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Spectre of university massacre looms over Thai student protests



by Dene-Hern Chen

Relentless gunfire, lynched bodies, frenzied mobs — the horrific violence Krisadang Nutcharut witnessed at Thammasat University more than 40 years ago propelled him into a legal career now spent defending Thailand’s young pro-democracy activists.

Like many survivors, he regards October 6, 1976, as one of the darkest days in his country’s history, when security forces and royalist militias murdered dozens of youngsters in the middle of Bangkok.

“It wasn’t an equal battle — it was a massacre. The students didn’t fight back, we didn’t have guns,” Krisadang tells AFP.

“It is a lesson I will never forget.”

Today, the 62-year-old represents two prominent faces of a new youth-led movement against the kingdom’s military-aligned government — human rights lawyer Anon Numpa and activist Panupong Jadnok.

The duo are facing sedition charges after calling for reforms to the kingdom’s powerful monarchy in massive demonstrations.

The latest rally drew 30,000 protesters in the biggest public gathering Thailand has seen in years.

The growing momentum of the protests — peaceful so far — has nevertheless raised the haunting memories of 1976 in Krisadang’s mind.

“I have to teach the younger generation not to underestimate the military because they are merciless,” he says.

The kingdom has long seen an interminable cycle of political violence and short-lived civilian governments bracketed by military coups.

But the Thammasat massacre stands out for its brutality against students, who had been protesting for weeks against an ousted dictator’s return to the country from exile.

Security forces and royalist mobs shot, beat and stabbed students around the campus, while others were strung up from trees.

Officially, 46 protesters were killed, though survivors believe the true toll was more than 100.

No official has ever been held accountable for the bloody event.

Shots, grenades

Seared in Krisadang’s memory are snapshots of state violence — his friend’s body dragged across the football pitch, a student shot dead before his eyes and his desperate dive into the Chao Phraya river to escape.

Students assumed the riverside campus was a “safe haven” for their daily protests, he says.

But it was surrounded by troops and royalist mobs spurred on by radio broadcasts casting the protesters as communist insurgents bent on toppling the monarchy.

At dawn, Krisadang remembers a grenade landing in the football field, instantly killing students.

The military-led regime that later seized power claimed the students fired first — something protesters have always denied.

Krisadang escaped by the skin of his teeth, crawling through the campus to avoid gunfire before launching himself into the river and swimming to a nearby pier.

“I got help from locals who gave me shelter for four hours and a new set of clothes,” he says.

For Thais who lived through this period, the topic remains sensitive and is not openly discussed, which academics say is a product of the establishment’s whitewashing of history.

But the murkiness surrounding the incident — and Thailand’s recurrent inability to sustain a democratically elected government — has bolstered the demands of a new generation demanding an end to the kingdom’s perceived culture of impunity.

“The stronger the action to bury and conceal a shameful event, the greater the buoyancy of the subject,” says Thai-American writer Pitchaya Sudbanthad, whose novel “Bangkok Wakes to Rain” deals with the trauma of the Thammasat massacre.

He believes youngsters today share “the same desire for a functional, progressive democracy as that of the students in the 1970s”.

‘Students want answers’

Besides calling for the resignation of premier Prayut Chan-O-Cha, a former military chief who masterminded the country’s most recent coup in 2014, protesters are questioning the monarchy’s role in the kingdom — a taboo subject because of royal defamation laws.

“The students want answers to questions that mainstream history does not have,” academic Puangthong Pawakapan tells AFP.

She co-founded an online archival project documenting the October 6 tragedy, which has seen a surge of new visitors in recent months.

“With the new technology, the state and the government cannot monopolise history anymore,” she says.

Students onstage now repeatedly invoke October 6 to rouse demonstrators in speeches and protest songs.

One recurring ballad is penned by Jin Kammachon, a survivor of the massacre, whose stirring lyrics read: “Let me offer my life, no matter how many times I die.”

Krisadang says he is happy to stay out of the limelight and let the country’s youth steer the country’s future.

“They are doing a better job than my generation,” Krisadang says.

“But the road to democracy is still long and they must be strong.”


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Up to 200 athletes tested for doping so far at Asian Games

Between 150 and 200 Asian Games athletes tested for doping, yielding no positive results. Anti-doping efforts emphasized for a clean event, focusing on record-breakers.



HANGZHOU, CHINA — Between 150 and 200 Asian Games athletes have already been tested for doping, the Olympic Council of Asia said on Monday, with no positive results so far.

Speaking at an anti-doping press conference on the second full day of the Games in the Chinese city of Hangzhou, the OCA said dope-testing was “gaining momentum” at the event.

Mani Jegathesan, an adviser to the OCA anti-doping committee, warned that drug cheats would be rooted out.

Up to 200 athletes have been tested so far, he said, but any positive results will take several days to come through.

“Every athlete participating in these Games must understand that they could be picked at any time,” Jegathesan warned.

“That is the best step to ensuring we have a clean event.”

There are about 12,000 athletes at the 19th Asian Games, more competitors than the Olympics, and Jegathesan admitted it would be impossible to test them all.

Instead, they will prioritise, including picking out those who break world or Asian records.


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Foodpanda’s restructuring amid sale speculations

Food delivery giant Foodpanda, a subsidiary of Delivery Hero, announces staff layoffs in the Asia-Pacific region, aiming for increased efficiency. This move coincides with ongoing talks about potentially selling parts of its 11-year-old business.



Foodpanda, a subsidiary of Delivery Hero, is initiating undisclosed staff reductions in the Asia-Pacific region, as discussions continue regarding the potential sale of a portion of its 11-year-old food delivery business.

In a memorandum circulated to employees on 21 September, Foodpanda CEO Jakob Angele conveyed the company’s intent to become more streamlined, efficient, and agile.

Although the exact number of affected employees was not disclosed, the emphasis was on enhancing operational efficiency for the future.

No mention was made in the memo regarding the reports of Foodpanda’s potential sale in Singapore and six other Southeast Asian markets, possibly to Grab or other interested buyers.

Foodpanda had previously conducted staff layoffs in February and September 2022. These actions come as the company faces mounting pressure to achieve profitability, particularly in challenging economic conditions.

The regulatory filings of Foodpanda’s Singapore entity for the fiscal year 2022, ending on 31 Dec, indicated a loss of S$42.7 million despite generating revenue of S$256.7 million.

Angele further explained that Foodpanda intends to review its organizational structure, including both regional and country teams, with some reporting lines being reassigned to different leaders. Additionally, certain functions will be consolidated into regional teams.

Expressing regret over the challenging decisions, Angele assured affected employees of a severance package, paid gardening leave, and extended medical insurance coverage where feasible.

Foodpanda will also forego the usual waiting period for long-term incentive plan grants, and vesting will continue until the last employment date. Employees will retain all vested shares as of their last day of employment.

Foodpanda, established in 2012 and headquartered in Singapore, became a part of Delivery Hero in 2016. The company operates in 11 markets across the Asia-Pacific region, excluding its exit from the Japanese market last year.

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