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Voicing the people’s concerns over POFMA – there is a lack of trust in the government



On Sunday (28 April), a gathering was held at Hong Lim Park where members of the public voiced their concerns over the proposed Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act. The two hour event was moderated by Kwan Yue Keng and say speakers including lawyer turned advocat Khush Chopra, former politician and founder of Asia Centre Dr James Gomez, media professional and political activist Brad Bowyer, and activist and former social worker Chan Wai Han. The crowd was about 250 strong of young and old alike.

A trust deficit

A common thread that all four speakers touched on was trust or rather the lack of trust that the proposed fake news law with its ‘draconian punishments’ won’t be misused by the government to further their own political agenda.

Mrs Chan noted that while the proposed law will likely be passed, ‘we must make a stand and speak truth unto power’. If a society is not able to say what they want, it only spells trouble.

Mr Leong used the example of the government’s reluctance to share information and official statistics on many things including financial break downs of HDB or detailed information about MediShield or CareShielf. “They often forget to tell you what is the real news, or the news that you need to know”, he said.

During the Q&A session, it was noted that the lack of trust in the government is partly because of the lack of access the public is granted to official information, especially when it comes to financial information, said Mr Bowyer. “Because they keep so much hidden, there is this natural level of distrust,” he added. He suggested that a more open government would go a long way to improving that trust deficit.

Mr Kwan then highlighted the Freedom of Information Act in the US which allows citizens to apply to the government to seek information. There’s nothing similar available in Singapore.

Mr Chopra noted that POFMA gives the government “carte blanche the power to decide what’s true and what’s not and what’s in the public interest” and that we ought to be concerned with the use of laws such as this against the government’s critics.

The law will do more harm than good

When Dr Gomez took to the mic, the illustrated Singapore’s predicament in relation to other countries in Southeast Asia, nothing that almost 10 SEA countries have similar legislation and that these are generally focused on elections.

He said, “My preliminary assessment is fake news bills will lead to fake elections…not just fake elections but the whole ecosystem around elections becomes fake”.

There is a high risk in countries that pass such legislation of fake elections and a sham democracy, warned Dr Gomez. He pointed out that countries in the region which have passed similar laws do claim several reasons for such laws including the preservation of social harmony, reputation management, and the prevention of outside interference in elections.

Reputation management, says Dr Gomez is how governments have stayed in power for a long time. “They have stayed in power for a very, very long time by tweaking the political and electoral system where relevant”, he added. “And because of this, we have a trust deficit”.

He noted that the fake news law doesn’t resolve this trust issue between the government and people as the law and the problem are not co-related.

“Governments are using the fake news to attack their critics and they do so with impunity because governments are the biggest producers of fake news and propaganda. And yet they do not put themselves on the treadmill of law to be judged,” says Dr Gomez.

“This law is a severe limitation of our freedom of speech,” says Mr Chopra, adding that freedom of speech is the mother of all human rights. Without that, other rights become an illusion. “This law will literally be a most disturbing act of governmental interference in the public’s right to address their concerns”, he warned.

Mr Chopra added later that the proposed act will do more harm than good and urged that people should be concerned about the government’s ability to abuse the powers that it will get under this Act. “The way this act is constructed, it gives the government too much power and it can do more harm than good…you cannot allow so much power in one entity”, he continued.

Citizens are concerned over their right to free speech

Speaking to attendees at the event, it’s clear that the public also share this lack of trust over how the government will use this proposed legislation – which many are resigned will definitely be passed into law soon.

Beatrice, 24 said that her biggest concerned about POFMA is how the government could use it to criminalised critics online. They’re already doing so with existing laws and attacking smaller organisations and individuals, she added, and this law will simply extend that power.

“Even without the law there’s already an air of fear. So with this law, it’s definitely going to be very bad because many people are not able to voice out what they really feel,” added Peter.

Another 24 year old, Zhi Yi, who is looking to pursue a career in academia said she was concerned about how the law would restrict academic freedoms while 29 year old Manimaran was largely concerned with “PAP abusing the law to their benefit especially with elections looming”.

You can watch a video of the event and all the speeches here:

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Civil Society

Meta and X served targeted POFMA order after activist’s non-compliance

Meta and X received targeted correction directions under the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act on 11 Oct after activist Kokila Annamalai failed to comply with a correction order. The Ministry of Home Affairs stated her misleading posts claimed the government executes arbitrarily without due legal process and will refer her to the POFMA Office for investigation.



SINGAPORE: Two social media platforms have been served with targeted correction directions under the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA) on Friday (11 October), after activist Kokila Annamalai failed to comply with a correction order issued to her last week.

Ms Annamalai received the order on 5 October for misleading posts made on Facebook and X.

In a statement, The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) said the posts falsely claimed that “the government schedules and stays executions arbitrarily and without regard for due legal process, and that the State does not bear the legal burden of proving a drug trafficking charge against the accused person.”

MHA noted that an article on the government fact-checking website Factually elaborated on why Ms Annamalai’s assertions were false.

The order mandated that she post a correction notice on the two posts; however, she has not complied.

In light of this non-compliance, the Minister for Home Affairs has directed the POFMA Office to issue a targeted correction direction to Meta Platforms and X.

This order requires the platforms to notify users who have seen the posts that they contain false statements and to provide a link to the Factually article explaining the inaccuracies.

MHA also announced that it would refer Ms Annamalai to the POFMA Office for investigations regarding her failure to comply with the correction direction issued on 5 October.

Earlier, the Anti-Death Penalty Asia Network (ADPAN), an organisation advocating for the abolition of the death penalty in the Asia-Pacific region, was also served with a correction order by the Singapore government under POFMA.

This order, initiated by Minister for Home Affairs and Law K Shanmugam, was in response to alleged false claims made by ADPAN in social media posts on 3 October 2024.

The posts, which were circulated on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, related to Singapore’s legal processes for death row prisoners and the treatment of activists opposing the death penalty.

They were released just before the scheduled execution of Mohammad Azwan Bohari, a drug trafficking convict sentenced to death for possessing over 26.5 grammes of pure heroin.

While ADPAN has since complied with the correction order by adding a notice to the original posts across its social media accounts, the group has expressed its intention to engage further with the order.

ADPAN reiterated its commitment to its statements and opinions, which it asserts are protected by international human rights law and standards, and expressed solidarity with human rights defenders and groups on the ground.

The organisation also reserved the right to issue additional statements on the matter.

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Civil Society

TWC2 launches fundraising initiative for at-risk migrant workers

Transient Workers Count Too (TWC2) has launched a fundraising campaign to assist those facing challenges such as work injuries, wrongful termination or financial hardship due to underpayment disputes. The campaign, hosted on, aims to raise S$36,000 to provide crucial support during these workers’ most difficult times.



SINGAPORE: Transient Workers Count Too (TWC2), an advocacy group for migrant workers, has launched a fundraising campaign to support those facing difficulties, including work injuries, termination for requesting rightful salaries, or financial hardship due to disputes over underpayment.

The campaign, hosted on the platform, aims to raise S$36,000 to provide a lifeline for these workers during their darkest hours.

The group stated that the funds will offer support to low-wage migrant workers in distress through various means, including meal assistance, phone top-ups, travel allowances, emergency shelter, and more.

TWC2 highlighted five types of workers in distress. For example, one cook was forced to perform unpaid work late into the night and was coerced into signing blank payslips.

He received less than half of his official salary, with his employer creating false timecards and payslips.

TWC2 specified the resources needed to assist migrant workers facing financial challenges over six months, including S$1,322 per month for an online helpdesk, S$876 for meal support, S$120 for phone top-ups, and S$80 for EZ-Link credit to attend Ministry of Manpower (MOM) appointments.

Worker Left Vulnerable After Company Closure: Loss of Housing and Belongings Leads to Months of Hardship

Another worker is struggling after his company closed down, leaving him without coverage for his injury.

Furthermore, his employer allegedly failed to pay his housing rent, resulting in the worker losing all his belongings, including his passport, cash, and clothes. He was left to beg and borrow clothes for nearly a month.

TWC2 stated that the funds will help him replace his passport, which costs around S$200, as well as cover S$2,228 for his monthly rent at the TWC2 shelter, S$480 for EZ-Link credit for travel to hospital appointments, and S$240 for phone top-ups.

The third case involves a migrant worker who was denied necessary surgery after suffering a finger injury from heavy machinery. Instead of being taken to the hospital immediately, he was brought to a small clinic, leading to an infection in his open fracture.

He was also pressured to return to his home country for treatment. Urgent surgery was delayed for 33 days because his employer withheld the necessary documents.

TWC2 is appealing for S$1,322 per month for online helpdesk support for this worker, S$1,898 for meal support, S$240 for phone top-ups, and S$480 for EZ-Link credit for travel to hospital appointments.

The fourth case involves a worker who was underpaid for overtime and rest day work.

He was fired after discussing information related to the Employment Act with his colleagues. His employer later contacted a potential future employer to disparage him.

This worker will require S$1,073 monthly to fund online information campaigns, S$120 for phone top-ups, and S$80 for EZ-Link credit to attend MOM appointments.

The fifth case concerns a worker who injured his back while lifting 50kg of cement. Although he was granted 300 days of medical leave, his employer did not report the incident to MOM, and the insurance company took over a year to investigate and accept his claim. The doctor instructed him to avoid catered food for health reasons.

TWC2 is seeking S$160 monthly for his groceries, S$120 for phone top-ups, and S$80 for EZ-Link credit to attend MOM appointments.

Part of this annual fundraising campaign commemorates International Migrants Day in December, which includes a luncheon, “Lunch With Heart,” for migrant workers to thank them for their contributions to Singapore.

TWC2 Highlights Ongoing Exploitation: Employers Bypass Laws to Undermine Workers’ Earnings

TWC2 noted that, according to Singapore’s Employment Act (Section 96), all workers should receive payslips detailing how their salaries are calculated and paid.

However, some employers still find ways to circumvent these laws, cheating workers out of their already low salaries. In 2023 alone, salary disputes rose by 55% according to MOM’s Employment Standards Report.

TWC2 emphasized that migrant workers who experience workplace accidents can be denied treatment by unscrupulous employers, despite being covered under the Work Injury Compensation Act. Even with medical insurance, they often lack access to it and may be sent back home with untreated injuries. The recovery process can be long and isolating, contributing to significant stress and mental health challenges for injured workers.

For these workers, a significant source of daily stress is financial insecurity.

“They are constantly thinking about providing for their family back home, ensuring loans are paid and sick family members have money for medical treatment. Essentially they are like us in every way.”

TWC2 highlighted that workers often take on overtime and forgo days off, even on public holidays, to earn higher wages. They should not be deprived of the wages they have rightfully earned or left with untreated injuries.

“We are appealing to you to offer a helping hand to these filial sons, devoted husbands, responsible mothers and dedicated workers, in their hour of dire need. ”

“We sincerely hope you can chip in so that these workers can have a lifeline in their darkest hours.”

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