are happening across the Causeway.”

PAP must be wary of the threat of “cronyism”, “nepotism” in its governance

However, Mr Ho did not rule out the possibility that the PAP government might be ousted out of power in the future.

He had also predicted, however, that the end of PAP’s rule might only take place within the next two or three decades.

Currently, Singapore is still being primarily led by its second generation of leaders, said Mr Ho.

As a result, the legacy of its founding fathers, particularly the first Prime Minister, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, is still “clearly remembered and largely perpetuated” by current leaders, said Mr Ho.

He noted that historically, the spirit of post-independence founding parties persist for about three generations before it begins to show signs of decline.

Consequently, these parties would be in a rocky situation, as “hubris sets in and the rot begins”, said Mr Ho.

He also drew comparisons between “Western” political philosophy, which predominantly revolves around the need to establish functional democracies, and “Asian” political philosophy, which prioritises “good governance”, said Mr Ho, who was formerly a journalist before venturing into the hospitality industry, according to TODAY Online.

It is assumed that “good governance”, as suggested by Mr Ho, refers to one that rests itself upon high integrity and morality.

“There’s a high degree of tolerance within Asian countries for even incompetence. But there is very little intolerance for totally selfish regimes which only perpetuate their own well-being.”

Singapore appears to be well-known in the eyes of the world for its orderliness.

One way in which this orderliness is manifested is in its stringent enforcement of laws against corruption.

However, Mr Ho warned that such orderliness could be disrupted if the PAP allows nepotism and cronyism to seep into any possible cracks in its governance.

The PAP has to take measures against creating “quasi cronyism amongst cliques of elites” as it allegedly draws people from immediate circles of friends into the high ranks of civil service, he said.

One of the measures that can be taken, according to Mr Ho, is the pumping of “totally fresh new blood into the political system”.

New approaches to future problems, some “internal competition” needed within party to stay relevant

Additionally, applying formulaic approaches which might be archaic or outdated to future problems, as well as the lack of internal competition within the party, could also be detrimental to the PAP’s longevity as a ruling party, said Mr Ho.

While he acknowledged that having factions within the party “is not necessarily bad” as it induces some competition, it should not reach a point where there is a huge split within the party as that could spell disaster – a predicament suffered in BN’s top shelf leadership that resulted in its downfall. 

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Palestinian woman involved in disturbance at Wisma Transit Malaysia apologises

A video on social media shows Palestinians confronting security personnel at Wisma Transit, Kuala Lumpur, with some behaving aggressively by throwing slippers and damaging property. A woman later apologised in a TikTok video, attributing her actions to emotional distress from being unable to contact her children in Gaza.




MALAYSIA: A Palestinian woman involved in a disturbance at Wisma Transit, Kuala Lumpur, has issued an apology and expressed deep regret for her actions.

According to NST, the woman, identified as Aminah Muhammad Nafi’ Jamal Abd Rabah, was one of 127 Palestinians brought to Malaysia for medical treatment after sustaining injuries in the ongoing conflict with Israel.

A video that has been circulating on social media since 2 October shows a group of Palestinians involved in a confrontation with security personnel.

Some of them were seen behaving aggressively, including throwing slippers at an enforcement officer and damaging property.

According to reports, the incident was driven by frustration after the group was denied permission to stay outside the designated Wisma Transit Kuala Lumpur (WTKL) premises.

The Woman Apologizes for Disturbance, Attributes Actions to Emotional Distress from Family Separation

Speaking in a TikTok video, Aminah explained that her actions stemmed from personal distress, specifically due to her inability to contact her children, who remain in Gaza.

She emphasised that her behaviour was not intentional, and that it was a product of the difficult situation she and her fellow Palestinians were experiencing.

“I apologise and deeply regret what I did. I swear to God, I did not do it intentionally. We are going through a very difficult situation that only Allah knows,” she said in the clip.

Aminah further expressed her gratitude towards Malaysians for their generosity and respect.

She acknowledged that the treatment she and others had received from the country had been exemplary.

“I swear in the name of Allah, we are receiving the best care. What I say comes sincerely from my heart. You have treated us Palestinians with kindness, respect, and appreciation. ”

“You have fulfilled your duties responsibly, but we were the ones who wronged you,” she added.


Dengan segala hormat kepada ATM dan semua pihak yang terlibat dalam kes perempuan Palestin yang menjadi viral 2 hari yang lepas di Wisma Putra Malaysia.. saya nak kongsi video perempuan yang sama tapi kali ni content video dia lain sangat dari video yg viral tu .. Rasulullah SAW bersabda: كُلُّ ابْنِ آدَمَ خَطَّاءٌ وَخَيْرُ الْخَطَّائِينَ التَّوَّابُونَ. Maksud hadis ini adalah: Setiap anak Adam (yakni manusia) pasti melakukan kesalahan, sedangkan sebaik-baik orang yang melakukan kesalahan adalah orang yang bertaubat. Hadis riwayat Al-Tirmizi. Ujian besar buat manusia adalah keupayaan untuk memaafkan orang yang membuat salah kepada beliau .. semoga Allah memberi keupayaan ini kepada kami semua.. Walau menjadi apa2 pon, kami rakyat Palestin tetap sayang Malaysia dan rakyat Malaysia.. ikhlas dari hati tahu 🥹🇲🇾🇵🇸 TahreerGh Gh

♬ original sound – TahreerGh – TahreerGh

The disturbance at Wisma Transit has drawn significant attention, leading to a formal apology from the Palestinian Ambassador to Malaysia, Walid Abu Ali.

In a statement, he reassured Malaysians that the incident did not reflect Palestinian values.

“I apologise on behalf of all Palestinians in Malaysia and back home for what occurred. This is not our culture, ethics, or beliefs,” he stated.

Walid emphasised the deep gratitude Palestinians feel towards Malaysia for its continuous support of their cause.

Since August 2023, Malaysia has taken in 127 Palestinians, including 41 individuals injured in Israeli attacks on Gaza.

Many of the patients were transferred to Tuanku Mizan Military Hospital for treatment, while their relatives were accommodated at various hotels.

“For their own security and safety, the patients were kept in the healthcare facility with restricted movements and limited visitors,” he said.

Many have been in Malaysia since their arrival and have had limited opportunities to leave the hospital.

Walid noted that the patients, having come from war-torn Gaza, were under significant emotional stress, which may have contributed to their behaviour.

He also highlighted that some individuals were struggling to adjust to a completely new culture and environment, exacerbating their emotional challenges.

The Palestinian Embassy in Malaysia, according to Walid, has been closely coordinating with Malaysian authorities to support the patients and their families.

Embassy staff regularly visit the patients and assist with their needs to the best of their ability.

Walid also reassured the Malaysian public that the embassy is working to prevent a recurrence of such incidents.

“My message to Malaysians is that such an incident will not happen again. We love Malaysia and its people. However, please consider that these individuals have come under immense pressure due to the ongoing war. They need special care,” Walid stated.

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Civil Society

29 organisations demand criminal prosecution of law-breaking police in Malaysia

A coalition of 29 organisations is demanding that Malaysia end the perception of shielding law enforcement officers from prosecution when involved in serious violations like torture and killings. Highlighting cases such as the disappearances of Raymond Koh and Amri Che Mat, they call for accountability through criminal charges.



Activist Amri Che Mat and Pastor Raymond Koh

A coalition of 29 organisations is calling for an end to what they describe as a “policy” or perception in Malaysia that shields police and law enforcement officers from criminal prosecution, even when they are involved in serious violations such as death, torture, or human rights abuses.

These groups argue that law enforcement officers who break the law should be subject to the same criminal prosecution and sentencing as ordinary citizens.

The coalition points to several high-profile cases where police officers allegedly committed serious crimes, yet no action was taken to prosecute those responsible.

They argue that merely subjecting officers to internal disciplinary actions does not fulfil the public’s demand for justice. Instead, such officers must be charged and tried in open courts, allowing for transparency in the administration of justice.

Enforced Disappearance of Raymond Koh and Amri Che Mat

One prominent case cited is the enforced disappearance of Pastor Raymond Koh and Amri Che Mat. In 2019, the Malaysian Human Rights Commission (SUHAKAM) concluded, following a public inquiry, that both men were likely victims of enforced disappearance carried out by police officers from the Special Branch.

The government formed a Special Task Force to investigate SUHAKAM’s findings, but when the report was completed, it was classified as an “Official Secret” and was not disclosed to the public.

Recently, during a civil trial initiated by the families of the victims, parts of the report were revealed.

These findings supported SUHAKAM’s conclusions, asserting that the officers involved were rogue individuals acting independently. However, despite this revelation, no criminal charges have been filed against the responsible officers.

The delay in prosecuting these officers, even after clear findings, further bolsters the perception that Malaysia protects its law enforcement officers from the full extent of the law.

Assault on Ong Ing Keong

In another case, Ong Ing Keong, a deaf and mute e-hailing driver, was allegedly assaulted on 28 May 2024 by a police officer escorting a VIP.

Despite video evidence supporting Ong’s claims, no charges have been brought against the officer involved. This case has raised further questions about the government’s willingness to hold law enforcement accountable.

Failures in Investigating Police-Related Deaths

The coalition also highlights multiple cases involving deaths caused by police officers, where no significant legal action has been taken.

A coroner’s court ruling on 31 May 2023 determined that the fatal shooting of three men by police officers was not justified as an act of self-defence. Despite this finding, the officers involved have not been charged.

Similarly, in a separate incident, the High Court ruled on 1 February 2024 that the death of a man in Sitiawan, Perak, at the hands of police was homicide, yet no charges have been filed.

The coalition argues that these incidents contribute to a widespread loss of public confidence in Malaysia’s criminal justice system, particularly when it comes to cases involving law enforcement officers.

They stress that the government must act decisively to ensure that justice is seen to be done, by investigating, charging, and prosecuting officers found responsible for these crimes.

Concerns About Torture and Deaths in Custody

There are growing concerns over allegations of torture and deaths in police custody, with many cases seemingly underreported due to victims’ fear or lack of faith in the system.

The groups worry that if the public continues to perceive that justice is inaccessible, it may lead to increased incidents of violence or retaliation against police officers.

The Need for Clearer Laws and Specific Offences

The coalition believes that existing Malaysian laws, such as the Federal Constitution and the Criminal Procedure Code, clearly outline the legal obligations of police officers.

However, they argue that there is a need for additional specific laws to address violations committed by law enforcement officers, particularly in cases involving torture, illegal searches, or denial of legal rights.

They propose enacting special criminal offences targeting police misconduct to ensure greater accountability.

They further highlight the challenge posed by the fact that police misconduct often occurs in the presence of fellow officers, who may be reluctant to report their colleagues. This creates a culture of impunity within the force, making it difficult for victims to seek justice.

Recommendations for Reform

The coalition’s demands include the immediate investigation, charging, and trial of the officers responsible for the enforced disappearance of Raymond Koh and Amri Che Mat, as well as the disclosure of their whereabouts.

They also call for the prosecution of officers involved in the disappearance of Joshua Hilmy and Ruth Sitepu, based on findings from SUHAKAM’s public inquiry.

Moreover, the group advocates for the prosecution of the officers involved in the assault of Ong Ing Keong and those found guilty of homicide in recent court decisions.

They also call for the implementation of new laws to address police misconduct and for the government to take active steps to discard the perception that law enforcement officers are immune from prosecution.

The coalition urges the Malaysian government to demonstrate its commitment to justice by ensuring that all law enforcement officers who break the law are charged and tried in open courts.

This transparency, they argue, is critical to restoring public faith in the country’s criminal justice system.

The list of the 29 organisations in the coalition

  2. MADPET (Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture)
  3. Teoh Beng Hock Association for Democratic Advancement
  4. Association of Home and Maquila Workers (ATRAHDOM), Guatemala
  5. Banglar Manabadhikar Suraksha Mancha (MASUM), India
  6. Center for Orang Asli Concerns (COAC)
  7. Greenpeace Malaysia
  8. Global Women’s Strike, UK
  9. Haiti Action Committee
  10. KLSCAH Civil Rights Committee (KLSCAH CRC)
  11. Legal Action for Women, UK
  12. Migrant Care, Indonesia
  13. National Garment Workers Federation, Bangladesh
  14. North South Initiative, Malaysia
  15. National Union of Transport Equipment & Allied Industries Workers (NUTEAIW), West Malaysia
  16. Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM)
  17. PAYDAY Men’s Network (UK/US)
  18. Persatuan Amal Progresif Malaysia
  19. Persatuan Sahabat Wanita Selangor (PSWS)
  20. Programme Against Custodial Torture & Impunity (PACTI), India
  21. Sabah Timber Industry Employees Union (STIEU)
  22. Sarawak Dayak Iban Association (SADIA)
  23. Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia (SABM)
  24. Singapore Anti Death Penalty Campaign (SADPC)
  25. The Workers’ Assistance Center, Inc. (WAC), Philippines
  26. Union of Domestic, Maquila, Nexas and Related Workers (SITRADOM), Guatemala
  27. WH4C (Workers Hub for Change)
  28. Black Women for Wages for Housework, US
  29. Women of Color/Global Women’s Strike, US/UK
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