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Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong admits delay in acting on extramarital affair of former PAP Speaker and MP

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong admitted to inquiries about his delayed response to an affair between two People’s Action Party Members of Parliament, which has been ongoing since prior to the General Election in 2020, spanning over two years.



SINGAPORE: In a profound address to Parliament on Wednesday, Singapore’s Prime Minister, Lee Hsien Loong, acknowledged his oversight in not intervening earlier in the illicit affair between the former Speaker of Parliament, Tan Chuan-Jin, and ex-People’s Action Party (PAP) MP, Cheng Li Hui.

PM Lee admitted to having been questioned about his delayed intervention in this matter, which has spanned more than two years since 2020, prior to the General Election.

The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) earlier announced on 17 July that Mr Tan and Ms Cheng had tendered their resignations from both parliament and PAP.

Addressing the critique, he admitted, “It is a fair question. In retrospect, and certainly now, knowing how things eventually turned out, I agree. I should have forced the issue sooner.”

The Prime Minister hoped that by permitting the matter some latitude initially, he could have provided a less harsh exit for the involved parties, thereby sparing them and their families the anguish and embarrassment they are presently undergoing.

He openly confessed, “I placed much weight on protecting their families – perhaps too much.”

The affair, brought to PM Lee’s attention first in November 2020, persisted despite separate counselling sessions and promises from both Mr Tan and Ms Cheng to end their relationship.

Reflecting on the fallout, PM Lee expressed regret, saying, “Regrettably, in the end Mr Tan and Ms Cheng did not stop the affair, and both had to go. On reflection, as I said, I should have forced the issue earlier, certainly before midterm.”

PM Lee offered insights into his general approach to such situations, stating, “These sorts of relationships happen from time to time. They have happened in the past, and no doubt will happen again in the future. In such cases, what is done depends on many factors – the circumstances, how inappropriate or scandalous the behaviour is, and the family situations.”

Reaffirming PAP’s longstanding practice, he said, “We also have to be conscious of the impact on innocent parties – particularly the spouses and children… This is not a new position – it reflects the PAP’s longstanding practice, since the days of Mr Lee Kuan Yew.”

The Prime Minister then laid out three scenarios that could follow an extramarital affair. He explained that the ongoing situation involving Mr Tan and Ms Cheng falls into the third category, where the affair, beyond being extramarital, raises questions of propriety. He stressed, “The present situation falls into this third category. It’s wrong. Mr Tan and Ms Cheng had to stop their affair. I told them to stop.”

Despite the scandal, PM Lee urged understanding for the families of those involved, including those affected by the affair between former Aljunied GRC MP Leon Perera and former senior Workers’ Party member Nicole Seah. “Likewise for the case involving a former member across the aisle, in the Workers’ Party. All their families are suffering,” PM Lee noted, urging the public to empathise and provide these families with the privacy and space needed to heal.

Addressing the integrity of the PAP amidst recent events, PM Lee asserted, “For the good of our country, we will carry through what needs to be done in accordance with the law, even if it may be politically embarrassing and painful to the party. I will not flinch or hesitate to do my duty, to keep our system robust and clean.”

He maintained that the PAP would continue to uphold high standards, emphasising, “But we will show Singaporeans that we will uphold standards and do the right thing, so that trust is maintained, and the Singapore system continues to work well.”

Looking forward, he voiced confidence in his successor’s ability to preserve Singapore’s strength and prosperity, stating, “This is my approach, and I am confident it will be my successor’s approach too. And this is how we will keep Singapore safe, strong and prosperous for many years to come.”

PM Lee emphasised the PAP’s commitment to governing with integrity, assuring parliamentarians and Singaporeans that when such issues arise, the party will deal with them transparently and appropriately.

He highlighted that these recent incidents demonstrate two aspects of the PAP government’s operations – zero tolerance for corruption and a sensitive, humane approach to personal indiscretions, guided by the principles established by the party.

As PM Lee concluded, he reassured that the PAP Government would continue to minimise the risk of missteps, stating, “In any system, however comprehensive the safeguards, sometimes something will still go wrong. The PAP Government does our utmost to minimise that possibility,” reminding that the government works hard to identify and vet individuals for responsible positions and uphold the nation’s principles.

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Minister Shanmugam rejects request for detailed information on visa-free visitor offences: Cites bilateral considerations

Minister for Home Affairs K Shanmugam rejected Workers’ Party MP He Ting Ru’s request for detailed statistics on visa-free visitors involved in crimes, citing bilateral concerns. He affirmed current screening measures are sufficient, with no plans for an electronic travel authorisation system.



On 10 September 2024, Minister for Home Affairs and Law, Mr K Shanmugam, refused to provide detailed information requested by Workers’ Party Member of Parliament (MP) for Sengkang GRC, Ms He Ting Ru, regarding visa-free visitors involved in criminal offences in Singapore.

Ms He had asked for statistics on how many visa-free visitors had been arrested or identified as persons of interest for criminal activities from 2021 to June 2024, along with a breakdown of offences by type, number, and country of origin.

She also queried the consideration of enhanced screening measures and the possibility of introducing an electronic travel authorisation system similar to those in other jurisdictions.

In his written response, Mr Shanmugam stated that with over 150 countries on the visa-free entry list, it would not be practical or meaningful to publish crime statistics specific to visitors from these nations.

He added that doing so could carry bilateral implications and potentially send the wrong message to bona fide visitors from these countries.

Mr Shanmugam affirmed that Singapore’s Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) employs a risk-based, multi-layered approach to balance border security with traveller facilitation and assured that the current measures are sufficient. He reiterated that there were no immediate plans to implement an electronic travel authorisation regime, as it would increase inconvenience for visitors.

“We are satisfied with the current measures, and for now, do not see a need for an additional electronic travel authorisation regime. Also, such a regime will make visiting Singapore more inconvenient,” said Mr Shanmugam.

This response followed an oral reply delivered earlier that day by Minister of State (MOS) for Home Affairs, Ms Sun Xueling, who addressed a related question posed by Non-Constituency Member of Parliament (NCMP) Mr Leong Mun Wai from the Progress Singapore Party (PSP).

Mr Leong had expressed concerns about the potential rise in crime following the introduction of a 30-day visa exemption arrangement for Chinese nationals in February 2024. He specifically questioned whether the recent burglaries involving foreign syndicates had any link to this exemption and whether automated lanes at Changi Airport increased the risk of non-bona fide travellers entering the country.

Ms Sun refuted Mr Leong’s concerns, clarifying that there had been no increase in arrests among short-term visitors from China since the visa exemption came into effect.

She noted that the arrest rate of Chinese visitors had, in fact, decreased compared to the previous year. While acknowledging the involvement of some foreign nationals in criminal activity, she highlighted that the visa regime alone cannot eliminate all risks. Instead, ICA employs enhanced technology, such as biometrics and advanced data analytics, to screen travellers.

Ms Sun also emphasised the importance of the tourism sector to Singapore’s economy, generating S$27.2 billion in receipts in 2023 and employing over 71,000 workers. She argued that closing borders to prevent crimes would not be a viable solution, especially given Singapore’s competition with neighbouring countries like Malaysia and Thailand, which are also working to attract Chinese visitors.

Despite further calls from Mr Leong for additional security measures and tougher penalties for cross-border crimes, Ms Sun reassured that the government continually reviews its laws, including the Criminal Procedure Code and Penal Code, to address transnational crimes such as human trafficking, drug trafficking, and online scams.

She affirmed that Singapore remains vigilant in adapting its laws and measures to combat evolving criminal trends.

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Leong Mun Wai questions why NTUC leaders often come from the ruling party

During the Platform Workers Bill debate on 10 Sept, Mr Leong Mun Wai, NCMP from the Progress Singapore Party, backed WP MP Gerald Giam’s call for an independent NTUC. He expressed concerns about NTUC’s ties to the ruling party, questioning its independence given that its leaders are often from the PAP.



SINGAPORE: Mr Leong Mun Wai, Non-Constituency Member of Parliament (NCMP) from the Progress Singapore Party, voiced support for the Workers’ Party and its MP Gerald Giam’s call for an independent and non-partisan NTUC, separate from the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP).

During a parliamentary debate on the Platform Workers Bill on Tuesday (10 Sept), Mr Leong acknowledged that tripartism is a fundamental aspect of governance that all parties, including opposition ones, seek to foster.

He noted that unions naturally seek political power to effect change but expressed concerns about the extent of NTUC’s relationship with the ruling party.

However he questioned the level of NTUC’s independence from the government.

He pointed out that the NTUC’s secretary-general is often a minister or former minister and that many NTUC leaders come from the ruling party.

“Can you find another trade union in the world where the trade union chief is a minister? Are there any countries? Please let me know if there are,” Mr Leong asked, further noting that few opposition politicians are given appointments in NTUC.

“I think we are entitled to think that the independence of NTUC ought to be better than this.”

Earlier, PAP MP Christopher De Souza criticized MP Gerald Giam for using the term “tether” to describe the NTUC-PAP relationship, emphasizing that the NTUC operates through partnership, alliance, and solidarity rather than subordination.

In response, Mr Giam clarified that when he used the terms “tether” or “untether,” he meant that the NTUC and the PAP should be separate and independent organizations.

He sought to ensure that NTUC does not appear to be biased towards the ruling party.

Mr Giam also raised concerns about NTUC’s structure, particularly questioning why the Platform Associations need a Council of Advisors with the power to dismiss the Executive Council and why these advisors are predominantly PAP members or MPs.

He suggested that this structure indicates a lack of independence for NTUC.

The current NTUC secretary-general is Ng Chee Meng, a former PAP minister who assumed the position in 2018 and continues to hold it despite losing to WP’s new team in GE2020.

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