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Minimum Income Standard study reveals families need S$6,693 monthly to meet basic needs

The latest figures released by a study as part of the “Minimum Income Standard (MIS) project” reveal that to maintain a basic standard of living in Singapore, couples with two children need S$6,693 monthly, while a single parent with a child aged 2–6 requires S$3,369. Senior individuals face monthly expenses of S$1,492, highlighting a glaring disparity between actual earnings and essential living costs.



In the heart of Southeast Asia, Singapore, often dubbed the “Little Red Dot,” has ascended to the pinnacle of economic success.

Beneath its glittering skyline and remarkable GDP figures, the city-state confronts challenges that might impede its path to inclusive growth.

A recently published report, “Minimum Income Standard 2023: Household Budgets in a Time of Rising Costs,” unveils figures detailing the necessary income households require to maintain a basic standard of living, using the Minimum Income Standard (MIS) method.

This method establishes universal basic needs by amalgamating diverse views and opinions. It aims to achieve consensus from ordinary members of society across different backgrounds and then translates these perspectives into precise household budgets. This determines the cost of a basic standard of living in Singapore.

The newly released study, spearheaded by Dr Ng Kok Hoe of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP), builds upon research initiated in 2019 using the MIS method. It specifically focuses on working-age households in 2021 and presents the latest MIS budgets, adjusted for inflation from 2020 to 2022.

Raising a Family: For couples with two children, taking into account educational expenses, routine healthcare visits, and the general cost of living, the required amount reaches S$6,693 per month. For a single parent with one child aged 2–6 years old, this figure is S$3,369.

Seniors: The twilight years present unique financial challenges. For senior citizens, costs for medications, routine medical checks, and assisted services push their monthly requirements to S$1,492 for a single elderly individual. For an elderly couple aged 65 and above, the figure rises to S$2,551, while those aged between 55 and 64 years require S$1,857.

The increase amounts to a rise of 4%–5% between 2020 and 2022 for the three indicative household types.

This uptick is less pronounced than the price inflation, which reached 8.6% over the same period. For most item categories, the growth in the MIS budget aligns with inflation rates. Yet, the escalation in housing costs for single-parent households exceeded inflation, while transport expenses in the MIS budgets notably trailed inflation.

Significantly, a large part of these budgets is channeled towards public services, encompassing areas such as housing, healthcare, education, and childcare.

Such results underline the palpable gap between the actual earnings of many and the amount they need to maintain a dignified and reasonably comfortable life.

In the context of Singapore’s actual work income distribution per household member, the MIS budgets are closely aligned with the average earnings of the third decile group (21st to 30th percentile).

According to the study, even though households within this income range fared slightly better in 2022 compared to 2020 concerning the MIS budgets, around 30% of working households still don’t earn enough to meet basic necessities.

Inadequacy of Current Policies

Although measures like the Progressive Wage Model (PWM) and Workfare Income Supplement (WIS) have had a positive impact, as noted by the study, they haven’t completely addressed the disparity.

Even with increments since 2020, the primary wage interventions, such as PWM and WIS, enable single elderly individuals to meet the MIS budget. However, working-age households often achieve less than 70% of their income needs.

The study observes that during certain life stages, wage work isn’t feasible. As a result, public initiatives like cash transfers, service subsidies, and retirement income policies become crucial.

From 2020 to 2022, while the MIS budgets rose, the income limits and support amounts for children’s care and education remained unchanged.

This static nature made qualifying for assistance more challenging, and the genuine value of the aid decreased. The study pointed out, for example, that infant care subsidies account for 2%–35% of working-age households’ MIS budgets, while student care subsidies only cover between 1% and 7%.

Within the Central Provident Fund (CPF), modest hikes to the Basic Retirement Sum (BRS) and Full Retirement Sum (FRS) reportedly didn’t have a significant impact on the adequacy of retirement income. In practice, only 65% of active CPF members who turned 55 in 2021 achieved these benchmarks.

For low-income seniors, the ComCare Long-Term Assistance is perceived as insufficient. It addresses only 43% of a single elderly person’s basic needs and reaches a limited segment of the senior population. The more extensive Silver Support Scheme offers just 10%–20% of the MIS budget.

Even with the enhancement to the GST Voucher – Cash aimed at lower-income households, it amounts to merely about 1% of the MIS budgets for working-age households and 2% for a solo elderly individual. Additionally, the 2023 national budget introduced various one-time interventions to counteract inflation and the repercussions of the GST rate increase. Nonetheless, these measures have minimal impact on the broader perspective of income security.

The study highlighted that, although short-term financial strategies during the pandemic granted immediate respite, they did not alleviate the deep-rooted ideological opposition to social protection. This resistance was a significant contributor to the glaring vulnerabilities and disparities unveiled in 2020.

Bearing the weight of their findings, the researchers advocate for a multi-pronged approach:

Wage Reformation: While sector-specific wage models are valuable, they need evolution. The study suggests formulating a universal wage floor that caters to the fundamental needs of all Singaporeans, ensuring a decent standard of living.

Policy Overhaul: Short-term measures, especially those crafted hastily in emergencies, do not align with long-term objectives. Sustainable, adaptable, and future-proof policies are urgently needed. The CPF, driven solely by income from work participation, disadvantages those with interrupted careers. Additionally, other income support measures fall short. The retirement income system demands significant reform to safeguard the less affluent in their senior years, and assistance amounts should be aligned with current prices to meet actual needs.

Strengthening Social Safety Nets: The societal framework requires more than just financial strengthening. This could take the form of accessible mental health resources, community-building initiatives, or skill development programs.

Transparent Governance: For fostering trust and ensuring effective resource utilization, transparency is paramount. The study recommends a consistent, open reporting mechanism that allows citizens to measure the effectiveness of public schemes. Policy performance evaluations should be based on accurate benchmarks.

People can use the MIS calculator to calculate their minimum income standard for them and their families.

Read the full report here

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RSF condemns Malaysian court ruling against British journalist Clare Rewcastle Brown

Malaysia’s Federal Court rejected Clare Rewcastle Brown’s appeal against a defamation ruling, leaving her liable for damages over RM 435,000. RSF condemned the decision as an effort to silence the journalist, who is known for reporting on corruption scandals.



Malaysia’s Federal Court has dismissed British journalist Clare Rewcastle Brown’s appeal against a defamation ruling, leaving her liable to pay damages exceeding RM 435,000 (US$103,325).

The defamation suit, which RSF (Reporters Without Borders) describes as part of a broader effort to silence journalists reporting on corruption, relates to a statement in Rewcastle Brown’s 2018 book, The Sarawak Report – The Inside Story of the 1MDB Expose.

The journalist has faced legal challenges ever since, including both civil and criminal cases.

Rewcastle Brown, known for exposing Malaysia’s 1MDB financial scandal, was accused of defaming the Sultanah of Terengganu, the wife of a senior political figure.

The defamation suit stems from a misidentification error in the book, which wrongly stated that the Sultanah, rather than the Sultan’s sister, was connected to a businessman involved in the scandal.

Rewcastle Brown quickly corrected the mistake and issued an apology in 2018. Her legal team has argued that the error does not constitute defamation or criminal libel.

The Sultanah had initially sought RM 100 million in general damages, but the court ultimately awarded a much smaller sum of RM 300,000 (US$71,230) in damages, along with RM 135,000 (US$32,095) in legal costs. Additional fees are expected.

The Federal Court’s decision on 10 September 2024 closes Rewcastle Brown’s legal avenues for appeal in the civil case.

Reporters Without Borders has condemned Malaysia’s handling of the case, asserting that it is intended to intimidate other journalists from reporting on corruption.

Fiona O’Brien, UK Bureau Director of RSF, commented: “This case should never have made it to court. The accusations of defamation are nonsensical. The underlying agenda appears to be to silence Rewcastle Brown and warn other Malaysian journalists away from reporting on corruption.”

In a separate criminal case, Rewcastle Brown was sentenced in absentia to two years in prison in February 2024. She continues to appeal the criminal charges but has faced significant challenges in defending herself. The British government has not commented publicly on her case.

RSF also noted that Malaysia, once ranked 73rd in the World Press Freedom Index, has dropped to 107th in 2024, amid rising political instability and a pattern of defamation suits against journalists.

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Three women to contest charges over pro-Palestinian procession outside Istana

Three Singaporean women, charged under the Public Order Act for organizing a pro-Palestinian procession on 2 February, will contest their charges at trial, a court heard on 18 September. About 70 people participated in the February event, carrying watermelon-adorned umbrellas as a symbol of Palestinian resistance while delivering letters to then-Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.



SINGAPORE: Three Singaporean women charged in connection with a pro-Palestinian procession to the Istana will contest their charges at trial, a court heard on Wednesday (18 September).

The defendants are Annamalai Kokila Parvathi, 35, an activist with the Transformative Justice Collective (TJC); Siti Amirah Mohamed Asrori, 29, a social media influencer; and Mossamad Sobikun Nahar, 25, a community worker.

They were charged in June under the Public Order Act for organizing an unpermitted procession on 2 February.

During the court hearing on Wednesday, the trio, through their lawyer, indicated their intention to contest the charges and claim trial.

Siti Amirah and Mossamad are accused of organizing the procession that occurred between 2pm and 3pm along the perimeter of the Istana, a restricted area.

Kokila is charged with abetting the conspiracy by collaborating with Siti, Mossamad, Alysha Mohamed Rahmat Shah, Anystasha Mohamed Rahmat Shah, and other unnamed individuals to organize the event.

According to a previous police statement, around 70 people gathered outside a mall on Orchard Road at about 2pm on 2 February before marching towards the Istana.

They carried umbrellas painted with watermelon images, symbolizing support for Palestinians amidst the ongoing Israel- Palestinian conflict.

The watermelon, reflecting the colors of the Palestinian flag, has become a symbol of solidarity.

Social media posts indicate that participants of the Letters for Palestine event walked from Plaza Singapura to the Istana to deliver letters addressed to then-Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

The cases have been adjourned to October for pre-trial conferences.

If convicted under the Public Order Act, the women face a potential penalty of up to six months’ imprisonment, a fine of up to S$10,000, or both.

The police have reiterated their call for the public to avoid actions that could disrupt peace, public order, and social harmony in Singapore.

They advised that while strong feelings about the Israel-Hamas conflict are understandable, lawful means of expression, such as participating in organized forums, dialogues, and donation drives, are preferable to illegal protests.

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