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Malaysian teen accidentally left behind by his family during university enrollment journey

“Please double-check before you set off on your journey”: In an unforeseen twist, a family’s university enrollment trip took a comic turn as their youngest was unintentionally left at a rest stop.

Swiftly rectified with help from his fellow family member, the 20-minute mishap became an unforgettable memory on the road to the university.



MALAYSIA: In an amusing twist of events, a family’s journey to enroll their youngest member in a university took an unexpected turn when they accidentally left him behind at a rest stop.

Traditionally, the departure of a child for university is met with a blend of excitement and anxiety by parents.

Many shed tears as they watch their offspring take their first steps into independence, facing the prospect of an extended period away from the comforts of home.

However, the tale of this particular family took an unforeseen and comical route, as their eagerness to bid their youngster adieu proved to be a bit overenthusiastic.

The whimsical narrative was recounted by the teen’s brother on his TikTok handle, @keyrolahcong (31 Jul), captivating audiences far and wide.


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Unintentional solo pit stop

The family’s expedition was aimed at facilitating the teen’s registration at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) Gambang, nestled in the picturesque city of Kuantan.

As they undertook a pit stop to recharge during their lengthy voyage, little did they know that an amusing twist awaited them.

Mere moments into their onward journey, the mother made a startling realization – their youngest family member was nowhere to be found.

A phone call from the bewildered youngster inquiring about their whereabouts triggered the comical revelation: he had been inadvertently left behind at the rest area.

Amidst the family’s excitement, they had failed to notice his absence during his brief restroom visit.

Swift action was taken to rectify the situation, with the teen’s quick-thinking brother hatching a plan.

A plea for assistance was extended to fellow travelers at the rest area, leading to a fortunate encounter with kind-hearted individuals headed in the same direction.

The prodigal son was soon reunited with his family, with the entire episode lasting a mere 20 minutes.

Laughter and relief filled the air as they came together once again by the roadside, the unexpected turn of events creating a memory that will undoubtedly be retold for years to come.

“Main character left behind”

The video documenting this hilarious escapade has garnered a staggering 2.9 million views, accompanied by a deluge of comments from amused netizens.

Some viewers were quick to joke about the teen’s inadvertent starring role in this captivating tale, quipping that the “main character” had been left behind.

One user humorously remarked, “The main character is left behind.”


netizen comment on TikTok.

Many individuals found themselves relating to the family’s unintentional blunder, sharing their own similar experiences.

One user shared, “Bro same thing happened to me.”


netizen comment on TikTok.

Another user recounted their own mishap, stating, “Just last night, my brother was left behind. It took us an hour to realize he was missing!”


netizen comment on TikTok.

Amidst the laughter and shared anecdotes, the teen’s brother left viewers with a valuable lesson.

In the video’s caption, he wisely advised, “please double-check before you set off on your journey, or you might find yourself in a similar situation.”

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Malaysian man who recently reunited with family after 20 years dies in Kaki Bukit fire

On 19 September, a fire erupted in an industrial building at 25 Kaki Bukit Road 4, leading to the deaths of two men. During the firefighting operation, the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) discovered the two carpentry foremen unconscious and rushed them to Changi General Hospital, where they were later pronounced dead. One of the victims, Luo Jiaqiang, had reconciled with his family just six months prior after a 20-year estrangement.



SINGAPORE: On Thursday (19 September), a fire broke out in an industrial building at 25 Kaki Bukit Road 4, resulting in the deaths of two men.

The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) responded to the incident at approximately 12:55pm, finding thick smoke enveloping the fifth floor.

During the operation, two unconscious individuals were located in a unit opposite the one ablaze and were immediately rushed to Changi General Hospital, where they were later pronounced dead.

The victims were identified as 51-year-old Malaysian Luo Jiaqiang (罗家强) and 65-year-old Singaporean Vincent, as reported by Lianhe Zaobao.

Both were carpentry foremen who had scheduled a lunch meeting with He Shuxiang, the 63-year-old owner of a furniture company, at 12:30pm.

However, due to last-minute work issues, Mr He was delayed, and the two men went to rest in separate rooms on the mezzanine floor.

When the fire erupted, two employees working on a lower floor attempted to warn the men before evacuating.

Despite shouting to alert them, Mr Luo and Mr Vincent could not hear and were unable to escape.

The employees tried to rescue the pair but were thwarted by the thick smoke.

They managed to reach the men by phone, with Vincent reportedly saying, “It’s choking; I can’t breathe,” before the call cut off.

Mr Luo’s call also ended abruptly after about a minute, with only the sound of laboured breathing.

After failing to make further contact, the employees informed the firefighters and evacuated the building.

Mr He expressed deep regret over the tragedy, wondering if it could have been prevented had he arrived on time for the meeting.

The two men had been discussing a potential collaboration on a furniture project when the fire broke out.

Luo moved to Singapore two decades ago after a family dispute

On Friday, Mr Luo’s younger brother, Luo Jialong, visited the mortuary to claim his body.

In an interview with 8world News, he recounted how he had been notified of his brother’s death between 3pm and 4pm the previous day by one of Mr Luo’s colleagues.

Mr Luo had moved to Singapore 20 years earlier following a family dispute but had reconciled with his relatives just six months ago.

Since then, he had returned to Malaysia every weekend to spend time with his family, with his final visit occurring on Sunday (15 September).

His funeral will be held in Malaysia on 22 September.

The Singapore police confirmed that both men were found unconscious and later succumbed to their injuries.

Preliminary investigations have ruled out foul play, though inquiries are ongoing.

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Elderly men eating leftovers at People’s Park Food Centre spark concerns over rising living costs

A recent report revealed that elderly men have been seen eating leftovers at People’s Park Food Centre, raising concerns about their potential struggles amid rising living costs in Singapore. Online community are urging relevant agencies to reach out and understand their situations.



Singapore: A group of elderly men has reportedly been eating leftovers at in People’s Park Food Centre, as reported by Shin Min Daily News on Wednesday (18 September).

According to tips from readers, these elderly men have been spotted scavenging for food at the bustling food centre in Chinatown.

Witnesses noted that they not only take unfinished meals from tables but also search the dish return area for additional leftovers.

Several hawkers reported seeing multiple elderly individuals, including one specific man, frequently visiting the food centre to collect leftovers, although they were unaware of their identities and living situations.

A Chinese food hawker, who has worked there for over ten years, noted that at least three or four scavengers come daily, usually around 8 or 9 PM, and sometimes kind customers buy food for them.

Another stall assistant, Ms Ma, observed that diners often leave their tables, allowing the older man to sit down and eat the leftovers directly.

Cleaner Mr Quan mentioned that while he has seen the man taking food left by others, he has also witnessed him buying his own meals, suggesting he is not in dire financial need.

Additionally, Quan noted that these scavengers typically arrive around 10 AM and leave in the afternoon.

One Elderly Man Interviewed Attributes Leftover Eating Habit to Waste Prevention, Not Financial Struggles

Among the scavengers is Mr Wang, an 84-year-old resident of Bedok, who emphasised that he doesn’t want to waste food.

He told reporter, “I have a home and children, but it’s very lively here, so I come every day and go home in the evening.”

He acknowledged his habit of eating leftovers, stating, “It’s not because I lack money; I simply don’t want to waste food.”

He explained, “Some people order a lot and can’t finish it; sometimes a whole fish is left uneaten. ”

“When I see large plates of leftover food, I think it’s a waste, so I take it to eat, and it’s still warm,” he said, adding that other scavengers respect each other’s space and enjoy their own finds.

Not everyone supports the practice of scavenging for leftovers. Daniel Tay, a retired financial advisor and advocate for freeganism, expressed concerns about the potential dangers of consuming discarded food.

He pointed out that it’s often unclear how long the food has been left out or if it has been contaminated by animals or pests, which could lead to food poisoning.

“It’s extremely unhygienic. Diners might throw away food or toss used napkins into it, contaminating it further. If a diner gets sick, such as with the flu or COVID-19, they could pass the virus to someone eating the leftovers,” he warned.

Tay suggested a more proactive approach, encouraging people to ask diners if they can take home any uneaten food, which would help ensure the food is clean and raise awareness about food waste.

Netizens Urge Agencies to Address Challenges Faced by Elderly Amid Rising Living Costs

Comments on Shin Min’s Facebook page reveal that many netizens suspect the elderly men scavenging for food may be facing significant challenges and are urging relevant agencies to reach out to understand their situations.

Some are questioning whether the rising cost of living in Singapore is prompting individuals to resort to drastic measures to save money.

One netizen commented, “Every family has its own difficulties; who hasn’t faced storms and hardships? If you see an elderly person, please invite him to a meal. After all, we will all grow old one day. Whether it’s a blessing or a curse, only heaven and earth know. I believe that Singaporeans who see him will definitely invite him to a meal.”

Discussion on Singapore’s Hardwarezone forum also highlighted that many have witnessed similar situations, indicating that this issue is not new.

One netizen speculated that some elderly individuals might be facing mental health challenges. The user shared observation of an elderly woman in Little India who regularly collects cardboard and sells 4D lottery tickets. Despite receiving money from passersby, she continues her activities.

Another user recounted an experience of seeing an elderly woman eating directly from leftover plates and offered to buy her a plate of duck rice.

However, the hawker advised that it would be pointless, as the woman allegedly prefers eating leftovers to fresh food. The netizen expressed pity for her situation, noting that other customers had also tried to buy her a meal.

Not the First Time Elderly Individuals Spotted Scavenging for Leftovers at People’s Park Food Centre

This is not the first time elderly individuals have been spotted eating leftover food at People’s Park Food Centre.

In November 2022, 8World News reported that at least seven elderly people allegedly engage in such practice regularly at the hawker centre. These individuals typically search for unfinished food left on tables or at the tray return area.

At that time, in response to inquiries from 8World News, the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) stated that they were collaborating with grassroots volunteers and hawkers to identify these elderly individuals and provide assistance if needed.

MSF encourages the public to report any elderly individuals in need of help by calling 1800-222-0000 or connecting them with local social service agencies through the OneService App.

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