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Josephine Teo: Decision to release report on SMT’s misrepresented circulation figures rests with its executive team and board



SINGAPORE — Minister for Communications and Information, Mrs Josephine Teo, has stated that the decision on whether to release the full investigation report on SPH Media Trust (SMT)’s misrepresentation of circulation figures to the public resides with the company’s executive team and board because the data was not used to decide if and how much to fund the media organisation.

In a parliamentary question on 22 February, Mr Gerald Giam Yean Song, Workers’ Party Member of Parliament for Aljunied GRC, asked the Mrs Teo, whether the Ministry would be requesting the committee to share its full investigation report with the public and when the report is expected to be completed and released.

In response, Mrs Teo clarified that the events in question took place before SMT was formed and before the government provided funding to SMT.

She also explained that SMT’s internal review of circulation data from September 2020 to March 2022 had no impact on public funds as the data was not used to decide if and how much to fund.

Mrs Teo said that with no direct impact to public funding, the decision on whether to share the full investigation report with the public resides with SMT, which has its own executive team and board.

Mrs Teo reiterated that the Ministry expects SMT to act responsibly and maintain the public’s trust in their newsrooms and journalists.

This parliamentary exchange follows a scandal that was exposed by Wake Up Singapore on 8 January, where SMT was found to have fired and imposed penalties on staff for the misrepresentation of circulation figures.

Following the expose by WUSG, Straits Times reported that some inconsistencies in the reporting of data were discovered during a review of internal processes in March 2022.

This resulted in a discrepancy of between 85,000 and 95,000 daily average copies across all titles, which represents 10 to 12 percent of the reported daily average circulation. The discrepancies included reporting of circulation data, lapsed contracts that continued to be counted into circulation data, copies that were printed, counted for circulation, and then destroyed, as well as the double-counting of subscriptions across multiple instances.

Speaking in Parliament on 6 February in response to questions filed by concerned MPs over the scandal, Mrs Teo reaffirmed the Singapore Government’s commitment to fund SMT for up to S$900 million over five years.

Mrs Teo emphasised the importance of local news outlets and the need to preserve them in the public interest amid severe disruption in the media industry.

In her defence of the media organisation, Mrs Teo stressed that local news outlets provide a voice to the Singapore identity and perspectives, and also provide information that people can trust to be accurate and objective.

SMT handed over internal review only on 9 January

While Mrs Teo painted a rosy picture of SMT of them being upfront with the review results, it would appear that SMT might not have shared the info with the Government.

This is supported by the revelation by Mrs Teo of SMT handing over details of its internal review on 9 January after WUSG broke the story on the scandal on 8 January.

This is somewhat supported by whistleblowers who shared that staff from selected departments at SPH Media were allegedly told to “let the matter rest” at a town hall meeting by the Chief Executive Officer of SMT.

According to the whistleblower, the town hall meeting was held some days after several executives were “taken to task or left the company after an internal review”, and was hosted by the CEO of SPH Media Trust, Ms Teo Lay Lim.

In it, she informed the members who attended of the actions taken by the company and asked them to “let the matter rest at that” — referring to the departure of the executives.

The CEO was said to be concerned about the matter coming to the attention of the Ministry of Communications and Information and being debated and questioned in the Singapore Parliament.

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LHY’s eulogy: Dr Lee Wei Ling, brilliant doctor and devoted daughter

In his eulogy, Lee Hsien Yang fondly remembered his sister, Dr Lee Wei Ling, as a brilliant doctor and devoted daughter who cared deeply for their parents, Lee Kuan Yew and Kwa Geok Choo. He described her as a lifelong fighter, determined to right wrongs and speak truth to power, seeing herself as a modern-day Don Quixote.



Eulogy by Lee Hsien Yang, younger brother of Dr Lee Wei Ling, for her funeral on 12 October 2024 

Wei Ling and I have always been completely different, but we have always been close. We grew up together, and in the nature of our family, were each other’s closest family. She was almost 3 years older; Loong was in turn about 3 years her senior, but was a loner. So Ling and I grew up playing with each other. Of course, when we were little, there were physical fights. One scar I still carry from a particularly vigorous encounter serves as a reminder.

Right from the outset, Ling was always a tomboy and a fighter, and until I outgrew her, I was disadvantaged in our skirmishes. She was tough and strong and, whilst we disagreed and continued to disagree on much, I loved and admired her dearly. She carried that spirit of a fighter throughout her life, seeking to right wrongs, with a preparedness to speak truth to power.

She was straight as an arrow, and would not mince her words. She had a reckless streak and could be impetuous. She saw herself as a modern day Don Quixote: an idealist, a hero, determined with dogged tenacity, stoic and ever-conscious of the need to withstand suffering.

Ling strove hard throughout her life to excel. She was outstanding academically – studious, driven, and intense. Perhaps her competitive fighting spirit came from a desire to be recognised and valued by our parents, even though she was second born and a girl. She loved animals and wanted to be a vet but was persuaded by our parents to pursue medicine instead.

Always wanting to earn their approval, she graduated at the top of her class in medical school in Singapore and won a slew of prizes. Today, when I look back, I wish our family had acknowledged and recognised at home her accomplishments. It would have meant the world to her.

Physical fitness was also something she excelled at and both my father and myself value physical fitness from her encouragement. She was a superb long distance runner. Because of her, my father gave up golf and took up jogging. While I am reasonably fit, and could easily pass my physical fitness tests with flying colours, Ling was always a better long distance runner.

Ling and I attended karate class together and she became a Karate black belt; she was not someone to be messed with! She exercised with fanatical devotion and her typical regime would involve hours of exercise on a cross trainer, a rowing machine and swimming. As she aged and became prone to injury, she resented having to scale back her exercise regime. Ling sought in running, and in life, to “fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run”

Ling was a brilliant doctor with strong clinical skills. Fern and I would consult her whenever any of our 3 sons was sick or had medical issues, and she was invariably spot on in her diagnosis, even in areas outside her speciality.

We valued and trusted her judgement and skills as a doctor. She in turn sought investment advice from me. Bedside manners were not her forte, and completely in character, she never sugar-coated her diagnosis to patients. But she was straightforward and would always be her patients’ best champion. I have heard myself countless stories of patients’ gratitude for this, and have learnt of a few more since her passing.

Surprisingly, Ling discovered she enjoyed penning her thoughts and views, and for many years had a very popular weekly newspaper column. She was deeply disappointed when it was terminated in 2016. Each week we would always hear at home her excited plans for her next article and her book compendium of articles made the bestsellers list to her huge delight.

Ling loved the outdoors and was a keen, if disorganised, hiker. She loved the sense of adventure, the freedom and the adrenaline rush that it gave her.

In early 2020 before Covid, on her request, I travelled to Machu Picchu with her. It was high on her bucket list, and was a long trip. Machu Picchu was built on a very remote and isolated steep outcrop and was challenging for her as her incipient illness had affected her sense of balance and mobility. Nonetheless, with a little help she managed to get around the citadel. She loved and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. I am so glad we made that trip together.

As often is the lot of an unmarried daughter, the caring of our parents as they aged fell on Ling. She nursed and cared for each of them through their illnesses and old age frailties, and for this I remain eternally grateful.

Ling lived her entire life at 38 Oxley Road. It was the only home she knew and she wanted to live out her days in her home.

It was for this reason that Papa gave her that right to live there. He knew it meant much to her. In the years following Mama’s first stroke in 2003, Ling cared for Mama and became Papa’s primary companion and confidant at home. Although, as two strong personalities they sometimes disagreed, they also became much closer.

Papa was always very open and public about his wishes. In that period from 2003 to his passing in 2015, Papa spoke with Ling extensively, including on his hopes and his concerns for the future. Everyone knows that Papa was always against any deification of himself and was against monuments or memorials; Ling knew how very strongly he felt.

In April 2016, she wrote, “Lee Kuan Yew would have cringed at the hero worship just one year after his death”

In 2017, she persuaded me to stand up with her for our father’s wishes. I am proud to have stood with her.

Ling was not one who was afraid to talk about or prepare for death. She provided that only myself and my middle son, Huan, should make decisions on her care. As they were both middle children, she had always seen in Huan a kindred spirit, and the two of them had holidayed together.

It has been my privilege, with Huan’s help, to deal with her affairs and organise her care arrangements during her illness. I am deeply grateful to her doctors Dr Philiip Yap of Khoo Teck Puat Hospital and Prof Tan Eng King of NNI. In addition, Wee Tin, Jackie, Nurse Michelle, Lina, Cheng Piau and many others, have all helped with the care for Ling. Thank you.

She wanted a very simple funeral and for her ashes to be scattered at sea.

I said my goodbyes to Ling in June 2022. I wish I could have been here today for this final farewell. Huanwu has been a stalwart in organising her care in my absence, and I am very grateful to Huanwu and Shaowu for being there for Ling at this time.

Ling directed me to convey the following statement on her passing:

“My father’s, LEE KUAN YEW, and my mother’s, KWA GEOK CHOO, unwavering and deeply felt wish was for their house at 38 Oxley Road, Singapore 238629 to be demolished upon the last parent’s death. LEE KUAN YEW had directed each of his 3 children to ensure that their parents’ wish for demolition be fulfilled. He had also appealed directly to the people of Singapore. Please honour my father by honouring his wish for his home to be demolished.”

Farewell Ling, You will always be my special big sister.

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LHY bids farewell to sister Dr Lee Wei Ling, reiterates LKY’s wish for 38 Oxley Rd demolition

In a heartfelt eulogy for his sister, Dr Lee Wei Ling, Mr Lee Hsien Yang shared fond memories of her impetuous and outspoken nature, as well as her care for their late parents. LHY also reiterated on behalf of Dr Lee on their parents’ wish to demolish 38 Oxley Road.



SINGAPORE: In a heartfelt eulogy shared on Facebook, Lee Hsien Yang (LHY) paid tribute to his sister, Dr Lee Wei Ling, who passed away on 9 October 2024 at the age of 69. Her funeral is being held today, 12 October.

He described Dr Lee as an extraordinary individual whose contributions to medicine and devotion to their family were immense. Lee Hsien Yang also expressed profound sorrow over the loss of his beloved sister.

He shared that Dr Lee had requested a simple funeral, with her ashes to be scattered at sea.

Reflecting on their final moments, he recalled bidding her farewell in June 2022, and expressed regret that he could not attend her final send-off.

He also thanked his sons, Li Huanwu and Li Shaowu, for managing Dr Lee’s care during his absence.

LHY conveyed a message from Dr Lee, in which she reaffirmed their parents’ wish for their home at 38 Oxley Road to be demolished after their deaths.

“My father’s, LEE KUAN YEW, and my mother’s, KWA GEOK CHOO, unwavering and deeply felt wish was for their house at 38 Oxley Road, Singapore 238629 to be demolished upon the last parent’s death. LEE KUAN YEW had directed each of his 3 children to ensure that their parents’ wish for demolition be fulfilled. He had also appealed directly to the people of Singapore. Please honour my father by honouring his wish for his home to be demolished.”

Dr Lee Wei Ling: Father did not want to be hero worshipped

LHY emphasised that Dr Lee fully understood and supported their father’s strong opposition to any form of deification.

As she had stated in a 2016 Facebook post, one year after his death, “Papa was always very open and public about his wishes. Between 2003 and his passing in 2015, Papa spoke to Ling extensively about his hopes and concerns for the future.”

“Everyone knows that Papa was firmly against any monuments or memorials to himself; Ling was well aware of how strongly he felt,” Lee Hsien Yang added.

He went on to share how Dr Lee had encouraged him to stand by her in advocating for their father’s wishes.

In his eulogy, LHY also reflected on their childhood, recalling how they grew up playing together. He described her as a fighter throughout her life, always ready to speak truth to power and challenge wrongs, comparing her to a modern-day Don Quixote.

He praised her academic brilliance, recalling how she graduated at the top of her medical school class, although she had initially aspired to be a veterinarian. Despite this, Dr Lee sought her parents’ approval and became highly accomplished in her medical career.

LHY highlighted that Dr Lee was a brilliant doctor with exceptional clinical skills, noting how he and his wife, Lee Suet Fern, would often consult her whenever any of their three sons faced medical issues.

“Bedside manners were not her strength, and in true character, she never sugar-coated her diagnoses. However, she was always forthright and the best advocate for her patients.”

“I have personally heard countless stories of patients’ gratitude for her care, and have learned of even more since her passing,” he added.

LHYalso spoke of her passion for writing, noting that she enjoyed expressing her thoughts and opinions in a popular weekly newspaper column.

“She was deeply disappointed when the column was discontinued in 2016. Each week, we would hear at home about her excited plans for her next article. Her book, a compendium of her articles, became a bestseller, much to her delight.”

Primary caregiver for their parents in their later years

LHY then reflected on her role as the primary caregiver for their parents in their old age, a responsibility that typically falls to an unmarried daughter in many families.

“Ling lived her entire life at 38 Oxley Road. It was the only home she knew and she wanted to live out her days in her home. It was for this reason that Papa gave her that right to live there. He knew it meant much to her. ”

“In the years following Mama’s first stroke in 2003, Ling cared for Mama and became Papa’s primary companion and confidant at home. Although, as two strong personalities they sometimes disagreed, they also became much closer.”

He then reflected on Dr Lee’s pragmatic approach to death, noting that she had specifically designated him and his middle son, Huanwu, to make decisions regarding her care.

“As they were both middle children, she had always seen in Huan a kindred spirit, and the two of them had holidayed together. It has been my privilege, with Huan’s help, to deal with her affairs and organise her care arrangements during her illness. ”

LHY further thanked the doctors and caregivers who helped Dr Lee.

“I am deeply grateful to her doctors Dr Philiip Yap of Khoo Teck Puat Hospital and Prof Tan Eng King of NNI. In addition, Wee Tin, Jackie, Nurse Michelle, Lina, Cheng Piau and many others, have all helped with the care for Ling. Thank you.”

Made a fugitive for standing up for father’s last wishes

In March last year, LHY posted on Facebook, “I am heartbroken that my own country has made me a fugitive for standing up for my father’s promise, Lee Kuan Yew.”

In response to media queries, LHY confirmed he would not be returning to Singapore for his sister’s wake or funeral. He mentioned that he is overseeing the arrangements remotely, with the support of his son, Li Huanwu, in line with Dr Lee’s wishes.

LHY and his family have been under various investigations by the Singapore government following the public family dispute in 2016.

His wife, Lee Suet Fern, was suspended for 15 months over alleged misconduct as a lawyer related to the handling of LKY’s last will.

His son, Li Shengwu (LSW), was fined for contempt of court over a private Facebook post and not returned to Singapore since the Attorney General’s Chambers commenced legal actions against him.

LSW posted earlier on X (formerly Twitter), expresses regret at being unable to attend her funeral.

Both LHY and his wife are currently being investigated over alleged perjury during the tribunal hearing of his wife’s case, which LHL claims to be baseless.

While the Singapore police have said that LHY and LSF are free to return to Singapore, there is a risk of them being arrested or having their passports impounded during the investigation, the duration of which cannot be determined if they choose to return.

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