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Pharma firm, labs share tech for COVID research equity: WHO

The WHO announced three new licensing agreements on its COVID-19 knowledge-sharing platform, including the first private manufacturer, Taiwan-based Medigen Vaccine Biologics Corp, sharing vaccine technology.

These agreements aim for more equitable access to COVID-19 tools.



GENEVA, SWITZERLAND — A global COVID-19 knowledge-sharing platform has secured three new licensing agreements to transfer vaccine technologies, including one with the first private manufacturer to join the initiative, the World Health Organization said Tuesday.

The UN health agency’s COVID-19 Technology Access Pool (C-TAP) was founded in May 2020 as a platform to share knowledge and intellectual property and ensure a more equitable distribution of COVID-19-fighting tests and vaccines.

C-TAP had until now secured licensing agreements with just two institutes: one with the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) for a COVID-19 antibody test, and two with the US National Institute of Health (NIH) for the development of therapeutics, early-stage vaccines and diagnostic tools.

But on Tuesday, the WHO said the number of agreements had doubled, with CSIC providing a second one — this time for a COVID-19 vaccine prototype — and the University of Chile providing one for a test of COVID antibody neutralisation levels.

Taiwan-based Medigen Vaccine Biologics Corp, the first private manufacturer in the programme, is offering its patent and know-how for a COVID vaccine that has seen three million doses administered across seven countries, the WHO said.

WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus hailed the agreements, acquired through the agency’s Medicines Patent Pool.

“COVID-19 is here to stay, and the world will continue to need tools to prevent it, test for it and treat it,” he said, stressing the commitment to “making those tools accessible to everyone, everywhere”.

“I am grateful to the leadership shown by those license holders who have contributed technology.”

The information pool was intended as a voluntary global bank for intellectual property and open-sourced data as part of a common front against COVID-19.

However, as it turned out, pharmaceutical companies have largely kept their findings to themselves rather than sharing them as global public goods.

But the WHO said it believed the fresh agreements would provide “an important boost to the overall effort.”

The NGO coalition People’s Vaccine Alliance also hailed the shift seen in Tuesday’s announcement.

“This is a victory for scientific collaboration and human rights — and a significant step towards securing a people’s vaccine,” it said in a statement.

“By sharing technology with C-TAP, these organisations are placing the needs of humanity over the narrow perception of profit and self-interest that has so far plagued the pharmaceutical industry.”

WHO said all the licenses were “global, transparent and non-exclusive to all manufacturers” and accessible through the C-TAP website.

It highlighted that the licenses could make a true difference, pointing out that the first CSIC license for a serological test had resulted in a sub-license to Biotech Africa to develop their diagnostic technology.


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Singapore to offer Mpox vaccine to high-risk healthcare workers and close contacts

Singapore will offer free mpox vaccines to high-risk healthcare workers and close contacts of confirmed cases, amid concerns over the deadlier clade 1 strain. The Ministry of Health stated mask-wearing is unnecessary for the public, as the virus primarily spreads through close contact.



Singapore has announced new measures to combat the spread of the deadlier mpox clade 1 strain, as concerns mount over its potential impact.

At a press conference on Wednesday, Health Minister Ong Ye Kung revealed that the mpox vaccine JYNNEOS will be offered to two key groups: healthcare workers at high risk of exposure and close contacts of confirmed cases.

The announcement comes as the World Health Organization (WHO) declared mpox a global public health emergency for the second time in two years due to the resurgence of clade 1 cases in Africa.

Minister Ong emphasized that while there is limited data on the virus, the government has sufficient information to implement precautionary measures. “We do not have full information on the characteristics of this virus, but we have good information on how it behaves,” he said. Ong added that Singapore’s response plan would remain flexible and adapt as the global understanding of the virus evolves.

Response Measures and Border Controls

As part of a whole-of-government approach, the Ministry of Health (MOH) has coordinated a comprehensive public health strategy to prevent the spread of mpox clade 1 in Singapore.

While no direct flights connect Singapore to countries experiencing mpox outbreaks, temperature and visual screening measures have been put in place at Changi and Seletar airports for travellers and crew arriving from affected regions. Screening at sea checkpoints has also been implemented for ships from mpox-affected areas.

Travellers are required to report any mpox-related symptoms (such as fever or rash) and provide travel history via the SG Arrival Card. Those displaying symptoms will be assessed by medical professionals at the borders and referred to hospitals if necessary.

Vaccination Strategy and Quarantine

The JYNNEOS vaccine, previously approved in Singapore for both smallpox and mpox, will be offered to two key groups. Healthcare workers at the National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID) and other high-risk facilities will be provided with pre-exposure prophylaxis, in addition to existing infection control protocols. Close contacts of confirmed mpox cases will receive a single vaccine dose within 14 days of exposure during their 21-day quarantine period. The MOH has assured that the current vaccine supply is sufficient to meet the needs of these priority groups.

MOH highlighted that a “significant” portion of the population—those born before 1981—may already have some immunity due to mandatory smallpox vaccinations administered in Singapore until that year.

Detection, Isolation, and Treatment

MOH has instructed all healthcare providers to be vigilant and promptly report any suspected mpox cases, especially those involving clade 1.

Suspected cases will be referred to designated hospitals for further assessment and testing, with paediatric cases directed to KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital and adult-child family groups to National University Hospital. Confirmed clade 1 cases will be isolated in healthcare facilities until they are no longer infectious to prevent further community spread.

Testing for mpox involves polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing conducted at the National Public Health Laboratory. While there are no rapid point-of-care test kits available, cases are managed through supportive care. For severe cases, antivirals such as Tecovirimat may be used, aligning with treatment protocols in other countries.

Community Measures and Mask-Wearing

Based on current data, the virus spreads mainly through close physical contact, such as within households. Therefore, mask-wearing for the general public is not recommended unless there is significant evidence of respiratory transmission. MOH has stated that if respiratory spread becomes a concern, measures such as mask-wearing on public transport or in crowded indoor spaces may be considered.

In settings such as preschools and schools, existing infectious disease protocols—such as visual screenings for symptoms and hygiene measures—will continue to be implemented to control any potential spread. Additionally, MOH, in collaboration with the Ministry of Manpower and the National Environment Agency, has begun wastewater testing at migrant worker dormitories and the Onboard Centre to detect any presence of mpox.

Ongoing Surveillance and Preparedness

MOH will continue to work closely with international counterparts to monitor the evolving mpox situation. Border measures, detection protocols, and vaccination strategies will be adjusted as needed to safeguard Singapore’s public health.

As of now, Singapore has not detected any clade 1 cases, with all 14 mpox cases this year involving the less severe clade 2 subtype. However, Minister Ong stressed the importance of vigilance, particularly in protecting vulnerable groups such as children and the immunocompromised, should clade 1 reach Singapore.

“Our best course of action is to suppress the spread, provide proper treatment, and have an effective vaccination strategy in place,” Ong said. Despite the concern surrounding mpox, Ong reassured the public that it is unlikely to cause the level of disruption seen during COVID-19.

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Baby born with 26 fingers and toes in India, considered reincarnation of Hindu deity

A baby in Bharatpur, India, was born with 26 fingers and toes, believed to be a reincarnation of a Hindu deity.




A baby was born with an astonishing 26 fingers and toes in a hospital in Bharatpur, a city in the northern Indian state of Rajasthan.

While medical experts describe the condition as a genetic anomaly known as polydactyly, the baby’s family is rejoicing, believing that their child is the reincarnation of a revered Hindu deity.

The baby, whose name has not been disclosed, entered the world with 14 fingers on its hands and 12 toes on its feet, leaving medical professionals both astounded and intrigued.

As reported by the Daily Mail on Tuesday (19 Sep), doctors described it as a genetic anomaly known as polydactyly, where someone is born with one or more extra fingers or toes. It can occur on one or both hands or feet.

However, the family is reported to be happy and openly refers to it as a reincarnation of Dholagarh Devi, a famous local deity whose temple is located near the girl’s birthplace. The deity’s statue depicts a young girl with multiple hands.

The baby’s mother, Sarju Devi, aged 25, expressed immense joy at the birth of her child. Sarju Devi’s brother, whose name was not disclosed, spoke to local media, proudly stating, “My sister has given birth to a baby with 26 fingers, and we consider it to be the incarnation of Dholagarh Devi. We are overjoyed.”

The baby’s father, Gopal Bhattacharya, a Central Reserve Police Force officer, is also reported to be ecstatic about the birth.

Dr BS Soni, a medical practitioner at the hospital where the baby was born, offered a medical perspective on the condition, saying, “Having 26 fingers is not harmful, but it is a genetic abnormality. The little girl is perfectly healthy.”

The big question now is whether the family from Bharatpur, in the northern Indian state of Rajasthan, plans to undergo surgery to reduce the number of fingers and toes on their newborn baby.

This decision is yet to be disclosed as the family continues to bask in the belief that their child is a divine reincarnation.

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