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Redditors dispute Ministers’ defamation claims against Lee Hsien Yang: Hope for revelation of Ridout Road details in court proceedings

Reddit users dispute Singaporean Ministers’ interpretation of LHY’s comments as defamatory, arguing his remarks don’t explicitly suggest corruption.

Encouraging a court case, they seek transparency and detailed investigation into the allegations, thereby revealing the true implications of LHY’s statements and possibly uncovering more in the process.



SINGAPORE: On Thursday (28 Jul), Ministers K Shanmugam and Vivian Balakrishnan threaten legal action against Mr Lee Hsien Yang (LHY) over defamatory allegations unless an apology is issued and the statements are withdrawn.

Mr Shanmugam, the Minister of Law and Home Affairs, revealed that legal letters had been sent to LHY, who is the younger brother of Singapore’s Prime Minister, Lee Hsien Loong.

LHY is accused by the two ministers of asserting that they acted in self-interest and corruptly through the Singapore Land Authority (SLA).

He is also alleged to have claimed that the ministers received preferential treatment by having trees felled illegally and the state-funded renovations of 26 and 31 Ridout Road. Both ministers have vehemently denied these allegations, labelling them as false.

In his Facebook post, Mr Shanmugam wrote: “Lee Hsien Yang has accused us of acting corruptly and for personal gain by having Singapore Land Authority (SLA) give us preferential treatment by illegally felling trees without approval, and also having SLA pay for renovations to 26 and 31 Ridout Road. These allegations are false.”

Earlier this week, under the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA), Singapore’s fake news law, LHY was directed to issue a correction notice regarding his Facebook post that discussed the ‘Ridout Road Saga’.

However, after complying, LHY defended his initial allegations in a subsequent Facebook post, insisting that his original claims were not misleading.

In fact, In his original post, LHY criticized that his brother, PM Lee Hsien Loong, of squandering the trust they inherited from their late father, Lee Kuan Yew, recognized as the founder of modern Singapore.

LHY specifically mentioned two Temasek companies, Keppel and the former Sembcorp Marine, for committing serious corruption offenses.

He also mentioned a cabinet minister’s arrest on corruption charges, the inflation of circulation numbers by SPH Media Trust, and the resignation of the Speaker of Parliament due to an extramarital affair.

He concluded his post by asserting that his brother’s administration no longer deserves the trust of Singaporeans, thereby adding a critical note to the ongoing public debate.

Redditors suggest that LHY did not explicitly mention that both ministers had “acted corruptly”

Meanwhile, on the online Reddit forum, netizens actively discuss the legal action Singapore officials took against Lee Hsien Yang.

In a Reddit thread, some users pointed out that based on their understanding of LHY’s statement, they did not explicitly mention that K Shanmugam and Dr Balakrishnan had “acted corruptly.”

A Redditor pointed out that after he read LHY’s original post, and didn’t see any mention of corruption except for Keppel and SembCorp Marine. Many fellow Redditors upvoted the comment.

Merely complying with the law as Minister is not enough, and they ‘have to make a show of staying far away from the red lines’

Another Redditor responded, noting that LHY merely implied the possibility of such actions, emphasizing the importance of politicians avoiding even the perception of conflict of interest.

The Redditor highlighted that merely complying with the law is insufficient for ministers; they must visibly distance themselves from any ethical boundaries.

In agreement with the same perspective, another Redditor emphasized that LHY’s post seemed to imply the presence of a “conflict of interest” rather than outright “corruption”, as it is possible to have a conflict of interest without being involved in corrupt practices.

Some Redditors encourage LHY to take the matter to court

Meanwhile, some Redditors are urging LHY to take the matter to court as it could potentially lead to a deeper investigation and the revelation of further details during the trial.

One comment pointed out that involving the judiciary, which is known for its independence compared to the parliament, might ironically expose the authorities and potentially backfire on them.

Redditors hope for revelation of Ridout Road details in court proceedings

Another comment predicts that if the case proceeds to court, it would finally involve an independent arbiter to determine whether any wrongdoing was indeed involved with Ridout Road, as there is a defence of fair comment against defamation claims.

A Redditor responded, expressing the belief that LHY or his lawyers would have the opportunity to request SLA to produce relevant documents as part of the discovery process during the lawsuit.

Redditor called out the Minister for resorting to legal action after POFMA failed

Meanwhile, a comment criticized the Minister for threatening legal action after the POFMA direction failed.

The comment pointed out that since POFMA did not yield the desired results, threatening to sue appears like a reactive move. Instead, it suggested that the Minister should focus on humbling up and concentrating on constructive efforts to repair their public image.

Meanwhile, a Redditor raised a question about the selective legal action taken by the officials.

He pointed out that government officials rarely sue other Western media outlets over different matters, implying a potential personal motive behind the current legal threat.

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Elderly men eating leftovers at People’s Park Food Centre spark concerns over rising living costs

A recent report revealed that elderly men have been seen eating leftovers at People’s Park Food Centre, raising concerns about their potential struggles amid rising living costs in Singapore. Online community are urging relevant agencies to reach out and understand their situations.



Singapore: A group of elderly men has reportedly been eating leftovers at in People’s Park Food Centre, as reported by Shin Min Daily News on Wednesday (18 September).

According to tips from readers, these elderly men have been spotted scavenging for food at the bustling food centre in Chinatown.

Witnesses noted that they not only take unfinished meals from tables but also search the dish return area for additional leftovers.

Several hawkers reported seeing multiple elderly individuals, including one specific man, frequently visiting the food centre to collect leftovers, although they were unaware of their identities and living situations.

A Chinese food hawker, who has worked there for over ten years, noted that at least three or four scavengers come daily, usually around 8 or 9 PM, and sometimes kind customers buy food for them.

Another stall assistant, Ms Ma, observed that diners often leave their tables, allowing the older man to sit down and eat the leftovers directly.

Cleaner Mr Quan mentioned that while he has seen the man taking food left by others, he has also witnessed him buying his own meals, suggesting he is not in dire financial need.

Additionally, Quan noted that these scavengers typically arrive around 10 AM and leave in the afternoon.

One Elderly Man Interviewed Attributes Leftover Eating Habit to Waste Prevention, Not Financial Struggles

Among the scavengers is Mr Wang, an 84-year-old resident of Bedok, who emphasised that he doesn’t want to waste food.

He told reporter, “I have a home and children, but it’s very lively here, so I come every day and go home in the evening.”

He acknowledged his habit of eating leftovers, stating, “It’s not because I lack money; I simply don’t want to waste food.”

He explained, “Some people order a lot and can’t finish it; sometimes a whole fish is left uneaten. ”

“When I see large plates of leftover food, I think it’s a waste, so I take it to eat, and it’s still warm,” he said, adding that other scavengers respect each other’s space and enjoy their own finds.

Not everyone supports the practice of scavenging for leftovers. Daniel Tay, a retired financial advisor and advocate for freeganism, expressed concerns about the potential dangers of consuming discarded food.

He pointed out that it’s often unclear how long the food has been left out or if it has been contaminated by animals or pests, which could lead to food poisoning.

“It’s extremely unhygienic. Diners might throw away food or toss used napkins into it, contaminating it further. If a diner gets sick, such as with the flu or COVID-19, they could pass the virus to someone eating the leftovers,” he warned.

Tay suggested a more proactive approach, encouraging people to ask diners if they can take home any uneaten food, which would help ensure the food is clean and raise awareness about food waste.

Netizens Urge Agencies to Address Challenges Faced by Elderly Amid Rising Living Costs

Comments on Shin Min’s Facebook page reveal that many netizens suspect the elderly men scavenging for food may be facing significant challenges and are urging relevant agencies to reach out to understand their situations.

Some are questioning whether the rising cost of living in Singapore is prompting individuals to resort to drastic measures to save money.

One netizen commented, “Every family has its own difficulties; who hasn’t faced storms and hardships? If you see an elderly person, please invite him to a meal. After all, we will all grow old one day. Whether it’s a blessing or a curse, only heaven and earth know. I believe that Singaporeans who see him will definitely invite him to a meal.”

Discussion on Singapore’s Hardwarezone forum also highlighted that many have witnessed similar situations, indicating that this issue is not new.

One netizen speculated that some elderly individuals might be facing mental health challenges. The user shared observation of an elderly woman in Little India who regularly collects cardboard and sells 4D lottery tickets. Despite receiving money from passersby, she continues her activities.

Another user recounted an experience of seeing an elderly woman eating directly from leftover plates and offered to buy her a plate of duck rice.

However, the hawker advised that it would be pointless, as the woman allegedly prefers eating leftovers to fresh food. The netizen expressed pity for her situation, noting that other customers had also tried to buy her a meal.

Not the First Time Elderly Individuals Spotted Scavenging for Leftovers at People’s Park Food Centre

This is not the first time elderly individuals have been spotted eating leftover food at People’s Park Food Centre.

In November 2022, 8World News reported that at least seven elderly people allegedly engage in such practice regularly at the hawker centre. These individuals typically search for unfinished food left on tables or at the tray return area.

At that time, in response to inquiries from 8World News, the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) stated that they were collaborating with grassroots volunteers and hawkers to identify these elderly individuals and provide assistance if needed.

MSF encourages the public to report any elderly individuals in need of help by calling 1800-222-0000 or connecting them with local social service agencies through the OneService App.

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Redditors question support for PAP over perceived arrogance and authoritarian attitude

Despite Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s warning that slimmer electoral margins would limit the government’s political space “to do the right things”, many Redditors questioned their support for the ruling PAP, criticising its perceived arrogance. They argued that SM Lee’s remarks show the party has ‘lost its ways’ and acts as if it alone can determine what is right. Others noted that the PAP’s supermajority allows for the passage of unfavourable policies without adequate scrutiny.



In a recent speech, Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong warned that “if electoral margins get slimmer, the government will have less political space to do the right things.”

Mr Lee, who served as Prime Minister for 20 years, highlighted the risks associated with increasingly competitive politics.

“It will become harder to disregard short-term considerations in decision-making. The political dynamics will become very different,” he stated during his speech at the Annual Public Service Leadership Ceremony 2024 on 17 September.

“Singaporeans must understand the dangers this creates, and so must the public service,” SM Lee stressed.

SM Lee pointed out that Singapore faces formidable internal and external challenges in the years ahead, with rising expectations and demands from citizens.

As growth becomes harder to achieve and politics becomes more fiercely contested, he warned, “Things can go wrong for Singapore too.”

He urged vigilance in preparing for an uncertain future, noting, “As the world changes, and as the generations change, we must do our best to renew our system – to ensure that it continues to work well for us, even as things change.”

Critique of PAP’s Arrogance and Disconnect from Singaporeans

The People’s Action Party (PAP) experienced a notable decline in its vote share during the 2020 General Election, securing 61.24% of the votes and winning 83 out of 93 seats, a drop from 69.9% in 2015.

A significant loss was in Sengkang GRC, where the PAP team, led by former Minister Ng Chee Meng, was defeated by the Workers’ Party (WP).

In discussions on Reddit, some users questioned why they should support the ruling PAP, criticising the party’s perceived arrogance.

They pointed out that SM Lee’s recent remarks illustrate that the party has strayed from effectively serving Singaporeans and seems to believe it has the sole authority to decide what is right.

Others highlighted that the PAP’s super-majority in Parliament enables the passage of unfavourable policies without sufficient scrutiny.

One comment acknowledged that while many older Singaporeans remain loyal to the PAP due to its past achievements, younger generations feel the party has failed to deliver similar results.

There is significant frustration that essentials like housing and the cost of living have become less affordable compared to previous generations.

The comment emphasised the importance of the 2011 election results, which they believe compelled the PAP to reassess its policies, especially concerning foreign labor and job security.

He suggested that to retain voter support, the PAP must continue to ensure a good material standard of living.

“Then, I ask you, vote PAP for what? They deserve to lose a supermajority. Or else why would they continue to deliver the same promises they delivered to our parents? What else would get a bunch of clueless bureaucrats to recognise their problems?”

Emphasising Government Accountability to the Public

Another Redditor argued that it is the government’s responsibility to be accountable to the people.

He further challenged SM Lee’s assertion about having less political space to do the right things, questioning his authority to define what is “right” for Singapore.

The comment criticised initiatives like the Founder’s Memorial and the NS Square, suggesting they may serve to boost the egos of a few rather than benefit the broader population. The Redditor also questioned the justification for GST hikes amid rising living costs.

“Policies should always be enacted to the benefit of the people, and it should always be the people who decide what is the best course of action for our country. No one should decide that other than us.”

The comment called for an end to narratives that present the PAP as the only party capable of rescuing Singapore from crises, stating that the country has moved past the existential challenges of its founding era and that innovative ideas can come from beyond a single political party.

Another comment echoed this sentiment, noting that by stating this, SM Lee seemingly expects Singaporeans to accept the PAP’s assumption that they—and by extension, the government and public service—will generally do the “right things.”

“What is conveniently overlooked is that the point of having elections is to have us examine for ourselves if we accept that very premise, and vote accordingly.”

A comment further argued that simply losing a supermajority does not equate to a lack of political space for the government to make the right decisions.

The Redditor express frustration with SM Lee’s rhetoric, suggesting that he is manipulating public perception to justify arbitrary changes to the constitution.

Concerns Over PAP’s Supermajority in Parliament

Another comment pointed out that the PAP’s supermajority in Parliament enables the passage of questionable and controversial policies, bypassing robust debate and discussion.

The comment highlighted the contentious constitutional amendments made in late 2016, which reserved the elected presidency for candidates from a specific racial group if no president from that group had served in the previous five terms.

A comment highlighted the contrast: in the past, the PAP enjoyed a wide electoral margin because citizens believed they governed effectively. Now, the PAP claims that without a substantial electoral margin, they cannot govern well.

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