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CIVICUS Monitor highlights Singapore’s tightening grip on online expression and media censorship

CIVICUS Monitor’s latest update on Singapore points to increased online censorship, challenges to media freedom, targeting of activists, and restrictions on positive LGBTQI+ online portrayals.



In a recent update from the CIVICUS Monitor, a renowned global research collaboration that rates and assesses the state of civil society in 197 countries and territories, serious concerns have been raised about the status of civic space in Singapore.

Key Highlights from the Update:

Online Regulations and Declared Online Locations (DOLs):

As of July 2023, The Online Citizen (TOC) has been marked as a ‘Declared Online Location’ under the Protection against Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA).

This means that the operators of TOC are prohibited from reaping any benefits, financial or otherwise, from the operation of their online platforms, including their website and social media accounts.

This move, initiated by the Ministry of Communications and Information (MCI), was justified by the alleged communication of “multiple falsehoods” on TOC platforms.

Human rights groups have vocalized concerns regarding the legitimacy of DOLs, emphasizing the absence of authorization by an independent judicial authority.

Correction Orders & Directions:

Digital magazine Jom, and activist group Transformative Justice Collective (TJC), among others, faced POFMA-related issues in 2023.

Jom was directed to issue corrections over two pieces in their digest, while the TJC was ordered to add a correction notice on a Facebook post.

Notably, the government’s own platform, Factually, was used as the primary source to counter the supposed misinformation.

Restrictions on Politicians and Critics:

In July 2023, Kenneth Jeyaretnam, Thamil Selvan, and even Lee Hsien Yang, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s younger brother, faced correction directions under POFMA for their statements regarding various political issues and the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP).

Online Criminal Harms Act 2023 (OCHA):

The passage of OCHA in July 2023 was flagged for its potential suppression of freedom of expression and undermining privacy rights.

This Act grants the government sweeping authority to proactively remove online content deemed illegal, including content believed to incite crime.Organizations like FORUM-ASIA and CIVICUS expressed apprehensions over the Act’s scope and its implications beyond Singaporean borders.

Rapper Subhas Nair’s Conviction:

Subhas Nair, a Singaporean rapper, was convicted for attempting to promote ill will among racial and religious groups due to comments made on social media.

Human rights experts have voiced concern about Singapore’s utilization of Section 298(a) of the Penal Code, which could be wielded to suppress valid public discussions.

Restrictions on LGBTQI+ Content Online:

The International Commission of Jurists, in their recent report, highlighted the discriminatory restrictions placed by the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) on LGBT-related content online.Material that “advocates homosexuality or lesbianism” is taken into account under the Internet Code of Practice (1997), and films that focus on alternative sexualities face rating and distribution restrictions.

The CIVICUS Monitor’s update paints a worrisome picture of the status of freedom of expression and civil liberties in Singapore.

It emphasizes the challenges faced by individuals, media entities, and organizations in navigating a landscape increasingly characterized by stringent regulations and legal actions.

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Thailand withdraws reservation on refugee children’s rights, welcomed by UN Human Rights Office

Thailand’s withdrawal of its reservation on Article 22 of the CRC is hailed by the UN, marking a key step in enhancing protections for refugee and asylum-seeking children.



The UN Human Rights Office for South-East Asia (OHCHR) has praised Thailand for its decision to withdraw its reservation on Article 22 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), a move expected to improve the protection of refugee and asylum-seeking children in the country.

Cynthia Veliko, the OHCHR Representative for South-East Asia, hailed the decision, calling it “a significant, positive step” toward aligning Thailand’s laws with international standards. “This move helps protect the rights of all children on the move, no matter their nationality or origin,” Veliko said.

The Thai Cabinet’s decision to withdraw the reservation took effect on 30 August 2024. Article 22 of the CRC ensures that refugee and asylum-seeking children receive protection, humanitarian assistance, and equal access to services provided to national children, in line with international human rights laws to which Thailand is a party.

This withdrawal is also expected to strengthen the implementation of Thailand’s National Screening Mechanism (NSM), introduced on 22 September 2023.

The NSM grants the status of “protected person” to individuals who cannot return to their home countries due to the fear of persecution. However, despite these legal advancements, children without legal status in Thailand remain at risk of being detained in immigration facilities.

The UN has raised concerns over the continued detention of children despite the Thai government’s 2019 Memorandum of Understanding on Alternatives to the Detention of Children (MOU-ATD). The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has reaffirmed that every child has a fundamental right to liberty and should not be detained based on their migration status.

Veliko urged Thailand to focus on ending child immigration detention and adopting human rights-based alternatives.

“Children on the move are children first and foremost,” Veliko stressed, adding that detention due to migration status is never in the best interests of children.

The UN Human Rights Office expressed its readiness to assist the Thai government in developing alternatives to detention, ensuring that all children receive the protection and care they need.

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Civil Society

FORUM-ASIA condemns Myanmar junta’s forced conscription expansion, urges international action

FORUM-ASIA condemns Myanmar’s military junta for expanding forced conscription, calling it a desperate bid to maintain power. The policy, affecting men aged 35 to 60, adds to a long list of human rights violations, including forced labor and the use of civilians as human shields.



The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) has condemned the Myanmar military junta’s recent decision to expand the age limit of its forced conscription policy, calling on the international community to stand in solidarity with the people of Myanmar.

The move is seen as a desperate attempt by the junta to maintain control in the face of a growing pro-democracy resistance movement.

On 25 August 2024, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing announced the introduction of a new “security system with public participation.”

This system would require men aged 35 to 60 to serve as guards, potentially placing them on the frontlines of conflict. The announcement follows the formation of the Central Supervisory Committee for People’s Security and Anti-Terrorism on 16 August, tasked with organizing military training and overseeing “people’s security and anti-terrorism” groups at various administrative levels.

The junta’s plan builds upon the forced conscription policy it implemented on 10 February 2024, invoking the 2010 People’s Military Service Law.

The law mandates men aged 18 to 35 and women aged 18 to 27 to serve two years in the military, with professionals like doctors and engineers potentially serving up to five years. Those who evade service or assist others in doing so face up to five years in prison. As part of this policy, the junta planned to conscript 5,000 individuals monthly from April 2024.

Civilians as Human Shields and Forced Labor

FORUM-ASIA has condemned the junta’s forced conscription policies, highlighting the military’s history of using civilians as human shields and forcing them into hard labor.

The International Labour Organization’s Commission of Inquiry found in October 2023 that the military continues to impose forced labor amidst the ongoing armed conflict, a practice that has escalated since the 2021 coup attempt.

Local news and human rights groups have reported that the junta is also abducting and arresting citizens to use as human shields, further contributing to the human rights violations in Myanmar. Many youths, rather than being conscripted into fighting for a regime they oppose, have fled their homes to join the resistance.

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has expressed concern over the junta’s detention and recruitment of Myanmar youth. Meanwhile, Tom Andrews, UN Special Rapporteur on Myanmar, noted the junta’s increasing use of powerful weapons against civilians as troop losses and recruitment challenges mount.

Call for Action

FORUM-ASIA is calling on the Myanmar military junta to immediately halt its forced conscription, abductions, forced labor, and the use of civilians as human shields.

“FORUM-ASIA urges the international community, including the UN and ASEAN, to thoroughly investigate the Myanmar military junta’s long list of human rights violations. The junta should be held accountable for all its crimes through sanctions and other punitive measures,” said Mary Aileen Diez-Bacalso, Executive Director of FORUM-ASIA.

“The international community must urgently isolate the junta and support the people of Myanmar in their struggle for justice and freedom,” Bacalso added.

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