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Remaking an untenable media system: why SPH’s proposed overhaul is not enough



Professional journalism in Singapore is beset by financial pressures and excessive state control. Reform is needed so that it can play its critical role in the nation’s information ecosystem, says Cherian George, professor of media studies at Hong Kong Baptist University.

This is an excerpt from the volume he co-authored with Donald Low, PAP v PAP: The Party’s Struggle to Adapt to a Changing Singapore. It was first published in September 2020, before this week’s announcement that Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) would hive off its media business to a non-profit, SPH Media.

In 1920, one hundred years ago, Singapore’s imperial overlords slipped the Printing Presses Ordinance into the laws governing the Straits Settlements. This introduced a licensing system: no newspaper could be printed without a government permit.

One reader in Ipoh, in a letter published in The Straits Times that March, chided the British authorities for what he called “a disgrace — a cowardly act, conceived to protect weaklings from the results of their own misgovernment and ineptitude”.

Even the Governor at the time seemed too embarrassed to implement it fully, exempting established newspapers from the regulation.

When Malaya and Singapore shook off colonial rule, they could have dispensed with this decree prohibiting the publication of any newspaper without government permission. The new nation-states had legitimate national security concerns about seditious publications, but there were other laws in place to deal with such dangers.

As The Straits Times editorialised in 1960, “If a newspaper is subversive, if its editors are seditious, if the press stirs up communal strife — the activities for which personal freedom can be lost — the evidence is there in black and white. Newspapers cannot commit their crimes in secret.”

It wasn’t clear why officials also needed powers to ban a newspaper for hypothetical future misconduct. With such a permit system, the paper said, “The press is not free.”

The power to grant, deny or revoke publishing permits entirely at the discretion of Ministers remains a pillar of the PAP’s media system. The post-independence Newspaper and Printing Presses Act of 1974 (NPPA) retained licensing as a weapon of last resort.

It also added a mechanism to encourage routine behind-the-scenes self-censorship: the NPPA gave the government the power to install reliable directors and chief editors at the top of any newspaper company.

SPH CEO Ng Yat Chung and chairman Lee Boon Yang at Thursday’s press conference. The holding company’s leadership positions have been routinely entrusted to former ministers and civil servants with no prior media industry experience

The system, which persists today, reflects Lee Kuan Yew’s desire to pre-emptively neutralise all potential sources of political contention, in order to give elected leaders the latitude to govern decisively in the national interest.

That such a system may also shield Singapore’s most powerful men and women from democratic accountability is a risk that a PAP-run Singapore has had to live with.

Almost every other sector — from banking to healthcare and education — has undergone liberalising reforms over the past 50 years. The NPPA regime is a striking exception. In its imperviousness to change, the NPPA stands alongside powers such as the Internal Security Act, testament to how strongly the PAP believes it must maintain control of the state’s ideological apparatus.

Singapore’s third and fourth generation leaders seem relatively unconcerned about the credibility of the mainstream media.

When the media is stifled, it’s not just the people who lose. Government officials also deny themselves the regular critical scrutiny that could help quality-control their positions, provide timely warnings of troubles ahead, and hone their political instincts. The symptoms were plain to see in the 2020 General Election.

The PAP built a trap for itself and trotted straight into it when it accused the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) of misleading the public with suggestions that the government was toying with a population target of 10 million.

The figure had surfaced in an ambiguous Straits Times report of a Heng Swee Keat dialogue in 2019. In the months after that initial report, independent journalists Bertha Henson and Sudhir Thomas Vadaketh tried separately to query the government about it. But they were voices in the wilderness.

A properly functioning press would have given the doubts the higher profile they deserved, and clarified them long before the SDP milked them for electoral gain. Instead, the PAP helped to direct the election campaign away from its platform of jobs, jobs, jobs and towards what is possibly its single greatest vulnerability, population policy.

Journalism’s financial crisis

After decades of brushing aside all criticisms of its media system, the PAP now has no choice but to review it. The NPPA model is on its last legs, due to professional journalism’s financial crisis. Singapore’s newspaper publishers once enjoyed profit margins that few corporations could match. Like newspaper businesses in other mature economies, though, SPH has been plagued in recent years by declining readership, revenues and share price.

In mid-2020, SPH lost its place on the list of blue-chip stocks making up the composite indicator that bears the name of its flagship paper — the Straits Times Index. It is hard to imagine a more eloquent symbol of the hollowing out of a once-dominant brand.

In its heyday, the NPPA system was pure genius: it commandeered commercial media corporations’ greed as a weapon to discipline the democratic impulses of professional journalism. Lee Kuan Yew was a decade ahead of other leaders, including China’s Deng Xiaoping, in realising that the market need not threaten authoritarian rule.

He used the stock market to neutralise headstrong individual and family media owners who were prepared to place pride and principle over profit — notably, the Lee family (no relation) behind the country’s largest Chinese-language newspaper, Nanyang Siang Pau.

The 1974 law, in addition to preserving the permit system, set caps on investors’ holdings, and allowed the government to designate selected individuals and institutions as super-voting holders of “management shares”.

This combination of provisions put SPH mostly in the hands of financial institutions and other corporations with a vested interest in stability. Enjoying monopoly profits protected by the licensing system — with average margins of 30 percent — it is no surprise that SPH and its senior management were content with the NPPA.

“Those days are gone — savaged by the technology platforms which have sucked up the bulk of advertising revenues,” former editor-in-chief Patrick Daniel wrote in The Straits Times on the occasion of the paper’s 175th anniversary in 2020.

“I’m convinced that newspapers have to find a new ownership model to survive — either be owned by a billionaire or convert to a public trust. I much prefer the latter, and predict ST will go that way and live to celebrate its 200th anniversary.”

If Daniel means something like the Scott Trust, which owns Britain’s Guardian newspaper, that is an extremely hopeful prediction. Such a model protects the professional autonomy of journalists better than corporate owners do.

This can only happen if the PAP sheds its conviction that it must perch itself at the commanding heights of the media industry. Without such a mindset shift, any new structure will just recreate the status quo through other means.

China’s state media are one form of sustainable non-profit media, reliant on the state’s deep pockets

An outright buyout by Temasek may be too much even for the PAP. Temasek already possesses 100 percent of Mediacorp, so nationalising SPH would make Singapore the only non-communist country in the world where almost all news media are state-owned. This has such bad optics that the government may prefer a trust system with private sector cronies at the wheel.

Alternatively, the government could be tempted to throw good money after bad, propping up Singapore’s newspapers the way the Chinese state supports People’s Daily, by purchasing subscriptions for public sector employees.

It can also buy more advertising space for government messages. Many states use this as a form of indirect censorship, rewarding compliant media with lucrative contracts while boycotting troublesome outlets.

Reforms we need

A more visionary PAP leadership should instead respond to the current industry turmoil by liberalising its model of media management. The NPPA needs to be repealed and replaced with a media framework that does not prioritise the ruling party’s dominance ahead of the public interest.

First of all, the century-old licensing regime has to go. Of course, even without this barrier, no businessman would gamble on a daily, general-interest print newspaper of the scale of The Straits Times or Lianhe Zaobao.

To echo Daniel, those days are gone. However, investors could well be attracted by the opportunity to build a multi-platform news media organisation able to publish a weekly print newspaper or magazine alongside daily digital products.

Hard law is still needed to protect against the most severe harms caused by irresponsible media practices, including defamation, harassment and invasion of privacy. The Republic’s multi-culturalism also deserves special regulatory protection: news media catering mainly to the Singapore public should be locally owned and their sources of funds transparent to the public.

A regulator can be empowered to levy punitive fines on media that incite discrimination or hate against racial or religious communities. Such laws, narrowly tailored to achieve legitimate goals, would make the current permit system redundant.

A new media framework should also include a well-resourced independent press council. Press councils are self-regulatory mechanisms that investigate complaints about violations of professional ethics. Made up of industry veterans and, sometimes, representatives of the wider public, they issue judgments that member organisations are morally obliged to act on.

In the early 1970s, it looked like Singapore might head in this direction, but the government opted for regulation by ministers instead. Germany and Indonesia are among the countries with highly respected press councils that are worth studying.

Much more challenging is the quandary of how to finance good journalism. Local businesses freed of the licensing requirement are part of the answer. But subscription and advertising revenues alone are unlikely to fund media of adequate quality and quantity.

Free-marketeers once believed that the invisible hand of commerce was enough to support vibrant news media. But newspapers’ high profitability was based on the limitations of the print medium: physical newspapers combined various kinds of advertising and editorial content that the consumer had to purchase as a bundle.

News important for a society’s democratic life — well-researched articles about matters of public interest — was cross-subsidised by other content that readers and advertisers might be more prepared to pay for, such as car reviews, celebrity gossip and classified advertising.

The internet unbundled this century-old combo package, offering products focused on the most profitable services and neglecting the others. Worldwide, citizens agree that a well-informed public is essential for a safe, healthy, democratic society. But the same citizens are generally unwilling to pay what it takes to keep themselves informed. Journalism in the public interest is thus a victim of market failure.

Again, there are many proven models overseas that Singapore could selectively adopt. Lee Kuan Yew admired the BBC enough to make its World Service available on FM radio. It, and several other respected public service broadcasters including Japan’s NHK and Germany’s Deutsche Welle, are potential models for a reformed Mediacorp.

They show the kind of quality and credibility that is possible when journalists in state-funded national media are required to work within strict bounds of social responsibility and public accountability — but independently of political office holders. CNA has made great strides in quality, but its local news coverage is sabotaged by the government’s all-too-evident hand.

The Straits Times is not Singapore Airlines. The national airline may deserve bailouts, but do ST and its sister papers need to have their monopoly protected?

To ensure diversity and competition, public service media funding should not be monopolised by one or two players. The government should learn from its mistakes of 20 years ago.

It attempted to introduce more competition through an exclusive offer to the incumbents: Mediacorp was allowed to launch Today to compete with The Straits Times, and in return SPH was given a permit to enter the national broadcaster’s terrain, with two new free-to-air television channels.

Mediacorp had some success with Today, but SPH — a company with no TV experience — eventually gave up on the medium. This manner of so-called ‘liberalisation’ entrenched Singapore’s media duopoly and was totally at odds with common sense, as well as with the government’s own approach to liberalising other sectors such as telecom and banking.

An independent public body to disburse funds

Future restructuring of the media industry should put consumers’ needs ahead of incumbent firms’ pecuniary interests. Any company that can meet required standards should be allowed to enter the market. This principle has already been implemented in broadcasting, in a limited way.

Independent production houses can bid for funds from the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA). Mediacorp (like the BBC) is required to open its channels to programmes created by independent producers.

IMDA also has a code against anti-competitive practices. Building on these precedents, Singapore should follow international best practice and disburse funds via a new independent public body that is better insulated from government interference than is IMDA.

If the government is contemplating any direct or indirect bailout of SPH, the same principle should apply. SPH is not Singapore Airlines: no group of Singaporeans, however talented, can start up a mini-SIA anytime soon, so if Singapore wants a viable national carrier, SIA has to be rescued.

By contrast, SPH is not indispensable. There is no good reason why private sector incumbents should receive preferential access to the state’s largesse, whether through Temasek funds or the government budget.

The talent exists right now outside the SPH stable to create news services that can surpass The Straits Times in quality within a year. The competition will also do the existing players a world of good, forcing them to raise their game and make better use of their many able journalists.

These proposed changes will not be easy for the PAP. In the course of a century, press laws ostensibly intended to protect national security and public order in exceptional circumstances have evolved into a routine system of public opinion management.

In the government’s mind, making Singaporeans see it as it wishes to be seen is a legitimate use of its powers. This desire, although not explicitly written into earlier media laws, has been reified in the 2019 Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act, which declares that protecting “public confidence” in the work of any government agency is, by definition, a matter of public interest.

Thus, the PAP has grown comfortable with a habitat where the media mostly amplifies and only occasionally questions the government’s voice. Many of the current leaders may simply not know any other way to operate.

But outstanding PAP leaders with an eye on the future must try, not just for the media’s sake, but also their own. Buffering public officials from the inconvenient probing of a professional press corps was meant to help Singapore get the most out of brilliant policy-makers.

But, as that Straits Times reader warned a century ago, it is more likely that stifling the media will “protect weaklings from the results of their own misgovernment and ineptitude”. A new leadership must rise to the challenge and remake a media model that is technologically and socially obsolete.

This article was originally published on

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Lim Tean criticizes Govt’s rejection of basic income report, urges Singaporeans to rethink election choices

Lim Tean, leader of Peoples Voice (PV), criticizes the government’s defensive response to the basic living income report, accusing it of avoiding reality.

He calls on citizens to assess affordability and choose MPs who can truly enhance their lives in the upcoming election.



SINGAPORE: A recently published report, “Minimum Income Standard 2023: Household Budgets in a Time of Rising Costs,” unveils figures detailing the necessary income households require to maintain a basic standard of living, using the Minimum Income Standard (MIS) method.

The newly released study, spearheaded by Dr Ng Kok Hoe of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP) specifically focuses on working-age households in 2021 and presents the latest MIS budgets, adjusted for inflation from 2020 to 2022.

The report detailed that:

  • The “reasonable starting point” for a living wage in Singapore was S$2,906 a month.
  • A single parent with a child aged two to six required S$3,218 per month.
  • Partnered parents with two children, one aged between seven and 12 and the other between 13 and 18, required S$6,426 a month.
  • A single elderly individual required S$1,421 a month.
  • Budgets for both single and partnered parent households averaged around S$1,600 per member. Given recent price inflation, these figures have risen by up to 5% in the current report.

Singapore Govt challenges MIS 2023 report’s representation of basic needs

Regrettably, on Thursday (14 Sept), the Finance Ministry (MOF), Manpower Ministry (MOM), and Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) jointly issued a statement dismissing the idea suggested by the report, claiming that minimum household income requirements amid inflation “might not accurately reflect basic needs”.

Instead, they claimed that findings should be seen as “what individuals would like to have.”, and further defended their stances for the Progressive Wage Model (PWM) and other measures to uplift lower-wage workers.

The government argued that “a universal wage floor is not necessarily the best way” to ensure decent wages for lower-wage workers.

The government’s statement also questions the methodology of the Minimum Income Standards (MIS) report, highlighting limitations such as its reliance on respondent profiles and group dynamics.

“The MIS approach used is highly dependent on respondent profiles and on group dynamics. As the focus groups included higher-income participants, the conclusions may not be an accurate reflection of basic needs.”

The joint statement claimed that the MIS approach included discretionary expenditure items such as jewellery, perfumes, and overseas holidays.

Lim Tean slams Government’s response to basic living income report

In response to the government’s defensive reaction to the recent basic living income report, Lim Tean, leader of the alternative party Peoples Voice (PV), strongly criticizes the government’s apparent reluctance to confront reality, stating, “It has its head buried in the sand”.

He strongly questioned the government’s endorsement of the Progressive Wage Model (PWM) as a means to uplift the living standards of the less fortunate in Singapore, describing it as a misguided approach.

In a Facebook video on Friday (15 Sept), Lim Tean highlighted that it has become a global norm, especially in advanced and first-world countries, to establish a minimum wage, commonly referred to as a living wage.

“Everyone is entitled to a living wage, to have a decent life, It is no use boasting that you are one of the richest countries in the world that you have massive reserves, if your citizens cannot have a decent life with a decent living wage.”

Lim Tean cited his colleague, Leong Sze Hian’s calculations, which revealed a staggering 765,800 individuals in Singapore, including Permanent Residents and citizens, may not earn the recommended living wage of $2,906, as advised by the MIS report.

“If you take away the migrant workers or the foreign workers, and take away those who do not work, underage, are children you know are unemployed, and the figure is staggering, isn’t it?”

“You know you are looking at a very substantial percentage of the workforce that do not have sufficient income to meet basic needs, according to this report.”

He reiterated that the opposition parties, including the People’s Voice and the People’s Alliance, have always called for a minimum wage, a living wage which the government refuses to countenance.

Scepticism about the government’s ability to control rising costs

In a time of persistently high inflation, Lim Tean expressed skepticism about the government’s ability to control rising costs.

He cautioned against believing in predictions of imminent inflation reduction and lower interest rates below 2%, labeling them as unrealistic.

Lim Tean urged Singaporeans to assess their own affordability in these challenging times, especially with the impending GST increase.

He warned that a 1% rise in GST could lead to substantial hikes in everyday expenses, particularly food prices.

Lim Tean expressed concern that the PAP had become detached from the financial struggles of everyday Singaporeans, citing their high salaries and perceived insensitivity to the common citizen’s plight.

Lim Tean urges Singaporeans to rethink election choices

Highlighting the importance of the upcoming election, Lim Tean recommended that citizens seriously evaluate the affordability of their lives.

“If you ask yourself about affordability, you will realise that you have no choice, In the coming election, but to vote in a massive number of opposition Members of Parliament, So that they can make a difference.”

Lim Tean emphasized the need to move beyond the traditional notion of providing checks and balances and encouraged voters to consider who could genuinely improve their lives.

“To me, the choice is very simple. It is whether you decide to continue with a life, that is going to become more and more expensive: More expensive housing, higher cost of living, jobs not secure because of the massive influx of foreign workers,” he declared.

“Or you choose members of Parliament who have your interests at heart and who want to make your lives better.”

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Political observers call for review of Singapore’s criteria of Presidential candidates and propose 5 year waiting period for political leaders

Singaporean political observers express concern over the significantly higher eligibility criteria for private-sector presidential candidates compared to public-sector candidates, calling for adjustments.

Some also suggest a five year waiting period for aspiring political leaders after leaving their party before allowed to partake in the presidential election.

Notably, The Workers’ Party has earlier reiterated its position that the current qualification criteria favor PAP candidates and has called for a return to a ceremonial presidency instead of an elected one.



While the 2023 Presidential Election in Singapore concluded on Friday (1 September), discussions concerning the fairness and equity of the electoral system persist.

Several political observers contend that the eligibility criteria for private-sector individuals running for president are disproportionately high compared to those from the public sector, and they propose that adjustments be made.

They also recommend a five-year waiting period for aspiring political leaders after leaving their party before being allowed to participate in the presidential election.

Aspiring entrepreneur George Goh Ching Wah, announced his intention to in PE 2023 in June. However, His application as a candidate was unsuccessful, he failed to receive the Certificate of Eligibility (COE) on 18 August.

Mr Goh had expressed his disappointment in a statement after the ELD’s announcement, he said, the Presidential Elections Committee (PEC) took a very narrow interpretation of the requirements without explaining the rationale behind its decision.

As per Singapore’s Constitution, individuals running for the presidency from the private sector must have a minimum of three years’ experience as a CEO in a company.

This company should have consistently maintained an average shareholders’ equity of at least S$500 million and sustained profitability.

Mr Goh had pursued eligibility through the private sector’s “deliberative track,” specifically referring to section 19(4)(b)(2) of the Singapore Constitution.

He pointed out five companies he had led for over three years, collectively claiming a shareholders’ equity of S$1.521 billion.

Notably, prior to the 2016 revisions, the PEC might have had the authority to assess Mr Goh’s application similarly to how it did for Mr Tan Jee Say in the 2011 Presidential Election.

Yet, in its current formulation, the PEC is bound by the definitions laid out in the constitution.

Calls for equitable standards across public and private sectors

According to Singapore’s Chinese media outlet, Shin Min Daily News, Dr Felix Tan Thiam Kim, a political analyst at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore, noted that in 2016, the eligibility criteria for private sector candidates were raised from requiring them to be executives of companies with a minimum capital of S$100 million to CEOs of companies with at least S$500 million in shareholder equity.

However, the eligibility criteria for public sector candidates remained unchanged. He suggests that there is room for adjusting the eligibility criteria for public sector candidates.

Associate Professor Bilver Singh, Deputy Head of the Department of Political Science at the National University of Singapore, believes that the constitutional requirements for private-sector individuals interested in running are excessively stringent.

He remarked, “I believe it is necessary to reassess the relevant regulations.”

He points out that the current regulations are more favourable for former public officials seeking office and that the private sector faces notably greater challenges.

“While it may be legally sound, it may not necessarily be equitable,” he added.

Proposed five-year waiting period for political leaders eyeing presidential race

Moreover, despite candidates severing ties with their political parties in pursuit of office, shedding their political affiliations within a short timeframe remains a challenging endeavour.

A notable instance is Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam, who resigned from the People’s Action Party (PAP) just slightly over a month before announcing his presidential candidacy, sparking considerable debate.

During a live broadcast, his fellow contender, Ng Kok Song, who formerly served as the Chief Investment Officer of GIC, openly questioned Mr Tharman’s rapid transition to a presidential bid shortly after leaving his party and government.

Dr Felix Tan suggests that in the future, political leaders aspiring to run for the presidency should not only resign from their parties but also adhere to a mandatory waiting period of at least five years before entering the race.

Cherian George and Kevin Y.L. Tan: “illogical ” to raise the corporate threshold in 2016

Indeed, the apprehension regarding the stringent eligibility criteria and concerns about fairness in presidential candidacy requirements are not limited to political analysts interviewed by Singapore’s mainstream media.

Prior to PE2023, CCherian George, a Professor of media studies at Hong Kong Baptist University, and Kevin Y.L. Tan, an Adjunct Professor at both the Faculty of Law of the National University of Singapore and the NTU’s S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), brought attention to the challenges posed by the qualification criteria for candidates vying for the Singaporean Presidency.

In their article titled “Why Singapore’s Next Elected President Should be One of its Last,” the scholars discussed the relevance of the current presidential election system in Singapore and floated the idea of returning to an appointed President, emphasizing the symbolic and unifying role of the office.

They highlighted that businessman George Goh appeared to be pursuing the “deliberative track” for qualification, which requires candidates to satisfy the PEC that their experience and abilities are comparable to those of a typical company’s chief executive with shareholder equity of at least S$500 million.

Mr Goh cobbles together a suite of companies under his management to meet the S$500m threshold.

The article also underscored the disparities between the eligibility criteria for candidates from the public and private sectors, serving as proxies for evaluating a candidate’s experience in handling complex financial matters.

“It is hard to see what financial experience the Chairman of the Public Service Commission or for that matter, the Chief Justice has, when compared to a Minister or a corporate chief.”

“The raising of the corporate threshold in 2016 is thus illogical and serves little purpose other than to simply reduce the number of potentially eligible candidates.”

The article also touches upon the issue of candidates’ independence from political parties, particularly the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP).

It mentions that candidates are expected to be non-partisan and independent, and it questions how government-backed candidates can demonstrate their independence given their previous affiliations.

The Workers’ Party advocate for a return to a ceremonial presidency

It comes as no surprise that Singapore’s alternative party, the Workers’ Party, reaffirmed its stance on 30 August, asserting that they believe the existing qualifying criteria for presidential candidates are skewed in favour of those approved by the People’s Action Party (PAP).

They argue that the current format of the elected presidency (EP) undermines the principles of parliamentary democracy.

“It also serves as an unnecessary source of gridlock – one that could potentially cripple a non-PAP government within its first term – and is an alternative power centre that could lead to political impasses.”

Consistently, the Workers’ Party has been vocal about its objection to the elected presidency and has consistently called for its abolition.

Instead, they advocate for a return to a ceremonial presidency, a position they have maintained for over three decades.

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