Anwar Ibrahim reiterates that he will give up his Prime Minister salary

Anwar Ibrahim reiterates that he will give up his Prime Minister salary

KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA — Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysia’s newly appointed Prime Minister, reiterated that he would not take his PM’s salary, in solidarity with the people who are struggling with the rising cost of living.

He stressed that the new government’s first step should restore the confidence of the people, “so that they don’t see ministers and leaders regardless of political party and religion who think about salaries, contracts and shares.”

“So I choose to not take my prime minister salary,” he replied to a reporter’s question at his first press conference, after being sworn-in as Malaysia’s PM.

He says he will focus on the economy, tackle Malaysia’s rising cost of living and combat corruption.

Anwar also intends to downsize his Cabinet and lower the salaries of ministers.

Many ASEAN countries’ leader, including Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong have relayed their congratulation to Mr Anwar.

“My warmest congratulations on your victory at the 15th General Election and on being sworn in as Malaysia’s 10th Prime Minister,” said PM Lee.

On 24 November, 75-year-old veteran politician Anwar has been successfully sworn in as 10th prime minister in front of the Malaysia King at Istana Negara, marking the end of his two-decade-long “Reformasi” political struggle.

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