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Voting for oath-breakers: The dangerous signal it sends to democracy

In his letter, Victor underscores the gravity of candidates abandoning their parliamentary oath to pursue presidential ambitions. Such actions, he argues, challenge democratic principles and suggest that oath-taking can be casually disregarded without repercussions.



by Victor

On 11 Aug 2023, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong issued the Writ of Election, paving the way for Singaporeans to go to the polls on 1 Sep 2023 (Polling Day) to vote for the next President of Singapore.

Initially, there were four potential presidential candidates, namely Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Mr Ng Kok Song, Mr Tan Kin Lian and Mr George Goh. On 22 Aug 2023(Nomination Day), Returning Officer Tan Meng Dui announced the successful presidential candidacies of Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Mr Ng Kok Song and Mr Tan Kin Lian.

The Presidential Elections Committee determined Mr George Goh to be ineligible as he had failed to satisfy a requirement that many people found to be controversial.

​This article is purely based on the personal opinions of the author.

1. President’s relationship with the Government


Before 1991, the President was appointed by the Parliament of Singapore, consisting of Members of Parliament, including both Non-Constituency and Nominated ones who represent the interests of Singaporeans at large.

After a constitutional amendment that same year, the President is now directly elected by Singaporeans. It is now 12 years since Singaporeans last exercised their voting rights to elect the President since the walkover election for the Reserved Election in 2017

It’s fair to say that the President is an important key in defending the country’s reserves against a rogue Government and, hence he or she should take a cautionary position when dealing with the Government.

It’s also fair to say that, in times of crises such as Covid-19, the President is morally obliged to prioritise the interests of Singapore and Singaporeans by reviewing and approving Budgets presented by the Government.

As such, how should Singaporeans view this type of relationship? Since both the Government and the President are directly elected through parliamentary and presidential elections respectively, voters must have a distinct consideration which must not be influenced by either the Government or the presidential candidates.

Singaporeans vote for a Government to run the country and a President to ensure the Government does its job well.

2. Qualifications of a President

One important thing to note is the fact that, once again, we have a PAP minister resigning at the last minute to contest for presidency, suggesting whether the Elected Presidency is in danger of being exclusively meant for former PAP members.

Unlike outgoing President Halimah who was merely an MP for Marsiling-Yew Tee GRC and Parliament Speaker prior to her resignation in 2017, Tharman has magnificent working experiences in various portfolios and is widely considered to be a heavyweight minister in the Government.

Hence his sudden decision to run for presidency with limited powers does not make sense and undermines the effectiveness of the Government’s decision-making body.

Globally, Singapore’s international image has taken a hit as a result of Tharman’sgrand absence. At home, Tharman is no longer able to contribute his valuable economic experiences to ensure Government policies make good economic sense.

Surely it’s more beneficial to everyone that he remains where he was rather than becoming President?

Below is a list of portfolios Tharman is resigning from:

  1. MP for Jurong GRC
    Senior minister in the Cabinet,
  2. Coordinating Minister for Social Policies
  3. Chair of G20 Eminent Persons Group on Global Financial Governance
  4. Chairman of MAS
  5. Deputy Chairman of GIC
  6. Chairman of EDB’s International Advisory Council

Ng Kok Song was formerly the Chief Investment Officer of GIC for the period 2007-2013 and director of MAS for the period 1985-1986.

Currently, he’s the Chairman of Avanda Investment Management, a privately-owned global asset management company.

During his tenure in GIC, the annualised rolling 20-year real rate of return for GIC portfolio took a dive in 2009 (due to the 2008 financial crisis) before recovering to a higher and more consistent rate from 2010 onwards.

As the only candidate without political affiliation to any political party, Ng has a good advantage of demonstrating political independence as compared to Tharman and Tan, both of whom are formerly political party members.

In the case of Tan Kin Lian, he was formerly the Chief Executive Officer of NTUC Income for the period 1977-2007. At the same time, he held various directorships, notably the Chairman of International Co-operative & Mutual Insurance Federation for the period 1992-1997. He is perhaps better known for organising petitions to help people who lost their money during the 2008 financial crisis.

3. Significance of your vote

For someone who in 2020 was voted into parliament by the voters of Jurong GRC, solemnly and sincerely took the oath of office as MP of Jurong GRC and then unilaterally resign in 2023 without a vote of referendum from its voters, Tharman should further elaborate on his last minute decision.

For instance, President Halimah’s 29 May announcement is followed by Tharman’s 8 June announcement, giving the impression that Tharman’s decision is somehow triggered by Halimah’s decision.

In the case of Ng, as mentioned earlier, although he has good merits and political independence, the fact that his announcement to run for the presidency also comes at a very late stage is not convincing to a reasonable person.

As for Tan, who contested in the 2011 election and is now back for the 2023 election, his decision to run for presidency once again should not be a surprise.

In the past three years or so, in order to mitigate the negative impacts of Covid-19 on Singaporeans, the Government dished out an unprecedented number of Budgets which involved the drawing of the country’s reserves.

These Budgets aim to help Singaporeans in various sectors of the economy, either by providing relief to companies in industries most affected or providing food vouchers and even cash disbursement to its people.

As Singapore moves into the post-Covid era, the economy now faces more challenges, especially with the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict and US-China geopolitical contest causing disruptions in global supply chains, therefore magnifying the significance and importance of the Presidential Election for Singaporeans.

Personally, I give more credit to the ethics, rather than the professional qualification, of the presidential candidate because, as mentioned earlier, the President can only exercise powers as stipulated by the Constitution and nothing more.

A vote for a candidate who abandons its constituents he or she solemnly and sincerely swear to represent and instead job hop elsewhere without a valid reason not only is undemocratic but also sends a wrong signal that oath-taking in parliament can be disrespected without consequences.

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Letter: A reflection on Singapore’s political decline

Letter writer chimes in, noting that Singapore’s political leadership today seems more focused on self-interest than public good, with rising inequality, lack of transparency, and policies that burden the vulnerable.



by Lawrence Siow

I’ve lived long enough to know that no one knows everything. That said, I also know a few things for certain. Like those in power tend to do whatever they want, often to their own benefit and at the expense of the weak and underprivileged. They do this because they can. Then they will come up with all sorts of reasons and dumb excuses why it had to be done.

Someone said, “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”, for a very good reason. Power is both addictive and intoxicating. Very few can handle it for long and not go bad. This is human nature.

Just look at the world today. It’s a big mess because no leader possesses integrity or credibility. They simply can’t be trusted. They all have their personal agendas. Or look at Singapore. Even if you argue that we are miles ahead of our neighbouring countries and better than most (which we are), things are going south. The quality and calibre of our political leadership have diminished with each generation. Why?

The reason is simple and clear – unlike our founding fathers, today they are in office more for themselves than for the good of society. It’s not that they haven’t done anything good or beneficial. Of course they have, but it isn’t their priority. They do enough to get by, to show the public they’re doing their job but behind the scenes, they and their cronies get rewarded big time.

The lack of transparency and accountability, ownself check ownself, unequal distribution of wealth, perceived gerrymandering, making money out of everything, even public housing or healthcare, raising Godds & Service Tax which then causes a spike in the cost of living and then giving handouts and vouchers for wayang…this really gets my goat.

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Understanding Singapore’s fertility challenge: More than just incentives

Letter: Singapore’s ongoing efforts to boost its fertility rate, despite various incentives, face hurdles due to modern life stresses and personal concerns. Procreation, deeply personal and influenced by multifaceted challenges, demands understanding and respect for individual choices.




by Teo Kueh Liang

I refer to the Straits Times report, “Beyond money: Why financial incentives alone aren’t encouraging more births It’s all in the head” (14 Sep).

Most developed countries’ population is shrinking, which will be an inevitable trend. Singapore is following suit.

Usually, a country encourages its people to have more children based on the following considerations:

  1. Sustainably maintain a sufficient workforce, strengthen the country’s economy
  2. Prevent or delay population aging
  3. Reduce the financial burden on existing taxpayers
  4. Cut the reliance upon foreign immigrants.
  5. Ensuring a sufficient supply of soldiers

The increase of population is indeed in the interest of a nation.

Since 1987, the Singaporean government has actively encouraged its married people (especially those young married couples) to have more children.

The relevant authorities have worked hard, spent huge sums of money, and used a lot of human and material resources to promote procreation.

The government has introduced initiatives to encourage marriage and raise fertility, such as Housing Grants, the MediSave Grant for Newborns, Baby Bonus, affordable and quality preschool education for all, the KidStart programme, and shared parental leave.

However, its results have always been unsatisfactory; they have not reached the pre-set goal of 2.1 replacement fertility rate.

Why is the country’s fertility rate so low? Let’s analyze some possible reasons:

  1. Due to the hustle and bustle of life and high costs of living.
  2. Due to stiff competitions in jobs of this cosmopolitan city, most people are struggling to make a decent living in order to put foods on the table, and people have no desire of priority in the thought of procreation.
  3. Many salaried employees are worried that the economic uncertainty and downturn will affect their company’s business, which will lead to the instability of their jobs and affect their mood for procreation.
  4. Many people worry that raising children is a lifelong matter. Couples must be mentally prepared to a certain extent and must sacrifice their own time, energy and money to plan how to raise children from birth to graduation from college.
  5. Some married couples also worry about having unhealthy babies, such as those born with rare congenital or autistic syndromes.
  6. Certainly, some married couples are unsuitable to have children because of their medical conditions.

Although having children is indeed a natural responsibility, it is originally a joyful thing, and a couple can enjoy the happiness of a family. But it varies from person to person.

Anyway, the subject of procreation is very personal. There is no right and wrong answer to it, and we should respect each individual’s decision.

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