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Rapper Subhas Nair calls Mediacorp ‘racist’ after CNA rejected his request to get publishing rights for a song



Rapper Subhas Nair called out Mediacorp for being “racist” in a Twitter thread on Sunday (15 Aug), where he revealed that Channel NewsAsia (CNA) had rejected his request to acquire publishing rights to the song ‘UTOPIA‘ which he produced in collaboration with Migrants Band Singapore.

In his Twitter thread, Mr Subhas slammed the “department heads” at Mediacorp for being “puppets of the state” who do not care about migrant workers in Singapore but only “control the narrative and masquerade their poverty porn as journalism”.

He also included screenshots of an email to his lawyers, where he explained his agreement with CNA on the ownership of the song.

According to Mr Subhas, it all started when Mediacorp-owned CNA solicited him to write a song as one part of the ROAR documentary in April 2019, in which they signed a “music services” contract as part of the engagement.

The ROAR documentary, which covered Singaporean musicians making new music for National Day, featured Mr Subhas and three other local artists: Benjamin Kheng, Aisyah Aziz, and Wang Weiliang.

“My understanding was that under this contract CNA owns the completed song and any reproduction rights, but that I maintained the rights to perform the song, and that intellectual property rights for the song are shared 50%-50%.

“After signing the contract, I wrote and worked through multiple revisions of the song with the CNA producers, before they finally approved and released UTOPIA on all streaming platforms in early July,” he said.

Mr Subhas collaborated with members of Migrant Bands Singapore, a musical group formed by mainly South Asian workers in the country, for a song called ‘UTOPIA‘ which is primarily about the struggles that migrant workers are forced to endure in Singapore.

He recounted when they were going through the lyrics of ‘UTOPIA‘, one of the heads of department at CNA asked the meaning of the word “millies” on the track.

“So I said, ‘millions’. And he said ‘Orh so that’s like n**** talk la’. At the table there was another head of department and the producer of the show. No one said anything.

“I was seething but didn’t say anything in the moment either. They were already trying their best to censor our work and it was too risky in that moment to call him out and potentially lose everything that myself, the crew, and the migrants band had worked on,” said the rapper.

However, it was reported in July 2019 that Mr Subhas has been removed from the documentary over his involvement in an offensive video titled ‘K. Muthusamy’, which he released with YouTube personality Preeti Nair in response to a controversial advertisement by

CNA said that the rapper was removed as it “strongly objects to all such offensive content which threatens racial harmony and will not associate with individuals who intentionally create such content”.

Mr Subhas in his email claimed that the erasure came a week before the documentary was about to go live, with CNA not giving any notice.

He noted that ‘UTOPIA‘ had been live on all streaming platforms for nearly a month before the release of ‘K. Muthusamy’ video and the ensuing political theatrics.

“After the decision to pull my parts of the documentary was made, I made sure not to mention CNA or the song on any public platform with the intention to begin good faith negotiations with them in due course,” he added.

Determined to release the song, Mr Subhas attempted to obtain publishing rights for ‘UTOPIA‘ and reached out to one of the show producers.

He noted that they had a brief meeting on 5 September 2019 and proceeded to have a “more formal meeting” with the producer’s supervisor, Mark Pestana, and VP of English Current Affairs Tan Lek Hwa on 18 September 2019.

Mr Subhas claimed that he was told during the meeting that CNA will be willing to give him full rights to the song at no charge, on the condition that he would revise three specific lyrics of ‘UTOPIA‘.

“These requested changes were completely new, regarding specific phrases about ‘brown men’ and ‘the police’ that were in the already published version of UTOPIA that CNA previously had no issue with.

“I agreed to consider the changes and told them I looked forward to following up about this. They mentioned that they would need the green light from their CEO/Head, and they would get back to me. They never did,” he said.

After close to a month of no progress, Mr Subhas decided to ask Ms Tan about it, to which she answered that the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) had taken issue with certain lyrics of ‘UTOPIA‘.

“In her reply, she avoided any mention of the informal agreement, and wrote that the MHA had taken issue with certain lyrics and thus CNA was ‘not able to accede to (my) request’ to acquire the full rights to the song,” he remarked.

Nevertheless, Mr Subhas said that he has re-recorded the song and included ‘UTOPIA‘ on his latest album ‘Tabula Rasa’ which was released on 11 March this year.

In a Facebook post on 7 March, Mr Subhas shared that the album will be a two-part Telegram release and will not be available on streaming platforms.

“This album is created independently — without record labels, state funding, or censorship. Tabula Rasa,” he added.

Background of ‘K.Muthusamy’ rap video

In case you’ve not been following this saga, Mr Subhas and Preeti Nair published this video in response to an advertisement by that featured Mediacorp actor and DJ Dennis Chew impersonating different races.

In the advertisement, one can see Chew dressed up as different races in Singapore such as a Malay woman in a headscarf as well as an Indian man with darkened skin. He also portrayed the role of a Chinese woman in a pink jacket and a Chinese man with a moustache in the advertisement.

As expected, the ad did not go down too well with the public, with many criticising the need to use one person to play different roles instead of hiring people of the actual races to play the characters.

The sibling duo was also not happy with the ad, resulting in them releasing a video that slammed the ad.

The video titled ‘K. Muthusamy‘ contains offensive content. In the video, the siblings can be seen repeatedly uttering “Chinese people always out here f***king it up”, while condemning Chinese Singaporeans who they claim are racist and exploiting minorities for money.

However, the rap video received massive backlash from the authorities with the police conducting an investigation into the matter as they will “not tolerate any offensive content that causes ill will between races”.

Law and Home Affairs Minister K. Shamugam even said that it “crosses the line” and is not acceptable.

“This rap video insults Chinese Singaporeans, uses four-letter words on Chinese Singaporeans, vulgar gestures, pointing of middle finger, to make minorities angry with Chinese Singaporeans,” said the Minister.

“When you use four-letter words, vulgar language, attack another race, put it out in public, we have to draw the line and say not acceptable.”

Mr Subhas and Ms Preeti subsequently took down the video from Facebook and other social media channels.

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TJC issued 3rd POFMA order under Minister K Shanmugam for alleged falsehoods

The Transformative Justice Collective (TJC) was issued its third POFMA correction order on 5 October 2024 under the direction of Minister K Shanmugam for alleged falsehoods about death penalty processes. TJC has rejected the government’s claims, describing POFMA as a tool to suppress dissent.



The Transformative Justice Collective (TJC), an advocacy group opposed to the death penalty, was issued its third Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA) correction direction on 5 October 2024.

The correction was ordered by Minister for Home Affairs and Law, K Shanmugam, following TJC’s publication of what the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) alleges to be false information regarding Singapore’s death row procedures and the prosecution of drug trafficking cases.

These statements were made on TJC’s website and across its social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and X (formerly Twitter).

In addition to TJC, civil activist Kokila Annamalai was also issued a correction direction by the minister over posts she made on Facebook and X between 4 and 5 October 2024.

According to MHA, these posts echoed similar views on the death penalty and the legal procedures for drug-related offences, and contained statements that the ministry claims are false concerning the treatment of death row prisoners and the state’s legal responsibilities in drug trafficking cases.

MHA stated that the posts suggested the government schedules and stays executions arbitrarily, without due regard to legal processes, and that the state does not bear the burden of proving drug trafficking charges.

However, these alleged falsehoods are contested by MHA, which maintains that the government strictly follows legal procedures, scheduling executions only after all legal avenues have been exhausted, and that the state always carries the burden of proof in such cases.

In its official release, MHA emphasised, “The prosecution always bears the legal burden of proving its case beyond a reasonable doubt, and this applies to all criminal offences, including drug trafficking.”

It also pointed to an article on the government fact-checking site Factually to provide further clarification on the issues raised.

As a result of these allegations, both TJC and Annamalai are now required to post correction notices. TJC must display these corrections on its website and social media platforms, while Annamalai is required to carry similar notices on her Facebook and X posts.

TikTok has also been issued a targeted correction direction, requiring the platform to communicate the correction to all Singapore-based users who viewed the related TJC post.

In a statement following the issuance of the correction direction, TJC strongly rejected the government’s claims. The group criticised the POFMA law, calling it a “political weapon used to crush dissent,” and argued that the order was more about the exercise of state power than the pursuit of truth. “We have put up the Correction Directions not because we accept any of what the government asserts, but because of the grossly unjust terms of the POFMA law,” TJC stated.

TJC further argued that the government’s control over Singapore’s media landscape enables it to push pro-death penalty views without opposition. The group also stated that it would not engage in prolonged legal battles over the POFMA correction orders, opting to focus on its abolitionist work instead.

This marks the third time TJC has been subject to a POFMA correction direction in recent months.

The group was previously issued two orders in August 2024 for making similar statements concerning death row prisoners.

In its latest statement, MHA noted that despite being corrected previously, TJC had repeated what the ministry views as falsehoods.

MHA also criticised TJC for presenting the perspective of a convicted drug trafficker without acknowledging the harm caused to victims of drug abuse.

Annamalai, a prominent civil rights activist, is also known for her involvement in various social justice campaigns. She was charged in June 2024 for her participation in a pro-Palestinian procession near the Istana. Her posts, now subject to correction, contained information similar to those presented by TJC regarding death penalty procedures and drug-related cases.

POFMA, which was introduced in 2019, allows the government to issue correction directions when it deems falsehoods are being spread online.

Critics of the law argue that it can be used to suppress dissent, while the government asserts that it is a necessary tool for combating misinformation. The law has been frequently invoked against opposition politicians and activists.

As of October 2024, Minister K Shanmugam has issued 17 POFMA directions, more than any other minister. Shanmugam, who was instrumental in introducing POFMA, is followed by National Development Minister Desmond Lee, who has issued 10 POFMA directions.

Major media outlets, including The Straits Times, Channel News Asia, and Mothership, have covered the POFMA directions. However, as of the time of writing, none have included TJC’s response rejecting the government’s allegations.

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Hotel Properties Limited suspends trading ahead of Ong Beng Seng’s court hearing

Hotel Properties Limited (HPL), co-founded by Mr Ong Beng Seng, has halted trading ahead of his court appearance today (4 October). The announcement was made by HPL’s company secretary at about 7.45am, citing a pending release of an announcement. Mr Ong faces one charge of abetting a public servant in obtaining gifts and another charge of obstruction of justice. He is due in court at 2.30pm.



SINGAPORE: Hotel Properties Limited (HPL), the property and hotel developer co-founded by Mr Ong Beng Seng, has requested a trading halt ahead of the Singapore tycoon’s scheduled court appearance today (4 October) afternoon.

This announcement was made by HPL’s company secretary at approximately 7.45am, stating that the halt was due to a pending release of an announcement.

Mr Ong, who serves as HPL’s managing director and controlling shareholder, faces one charge under Section 165, accused of abetting a public servant in obtaining gifts, as well as one charge of obstruction of justice.

He is set to appear in court at 2.30pm on 4 October.

Ong’s charges stem from his involvement in a high-profile corruption case linked to former Singaporean transport minister S Iswaran.

The 80-year-old businessman was named in Iswaran’s initial graft charges earlier this year.

These charges alleged that Iswaran had corruptly received valuable gifts from Ong, including tickets to the 2022 Singapore Formula 1 Grand Prix, flights, and a hotel stay in Doha.

These gifts were allegedly provided to advance Ong’s business interests, particularly in securing contracts with the Singapore Tourism Board for the Singapore GP and the ABBA Voyage virtual concert.

Although Iswaran no longer faces the original corruption charges, the prosecution amended them to lesser charges under Section 165.

Iswaran pleaded guilty on 24 September, 2024, to four counts under this section, which covered over S$400,000 worth of gifts, including flight tickets, sports event access, and luxury items like whisky and wines.

Additionally, he faced one count of obstructing justice for repaying Ong for a Doha-Singapore flight shortly before the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) became involved.

On 3 October, Iswaran was sentenced to one year in jail by presiding judge Justice Vincent Hoong.

The prosecution had sought a sentence of six to seven months for all charges, while the defence had asked for a significantly reduced sentence of no more than eight weeks.

Ong, a Malaysian national based in Singapore, was arrested by CPIB in July 2023 and released on bail shortly thereafter. Although no charges were initially filed against him, Ong’s involvement in the case intensified following Iswaran’s guilty plea.

The Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) had earlier indicated that it would soon make a decision regarding Ong’s legal standing, which has now led to the current charges.

According to the statement of facts read during Iswaran’s conviction, Ong’s case came to light as part of a broader investigation into his associates, which revealed Iswaran’s use of Ong’s private jet for a flight from Singapore to Doha in December 2022.

CPIB investigators uncovered the flight manifest and seized the document.

Upon learning that the flight records had been obtained, Ong contacted Iswaran, advising him to arrange for Singapore GP to bill him for the flight.

Iswaran subsequently paid Singapore GP S$5,700 for the Doha-Singapore business class flight in May 2023, forming the basis of his obstruction of justice charge.

Mr Ong is recognised as the figure who brought Formula One to Singapore in 2008, marking the first night race in the sport’s history.

He holds the rights to the Singapore Grand Prix. Iswaran was the chairman of the F1 steering committee and acted as the chief negotiator with Singapore GP on business matters concerning the race.


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