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East Asia Forum issued POFMA correction notice over claims on Singapore’s governance

Under instructions from Indranee Rajah, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, Singapore’s POFMA Office issued a correction directive to the East Asia Forum.

This was over “false statements” concerning the independence of the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s approach to parliamentarian affairs.



Singapore’s Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA) Office has issued a correction direction to the Australia-based academic website, East Asia Forum, on Wednesday (12 Sep).

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), Ms Indranee Rajah had ordered the directive in response to assertions made in an article titled “A spate of scandals strikes Singapore,” penned by Dr Ying-Kit Chan of the National University of Singapore.

PMO highlighted that the article contained “false statements” concerning the independence of the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s methodology in addressing extramarital affairs among parliamentarians.

Originating from the Australian National University, the East Asia Forum’s content is peer-reviewed and undergoes “checks for factual accuracy”, as affirmed on their website.

The PMO’s clarification on Singapore’s government website, “Factually” detailed several points:

  1. The article allegedly claimed Mr Lee “conflated marital infidelity and corruption.” Refuting this, the PMO stated: “This is untrue and Mr Lee did not conflate the issues.” The PMO also pointed out that “Any concurrent mention of both the CPIB investigations and extramarital affairs related only to the close proximity of the timing in which the incidents were made public, and not the substance of these incidents.”
  2. Addressing the PMO’s stance on corruption versus personal misconduct, it was reiterated that the government “took different approaches towards allegations of corruption or other wrongdoing in the discharge of official duties on the one hand, and cases involving misconduct in personal lives on the other hand.”
  3. On the independence of CPIB, the PMO highlighted that the article “conveys that CPIB is not independent in deciding whether to carry out investigations because it reports directly to the Prime Minister alone.” The PMO explained: “CPIB, like all other agencies, has to be accountable to somebody. A state agency cannot operate without any oversight or governance.”
  4. The article is also said to have alluded to a potential cover-up involving former finance minister Richard Hu’s discussion with Mr. Lee and founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew regarding property acquisitions. The PMO clarified, “This matter was openly debated in Parliament in 1996,” and no wrongdoing was found in the subsequent investigation by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
  5. Addressing claims of a cover-up involving Senior Minister Teo Chee Hean’s inquiry into bungalow rentals by ministers, the PMO stated: “CPIB did conduct an investigation and found no evidence of corruption or wrongdoing.”

Closing their statement, the PMO advised, “We advise members of the public not to speculate and/or spread unverified rumours,” emphasizing the article’s “false and misleading statements while omitting key facts on these matters of public interest.”

The East Asia Forum is required to post a correction notice at the top of the article, on their main webpage, and on related Facebook entries. However, as of the time this article was published, no notice has appeared in the required locations.

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Epigram Books to close SAM bookshop amid low sales and footfall

Epigram Books will shut down its bookshop at the Singapore Art Museum on 26 January 2025, citing low sales and foot traffic. The independent bookstore, known for supporting local authors, will continue to operate its online store, but its future in brick-and-mortar retail is uncertain.



Epigram Books, a major supporter of Singaporean literature, will close its Epigram Coffee Bookshop at the Singapore Art Museum (SAM) on 26 January 2025.

The decision comes after years of struggling with low sales and foot traffic at the Tanjong Pagar Distripark location, marking the end of the bookstore’s three-year lease.

The announcement on 19 September follows Times Bookstores’ closure of its final outlet in Holland Road, highlighting the growing challenges faced by brick-and-mortar bookstores in Singapore.

Edmund Wee, publisher at Epigram Books, expressed disappointment, stating: “We tried everything to make this work. Over the past three years, we’ve often asked ourselves, how many people even knew our bookstore existed here, let alone visited?”

Despite efforts to boost traffic, including operating shuttles to increase accessibility, the bookstore struggled to attract visitors consistently.

Epigram Coffee Bookshop, previously located at the Urban Redevelopment Authority Centre on Maxwell Road and later in a pop-up at Beach Road, relocated to SAM in May 2022 in partnership with Balestier Market Collective.

The 20-seater store featured towering shelves showcasing local and Southeast Asian titles, including books from other independent publishers like Ethos Books and Math Paper Press.

However, the location’s industrial setting, which only saw spikes in visitors during major exhibitions like Olafur Eliasson’s, limited consistent footfall.

The closure coincides with the end of Eliasson’s exhibit on 22 September 2024. Although the exhibition provided a temporary boost to the bookshop’s sales, Epigram noted that the increased traffic was short-lived.

Epigram’s future in physical retail remains uncertain. Mr Wee indicated that high rental costs make reopening a physical store unlikely: “Unless rent prices relent, it’s unlikely we’ll move into another space.”

Epigram Books has been a significant presence in Singapore’s independent book scene, promoting local authors and holding literary events.

The bookshop was also a community hub for the literary arts, hosting numerous book launches and events supporting local writers. “These spaces are special to our literary arts community. They’re where book lovers gather, where literary events and book launches happen in support of our writers,” said Mr Wee.

Despite the closure of the SAM store, Epigram will continue to operate its online store. The publisher emphasized the need for continued support from readers: “We’ve come this far with everyone’s support, and we look forward to continued support from our readers as we transition to focus on online sales.”

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Elderly men eating leftovers at People’s Park Food Centre spark concerns over rising living costs

A recent report revealed that elderly men have been seen eating leftovers at People’s Park Food Centre, raising concerns about their potential struggles amid rising living costs in Singapore. Online community are urging relevant agencies to reach out and understand their situations.



Singapore: A group of elderly men has reportedly been eating leftovers at in People’s Park Food Centre, as reported by Shin Min Daily News on Wednesday (18 September).

According to tips from readers, these elderly men have been spotted scavenging for food at the bustling food centre in Chinatown.

Witnesses noted that they not only take unfinished meals from tables but also search the dish return area for additional leftovers.

Several hawkers reported seeing multiple elderly individuals, including one specific man, frequently visiting the food centre to collect leftovers, although they were unaware of their identities and living situations.

A Chinese food hawker, who has worked there for over ten years, noted that at least three or four scavengers come daily, usually around 8 or 9 PM, and sometimes kind customers buy food for them.

Another stall assistant, Ms Ma, observed that diners often leave their tables, allowing the older man to sit down and eat the leftovers directly.

Cleaner Mr Quan mentioned that while he has seen the man taking food left by others, he has also witnessed him buying his own meals, suggesting he is not in dire financial need.

Additionally, Quan noted that these scavengers typically arrive around 10 AM and leave in the afternoon.

One Elderly Man Interviewed Attributes Leftover Eating Habit to Waste Prevention, Not Financial Struggles

Among the scavengers is Mr Wang, an 84-year-old resident of Bedok, who emphasised that he doesn’t want to waste food.

He told reporter, “I have a home and children, but it’s very lively here, so I come every day and go home in the evening.”

He acknowledged his habit of eating leftovers, stating, “It’s not because I lack money; I simply don’t want to waste food.”

He explained, “Some people order a lot and can’t finish it; sometimes a whole fish is left uneaten. ”

“When I see large plates of leftover food, I think it’s a waste, so I take it to eat, and it’s still warm,” he said, adding that other scavengers respect each other’s space and enjoy their own finds.

Not everyone supports the practice of scavenging for leftovers. Daniel Tay, a retired financial advisor and advocate for freeganism, expressed concerns about the potential dangers of consuming discarded food.

He pointed out that it’s often unclear how long the food has been left out or if it has been contaminated by animals or pests, which could lead to food poisoning.

“It’s extremely unhygienic. Diners might throw away food or toss used napkins into it, contaminating it further. If a diner gets sick, such as with the flu or COVID-19, they could pass the virus to someone eating the leftovers,” he warned.

Tay suggested a more proactive approach, encouraging people to ask diners if they can take home any uneaten food, which would help ensure the food is clean and raise awareness about food waste.

Netizens Urge Agencies to Address Challenges Faced by Elderly Amid Rising Living Costs

Comments on Shin Min’s Facebook page reveal that many netizens suspect the elderly men scavenging for food may be facing significant challenges and are urging relevant agencies to reach out to understand their situations.

Some are questioning whether the rising cost of living in Singapore is prompting individuals to resort to drastic measures to save money.

One netizen commented, “Every family has its own difficulties; who hasn’t faced storms and hardships? If you see an elderly person, please invite him to a meal. After all, we will all grow old one day. Whether it’s a blessing or a curse, only heaven and earth know. I believe that Singaporeans who see him will definitely invite him to a meal.”

Discussion on Singapore’s Hardwarezone forum also highlighted that many have witnessed similar situations, indicating that this issue is not new.

One netizen speculated that some elderly individuals might be facing mental health challenges. The user shared observation of an elderly woman in Little India who regularly collects cardboard and sells 4D lottery tickets. Despite receiving money from passersby, she continues her activities.

Another user recounted an experience of seeing an elderly woman eating directly from leftover plates and offered to buy her a plate of duck rice.

However, the hawker advised that it would be pointless, as the woman allegedly prefers eating leftovers to fresh food. The netizen expressed pity for her situation, noting that other customers had also tried to buy her a meal.

Not the First Time Elderly Individuals Spotted Scavenging for Leftovers at People’s Park Food Centre

This is not the first time elderly individuals have been spotted eating leftover food at People’s Park Food Centre.

In November 2022, 8World News reported that at least seven elderly people allegedly engage in such practice regularly at the hawker centre. These individuals typically search for unfinished food left on tables or at the tray return area.

At that time, in response to inquiries from 8World News, the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) stated that they were collaborating with grassroots volunteers and hawkers to identify these elderly individuals and provide assistance if needed.

MSF encourages the public to report any elderly individuals in need of help by calling 1800-222-0000 or connecting them with local social service agencies through the OneService App.

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