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President Jokowi’s son, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, addresses support for Presidential Election 2024

Gibran Rakabuming Raka, the Mayor of Solo and son of Indonesian President Joko Widodo, reveals President Jokowi’s backing for a specific candidate in the 2024 Presidential Election, sparking intrigue and speculation.



INDONESIA: In a recent statement, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, the Mayor of Solo and son of Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), shed light on the direction of his father’s support for the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election.

Speaking to reporters after a meeting with Jokowi’s volunteers at Restoran Telaga Sampireun in Central Jakarta on Thursday (27 Jul), Gibran confirmed that President Jokowi has already directed his support towards a potential presidential candidate for 2024.

“Yes, he has,” said Gibran in response to a question about whether Jokowi had made up his mind on supporting a specific candidate.

However, Gibran refrained from divulging the name of the candidate who had received Jokowi’s backing, nor did he disclose the criteria used by his father in making this decision. “We’ll reveal the details later,” he added.

During the meeting with Jokowi’s volunteers, Gibran expressed that he has also made a decision regarding his own choice for the 2024 Presidential Election. However, he chose not to disclose his preference, stating, “If I have made up my mind, there’s no need to ask again.”

Ganjar Pranowo, Prabowo Subianto

The gathering at Restoran Telaga Sampireun saw warm reception from Jokowi’s volunteers, where Gibran arrived at 12:03 PM wearing a white t-shirt. When asked about the purpose of his visit, Gibran simply replied, “Just here to have lunch, nothing else to discuss.”

Gibran was seen sitting with several prominent figures, including Michael Umbas, the Chairman of Arus Bawah Jokowi (ABJ); Pertiwi Putri Kisnuwardhani, the Chairwoman of Pertiwi Putri; Paiman Raharjo, the Chairman of Sedulur Jokowi; Utje Gustaff Patty, the Chairman of Bara JP; Nizar, the Secretary-General of Solidaritas Ulama Muda Jokowi (Samawi); and Darmizal, the Chairman of Relawan Jokowi (ReJo).

The event commenced with the singing of the Indonesian national anthem, “Indonesia Raya.” Representatives from Jokowi Smart (Josmart), Sahabat Juang Jokowi (Sajojo), and Kornas Jokowi were also present.

During the meeting, Gibran urged all Jokowi’s volunteer organizations to remain patient and await guidance from his father regarding their stance and direction of support for the 2024 Presidential Election.

Gibran expressed his frustration at the ongoing speculations about his support for a particular presidential candidate, stating that he has been subjected to misleading interpretations of his stance.

He called on Jokowi’s volunteers not to be easily influenced by the framing done by various parties regarding the direction of support in the upcoming election.

In response to Gibran’s statements, the Chairman of the Central Executive Board of the National Awakening Party (PKB), Daniel Johan, expressed optimism that Jokowi’s support would go to Gerindra’s Chairman Prabowo Subianto.

However, he also acknowledged that it was uncertain whether Jokowi would publicly declare his backing for a specific candidate.

“But this is just entertaining speculation,” said Daniel to reporters on Friday (28 Jul).

On the other hand, the Secretary-General of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), Hasto Kristiyanto, firmly believed that Jokowi’s support would be for Ganjar Pranowo.

Likewise, the Chairman of the Central Executive Board of the United Development (PPP), Achmad Baidowi (Awiek), shared the sentiment, stating that Ganjar Pranowo’s candidacy aligned rationally and positively with Jokowi’s support.

He said Jokowi’s support for Ganjar arises naturally. “Because the most logical continuation of Jokowi’s legacy is Ganjar, both being from Central Java and PDIP members, the continuity is indeed natural, not merely due to a newfound acquaintance,” stated Awiek.

Conversely, the Deputy Chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN), Viva Yoga Mauladi, pointed out that Jokowi’s recent closeness to Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto and State-Owned Enterprises Minister (BUMN) Erick Thohir indicated a potential inclination towards supporting them.

Joko Widodo, the President of the Republic of Indonesia

According to Viva Yoga, Erick Thohir indeed has a chance to run as a potential vice-presidential candidate.

Moreover, based on the Indikator Politik’s survey, Erick Thohir’s electability as a potential vice-presidential candidate stands at 22.9 percent in a simulation of five names. This places him in the first position, surpassing West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil (20.1 percent) and Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menprekraf) Sandiaga Uno (17.5 percent).

“This is certainly a political advantage to increase the electoral support for the candidate pair if there will be one,” he said.

In response to speculations about Gibran and Jokowi’s unified support for a presidential candidate, PDIP presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo emphasized that they would ultimately stand together behind a single candidate. He added that he respected President Jokowi’s decision and that every citizen, including Jokowi, had the right to support any candidate they deemed fit.

“He definitely has one endorsement. It can’t be two, only one is chosen,” said Ganjar at Pos Bloc, Jakarta, on Saturday (29 Jul).

Ganjar emphasized that he would respect whoever President Jokowi and his family decide to support. “It’s President Jokowi’s decision, and we should respect whoever he endorses,” he stated. According to Ganjar, every citizen, including Jokowi, has the right to support any presidential candidate they choose. “It’s his political right,” Ganjar concluded.

As the 2024 Presidential Election draws nearer, the political landscape remains dynamic, with various candidates vying for Jokowi’s endorsement, adding intrigue and suspense to the upcoming electoral process.

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Naked Russian tourist causes stir in Bali, claims sleepwalking

A Russian tourist, claiming sleepwalking, alarmed residents by walking naked in Bali. He received a warning, with the Indonesian police emphasizing the need of respect for local norms.




INDONESIA: In an unusual incident that left residents of Darmawangsa Street in Banjar Petangan, Kutuh Village, South Kuta District, Badung Regency, Bali, perplexed, a Russian national, identified as DS (34), was seen strolling naked on Wednesday (27 Sep).

This bizarre incident has sparked concerns among locals and raised questions about the man’s actions.

South Kuta Police Chief I Nyoman Karang Adiputra, while interrogating the Russian man, DS (34), for walking naked on Darmawangsa Street, Banjar Petangan, Kutuh Village, South Kuta District, Badung Regency, Bali, on Wednesday (27 Sep). (Photo:

According to local authorities, DS, who is a professional parkour athlete in his home country, was apprehended shortly after the incident. He claimed to suffer from a sleepwalking disorder.

“DS admitted to having a history of sleepwalking and is currently taking prescribed medication,” stated I Ketut Sukadi, the Head of the Public Relations Section at the Denpasar City Police Resort (Polresta), in a written statement.

Sukadi further explained that, based on reports from witnesses, the foreign tourist was observed leaving a villa and walking towards Darmawangsa Street in the buff around 9.22 am local time.

Upon reaching a workshop, he stood motionless for approximately 30 minutes. Subsequently, the tourist was seen crossing the road multiple times.

Alarmed residents who witnessed the scene promptly alerted local law enforcement.

Officers from the Kuta Police Sector, along with Public Order Officers (Linmas) and the Municipal Police Unit (Satpol PP) of Kutuh Village, rushed to the scene. DS fled into a villa in South Kuta upon seeing the gathering crowd and officials approaching.

During questioning, DS revealed that he had been staying at a Guest House in Tabanan Regency, Bali, as a guest of a friend since Tuesday (26 Sep).

Following the incident, the police collaborated with immigration authorities to examine DS’s travel documents to Bali. It was confirmed that his immigration documents were in order, resulting in a mere warning for his actions.

“DS is a professional parkour athlete in his home country. At this time, he has only received a stern warning,” added Sukadi.

In light of this incident, Sukadi urged all tourists, both domestic and foreign, within the jurisdiction of Polresta Denpasar, to always respect and honor Bali’s culture, customs, and applicable regulations. He emphasized the importance of adhering to local norms and laws to avoid any violations.

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Indonesian woman returns paralyzed from Riyadh sparks human trafficking suspicions

Budi Hartini, a paralyzed Indonesian migrant worker returning from Riyadh, prompts a human trafficking investigation, raising concerns about migrant worker safety.




INDONESIA: In a shocking turn of events, a 39-year-old woman identified as Budi Hartini hailing from Teniga Village in the Tanjung District of North Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), has been left paralyzed after her return from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in September 2022.

Authorities suspect that she may have fallen victim to human trafficking.

Hartini’s condition is currently dire, as she is unable to speak and is confined to a wheelchair. Disturbingly, there are visible stitches on her head and scars on her throat.

Muhammad Saleh, the Chairperson of the Migrant Workers Legal Aid Center, revealed, “When she was brought back (picked up in Jakarta), she was already paralyzed, her head had already been fractured but had been stitched back together. Her body is now paralyzed; she can’t speak, can’t do anything, and no one seems to be taking responsibility.”

Budi Hartini has filed a report on her alleged human trafficking ordeal with the North Lombok Regional Police.

Accompanied by her family, the village head, the Legal Aid Center, and migrant worker protection advocates, she submitted her complaint to the Directorate of General Crime Investigation (Dit Reskrimum) at the NTB Regional Police headquarters.

According to Saleh, Hartini’s case goes beyond the usual human trafficking cases and involves potential violations of human rights.

“Because this case is not just a regular human trafficking case, but it involves human rights violations. The victim’s head was fractured, allegedly from a fall at the airport. But we do not yet know if this occurred at the airport,” he explained.

Saleh added that if the victim did fall at the airport, there should be an official statement from airport authorities or a local hospital.

“Because the airport is a highly accountable place. So, if someone falls, there should be a letter from the airport authorities, perhaps if she was still under the airline’s responsibility, there should also be a letter from the local police, a letter from the hospital, including the local government,” Saleh emphasized.

Novita Sari, a Migrant Worker Advocate, recounted that the incident began when Hartini registered as a domestic worker intending to go to the Middle East in May 2022, through an intermediary known as SY.

Shortly afterwards, Hartini was processed and sent to a shelter in Jakarta. After one week in Jakarta, she was then provided with a ticket to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

From the moment BD left for Riyadh, her family in Lombok received no further information.

“Based on the information we received, she had an accident at Riyadh Airport. According to what we heard, she had a head injury and underwent surgery,” Novita explained.

Throughout the surgical and medical treatment processes, the family received no communication whatsoever.

“During this process, there was no information given to the family, neither at the time of the incident nor during her treatment,” Novita stated.

Three months after Hartini’s alleged fall at Riyadh Airport, the family was informed that Hartini would be repatriated due to her illness.

“They only mentioned she was sick, without specifying the nature of her illness,” Novita added.

Upon Hartini’s return on 3 September 2022, the family was shocked and devastated. Budi Hartini, who had departed as a healthy migrant worker, returned in a pitiful condition.

Her hair had been shaved due to surgery, and there were visible stitches on her head from a surgical procedure. She also had scars on her throat, rendering her unable to speak, relying solely on gestures. Hartini’s condition remains far from stable.

Accompanied by her family, Hartini has reported the alleged human trafficking case to the NTB Regional Police in hopes of obtaining justice.

“Our hope is to achieve justice because this has led to permanent disability and to deter other intermediaries,” Novita remarked.

Ni Made Pujewati, the Head of Subdirectorate IV at the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Regional Police’s Directorate of General Crime Investigation. (Photo:

In response to the case, Ni Made Pujewati, the Head of Subdirectorate IV at the NTB Regional Police’s Directorate of General Crime Investigation, stated that they would thoroughly investigate the recruitment process of victims sent to work in Saudi Arabia.

“We will delve into the facts of what the victim actually experienced, starting from the recruitment process, this is a fragment that needs to be explored,” Pujawati said on Monday, September 25, 2023.

The NTB Regional Police’s Human Trafficking Task Force, in collaboration with district police departments, has already uncovered 31 cases in 2023 involving hundreds of Indonesian migrant workers.

Among these cases, Hartini’s condition has been described as the most severe.

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