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“Unacceptable”: BERSIH voices grave concern over DPM Zahid’s DNAA acquittal on corruption charges

In response to the recent development, the Coalition for Clean and Fair Election (BERSIH) expresses deep concern about the Discharge Not Amounting to Acquittal (DNAA) granted to Deputy Prime Minister Zahid on all 47 corruption charges involving millions from YAB.

They demand an explanation for this move despite a prima facie case and transparency on potential new charges.

BERSIH stressed that Malaysians are sick of seeing this correlation: Those who stay in power forever stay innocent, while those who lose power also lose their innocence.



MALAYSIA: On Monday (4 Sept), the Malaysian High Court granted Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister a Discharge Not Amounting to Acquittal (DNAA) on all corruption charges related to the misappropriation of funds from a charity foundation, Yayasan Akal Budi (YAB).

A DNAA from the court means that the accused is released from the current charges without being formally acquitted.

The case is temporarily suspended, but the prosecution retains the option to refile the charges or reinstate the case at a later time if new evidence or circumstances arise.

This decision was made by the High Court following a request by Deputy Public Prosecutor Mohd Dusuki Mukhtar.

However, the High Court did not grant a full acquittal to the 70-year-old DPM Zahid, who also serves as a Member of Parliament (MP) for Bagan Datuk.

According to the New Straits Times, Presiding Judge Datuk Collin Lawrence Sequerah clarified that the Attorney-General (AG) has the authority to initiate and withdraw charges at any time before a judgment is reached.

Nonetheless, the Court of Appeal judge, who had previously presided as a High Court judge, emphasized that a significant amount of judicial time and taxpayers’ money would have been wasted if the prosecution had chosen not to proceed with the case.

BERSIH calls on the prosecution to review DPM Zahid’s DNAA

In response to this recent development, the Coalition for Clean and Fair Election (BERSIH), a Malaysian civil society group, expresses grave concern regarding the DNAA granted to Deputy Prime Minister Zahid on all 47 charges of corruption involving millions of ringgit from YAB.

In a statement issued on Monday, the BERSIH Steering Committee finds this situation unacceptable, especially when the prosecution had successfully established a prima facie case, and Zahid must present his defence.

“The prosecution owes the public an explanation as to why the request for DNAA at this stage when a prima facie has been established.”

“The AGC must also reveal what possible new charges or new directions of investigation they are studying against Zahid.”

If there are no plans for new charges, BERSIH questioned whether this might provide an avenue for Zahid to seek acquittal within months.

Thus, BERSIH calls on the prosecution to review the DNAA, examine the evidence, and reconsider all 47 charges, recharging if necessary.

“Bersih wishes to remind and draw precedence from the case of the former intelligence chief Hasanah Ab Hamidi where on August 2022, the High Court granted a full acquittal in her RM50 million (approximately US$ 10.74 million) criminal breach of trust charge, just one year after the DNAA.”

Calls for immediate AG/PP separation to safeguard anti-corruption and reform efforts

As the anti-craft and reformist credential of his Madani Government comes under serious doubt following this decision, Bersih urged Malaysian 10th PM Anwar Ibrahim to announce within this week a clear roadmap and timeline for the separation of Public Prosecution from the Attorney General’s Chamber (AGC).

As it stands now, the Attorney General is a political appointee advising the government who plays the duo role of the Public Prosecutor who holds the power to initiate or drop criminal charges.

“This power can be abused or weaponised for political reasons. The AG/PP separation has been advocated by Bersih and civil society groups and we have come up with thorough recommendations on how it can be done. ”

“The only action left is to implement it, ” the statement added.

Concerns mount over potential implications for Najib Razak’s charges amidst AGC reform delay

BERSIH also wonder if this is a prelude to the dropping of all remaining charges against former Prime Minister Najib Razak, which will all but erode public trust in the Madani government’s reform agenda.

“Until the separation is done, the AGC must refrain from withdrawing charges in high-profile cases.”

“If the cases are defective, let judges rule on that, not prosecutors who are ultimately under the Prime Minister’s control.”

BERSIH stressed that Malaysians are sick of seeing this correlation: Those who stay in power forever stay innocent, while those who lose power also lose their innocence.

“The request for DNAA by the Deputy Public Prosecution at this stage of Zahid’s trial strongly reinforces the urgency to separate the PP and AG – nothing less will restore the credibility of the PP – indeed, the whole government – after this decision.”

BERSIH cautions PM Anwar Ibrahim that further delay in AGC reform could significantly damage the credibility of the Madani government, which is now associated with this troubling precedent regarding politically-connected trials.

“Enough talk, politicians must walk the talk. Reform now before sinking to the point of no return!”

UMNO chairman facing 47 criminal charges

70-year-old Zahid, Chairman of the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), had been facing 47 charges – 12 for criminal breach of trust (CBT), eight for corruption and 27 for money laundering – involving tens of millions of ringgit belonging to Yayasan Akalbudi (YAB).

For the 12 CBT charges, he is alleged to have used the funds for personal expenses such as credit card payments, insurance policies, vehicle licenses, remittances to a law firm, and contributions to a police football association.

He was accused of committing the offences between 28 March 2016, and 11 April 2018.

The charge carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in jail, whipping, and a fine.

On 23 September last year, Mr Zahid was acquitted of all 40 graft charges against him in Foreign Visa System (VLN) case.

Following Barisan Nasional (BN)’s tragic loss in GE15, Zahid, as its chairman, has been embattled with criticism and calls to step down.

With only 30 seats secured out of the contested 177 seats, BN saw its worst result in the coalition’s history.

After the conclusion of the Malaysia 15th General Election, the Malaysia King named Anwar Ibrahim as Prime Minister to end the impasse of a hung parliament, as none of the major political coalitions gained a simple majority.

On 16 December last year, political leaders from UMNO, Pakatan Harapan (PH) and Sabah and Sarawak signed an memorandum of understanding (MoU) pledging their support to the Unity Government led by Anwar Ibrahim.

In December 2022, BERSIH voiced their disappointment regarding the appointment of the UMNO Chairman as DPM, particularly amidst his ongoing trial on 47 graft charges.

“Though we understand the politics behind his appointment, we regret that principles took a backseat,” BERSIH said in a statement.

“To cement his credentials as a reformist, Anwar has to double-down efforts to fulfil PH’s (Pakatan Harapan) election manifesto promises to fight corruption and strengthen the integrity of our key institutions.”

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Three women to contest charges over pro-Palestinian procession outside Istana

Three Singaporean women, charged under the Public Order Act for organizing a pro-Palestinian procession on 2 February, will contest their charges at trial, a court heard on 18 September. About 70 people participated in the February event, carrying watermelon-adorned umbrellas as a symbol of Palestinian resistance while delivering letters to then-Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.



SINGAPORE: Three Singaporean women charged in connection with a pro-Palestinian procession to the Istana will contest their charges at trial, a court heard on Wednesday (18 September).

The defendants are Annamalai Kokila Parvathi, 35, an activist with the Transformative Justice Collective (TJC); Siti Amirah Mohamed Asrori, 29, a social media influencer; and Mossamad Sobikun Nahar, 25, a community worker.

They were charged in June under the Public Order Act for organizing an unpermitted procession on 2 February.

During the court hearing on Wednesday, the trio, through their lawyer, indicated their intention to contest the charges and claim trial.

Siti Amirah and Mossamad are accused of organizing the procession that occurred between 2pm and 3pm along the perimeter of the Istana, a restricted area.

Kokila is charged with abetting the conspiracy by collaborating with Siti, Mossamad, Alysha Mohamed Rahmat Shah, Anystasha Mohamed Rahmat Shah, and other unnamed individuals to organize the event.

According to a previous police statement, around 70 people gathered outside a mall on Orchard Road at about 2pm on 2 February before marching towards the Istana.

They carried umbrellas painted with watermelon images, symbolizing support for Palestinians amidst the ongoing Israel- Palestinian conflict.

The watermelon, reflecting the colors of the Palestinian flag, has become a symbol of solidarity.

Social media posts indicate that participants of the Letters for Palestine event walked from Plaza Singapura to the Istana to deliver letters addressed to then-Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

The cases have been adjourned to October for pre-trial conferences.

If convicted under the Public Order Act, the women face a potential penalty of up to six months’ imprisonment, a fine of up to S$10,000, or both.

The police have reiterated their call for the public to avoid actions that could disrupt peace, public order, and social harmony in Singapore.

They advised that while strong feelings about the Israel-Hamas conflict are understandable, lawful means of expression, such as participating in organized forums, dialogues, and donation drives, are preferable to illegal protests.

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Cambodian union leader Chhim Sithar released, vows to continue fight for workers’ rights

Cambodian union leader Chhim Sithar was released after nearly two years in prison for her role in leading a strike at NagaWorld. She vowed to continue advocating for workers’ rights despite the challenges posed by authorities.



Chhim Sithar, a prominent Cambodian union leader, was released from prison on 16 September 2024 after serving nearly two years for leading a high-profile strike at the NagaWorld Hotel and Entertainment Complex in Phnom Penh.

Upon her release, Sithar pledged to continue advocating for better wages and working conditions for workers in Cambodia, particularly at the casino and hotel where the labor dispute began.

Sithar, leader of the Labor Rights Supported Union of Khmer Employees, was sentenced in May 2023 to two years in prison for “inciting social chaos.”

She was initially detained in December 2021 after the strike against NagaWorld began, following the company’s dismissal of over 1,300 employees, many of them union members.

Cambodian authorities have claimed the strike is illegal, alleging foreign involvement in its organization.

“It is a mistake for those who think that putting people in prison can stop workers from protesting,” Sithar told Radio Free Asia.

She reiterated that workers in Cambodia have the legal right to organize and strike, and stated her commitment to continue the fight despite the challenges faced.

The ongoing strike has been met with a violent crackdown by Cambodian authorities. The Phnom Penh Municipal Court also sentenced eight other union members, though their sentences were suspended.

Sithar’s arrest and conviction were condemned by civil society groups, the U.S. State Department, and human rights organizations. Amnesty International noted that the union members were “prosecuted solely for exercising their basic rights.”

Sithar’s release was met with anticipation by supporters, who had planned to gather outside Prey Sar Prison in Phnom Penh.

However, authorities transferred her home before dawn, reportedly to avoid demonstrations.

According to Ou Tep Phallin, president of the Federation of Food and Service Workers of Cambodia, officials “fear the public’s attention,” indicating a broader governmental concern over public protests.

The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) also welcomed Sithar’s release but condemned her imprisonment, calling it a politically motivated effort to suppress union activism.

The organization’s Executive Director, Mary Aileen D. Bacalso, urged the Cambodian government to cease its repression of union leaders, saying, “No one should lose their freedom for exercising their fundamental rights, as Chhim Sithar did.”

FORUM-ASIA regards the case as the continued misuse of “incitement to commit a felony” by Cambodian authorities to suppress peaceful activism is a direct attack on unions and workers fighting for their fundamental rights, and further undermines Cambodia’s already restricted civic space.

NagaWorld, one of the most profitable gambling centres globally, is owned by a Hong Kong-based company with reported ties to Cambodian political elites, including family members of Senate President Hun Sen.

The labour dispute continues, with workers demanding wage increases and the reinstatement of employees dismissed during the pandemic.

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