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Netizens express disappointment over Singapore Govt’s dismissal of latest basic living income report

Amidst growing discontent, the Singaporean government faces criticism for rejecting the ‘Minimum Income Standard 2023’ report’s recommendations, fueling a heated online debate on platforms like Reddit over perceived disconnection from the public’s economic struggles.



SINGAPORE: A recently published report, “Minimum Income Standard 2023: Household Budgets in a Time of Rising Costs,” unveils figures detailing the necessary income households require to maintain a basic standard of living, using the Minimum Income Standard (MIS) method.

The newly released study, spearheaded by Dr Ng Kok Hoe of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP) specifically focuses on working-age households in 2021 and presents the latest MIS budgets, adjusted for inflation from 2020 to 2022.

The study also warned that although measures like the Progressive Wage Model (PWM) and Workfare Income Supplement (WIS) have had a positive impact, as noted by the study, they haven’t completely addressed the disparity.

The researchers advocate a multi-pronged approach: including reforming wages by establishing a universal wage floor to ensure a decent standard of living for all Singaporeans; overhauling policies to create sustainable, adaptable, and future-proof measures, especially in the retirement income system, to support those with interrupted careers.

The study also suggested strengthening social safety nets not only financially but also through mental health resources, community-building initiatives, and skill development programs.

Lastly, transparent governance is crucial, with consistent reporting mechanisms and accurate benchmarks to foster trust and efficient resource utilization in public schemes.

Singapore Govt challenges MIS 2023 report’s representation of basic needs

Regrettably, on Thursday (14 Sept), the Finance Ministry (MOF), Manpower Ministry (MOM), and Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) jointly issued a statement dismissing the idea suggested by the report, claiming that minimum household income requirements amid inflation “might not accurately reflect basic needs”.

Instead, they claimed that findings should be seen as “what individuals would like to have.”

The Singapore government further defended their stances for the Progressive Wage Model (PWM) and other measures to uplift lower-wage workers, arguing that “a universal wage floor is not necessarily the best way” to ensure decent wages for lower-wage workers.

“Set too low, the wage floor will benefit fewer workers than the Progressive Wage Model (PWM). Set too high, workers who are less-skilled risk losing their jobs, especially if their jobs can be automated.”

The joint statement mentioned that tripartite partners have recently expanded the PWM to more sectors like retail, food services and waste management, as well as occupations like administrators and drivers.

The joint statement questioned the study’s accuracy in reflecting basic needs

The government’s statement also questions the methodology of the Minimum Income Standards (MIS) report, highlighting limitations such as its reliance on respondent profiles and group dynamics.

“The MIS approach used is highly dependent on respondent profiles and on group dynamics. As the focus groups included higher-income participants, the conclusions may not be an accurate reflection of basic needs.”

The joint statement claimed that the MIS approach included discretionary expenditure items such as jewellery, perfumes, and overseas holidays.

Additionally, the government underscored an assumption made in the report, which assumes that lower-income families would receive the same amount of financial assistance as median households, arguing that lower-income families actually qualify for and receive more financial assistance.

“As such, there is a risk of over-stating the Minimum Income and under-stating the amount of Government support received by lower-income families.”

“Our own analysis suggests that the proposed monthly MIS budget of around $1,680 per capita is similar to the average monthly expenditure of $1,650 per capita for all families with children rather than reflecting a more basic set of needs  ”

Regarding retirement adequacy, the government defended their efforts to strengthen support for members who may not fully benefit from the CPF system, including lower-income workers and caregivers.

They highlighted ongoing reviews of schemes, scope, coverage, and payout quanta to ensure relevance and adequacy.

“We have been strengthening support for such members through other means such as the Majulah Package for seniors aged 50 and above, and upcoming enhancements to Silver Support and Workfare.  ”

“To ensure that our schemes remain relevant and adequate, we regularly review the scope, coverage and payout quanta of our schemes. For instance, the amount of cash assistance and the per capita household income benchmark for ComCare were just raised in August 2022 and July 2023 respectively. ”

“Oblivious leadership as wealth inequality threatens social fabric”

The government’s defensive response to the Singapore researchers’ proposal to reform the current wage model sparked backlash from the online community.

A heated debate has erupted on the social media platform Reddit in response to the joint statement from the three ministries, with many netizens expressing their disappointment in the ruling government under the People’s Action Party (PAP) for appearing out of touch with the realities of normal civilian life.

Some argue that the decline is already underway and it may be too late to prevent it, yet the government remains reluctant to reconsider the current system.

For instance, a comment has pointed out that wealth inequality is eroding the fundamental fabric of the nation, and those in positions of power seem oblivious to this fact.

Reddit user asserts it’s up to society to define basic needs, not the government

While the government has raised concerns about the accuracy of the latest MIS 2023 report in assessing basic needs, one Redditor emphasized that it should be the society and community that ultimately determine what constitutes basic needs, rather than relying solely on the government’s narratives.

Wages as fundamental basic need

Some Redditors are reminding the government that wages are also a fundamental basic need, and they question why the three ministries would argue against the accuracy of the MIS report.

“Money is the basic need,” one Redditor pointed out, calling the government out of touch. The user questioned the need for high ministerial salaries and emphasized that government employees also require money to function beyond basic necessities like food, water, and goodwill.

Growing concerns over rising costs

one Reddit user shed light on the escalating prices of Certificates of Entitlement (COEs), and pointed out a critical concern: if COE costs continue to soar, it’s an ominous sign that the overall cost of living will inevitably rise, especially given that transportation plays a pivotal role in a thriving economy.

Furthermore, this perceptive Redditor drew attention to a concerning statistic – a whopping 60% of individuals in their twenties are grappling with the affordability of housing in Singapore. Notably, this concern isn’t about lavish condos or grand mansions but centers on Build-to-Order (BTO) flats.

“When the bulk of the youths worry about public housing affordability, something is very very wrong in this country,” the comment warned.

“What’s the point in just talking about basic liveable wages when cost has run wild?”

Local SME culture vs. foreign worker policies

In a contrasting view, a Redditor known as ‘Buddyformula’ argued that considering Singapore’s distinctive local SME culture, it might be preferable for the government not to implement a minimum wage.

The user expressed concerns that this move could lead to most SMEs paying wages around 20% above the minimum wage, potentially resulting in foreign workers being preferred under the pretext that locals are unwilling to take up such jobs.

The user claimed that according to Workers’ Party (WP) calculations, this would translate to a rate of $1300 plus 20%.

However, this perspective faced opposition from another comment, who suggested that a more stringent approach to foreign labour policies, combined with measures to curb spiralling inflation, could prevent this outcome.

In response, ‘Buddyformula’ continued to express pessimism, emphasizing the challenges companies already face in hiring foreigners.

He argued that making foreign labour policies even more stringent could lead to businesses leaving Singapore, and held a sceptical view of many SME bosses would exploit the introduction of a minimum wage to their advantage.

Redditor criticizes the Ministry’s focus on minor details in the MIS 2023 report

Another Redditor expressed annoyance, suggesting that the ministry was attempting to divert attention by highlighting items like jewelry and perfume in the report.

The user emphasized that the report should be examined to understand the broader and more significant issues it presents, rather than focusing on minor details.

“Does MOF still think wanton mee cost only SG two dollars?”

Other comments on the thread take a sarcastic tone, implying that government officials may not have considered the perspectives and experiences of ordinary people.

Some even humorously suggest that the Ministry of Finance might still believe that a bowl of wanton mee costs only two Singapore dollars while “crafting their responses at a high-end restaurant like Les Amis”.

A comment also underscored the effect of inflation on everyday hawker meals, recalling a time when $10 could comfortably cover a day’s meals, which is no longer the case today.

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Netizens: 8World News anchor’s defence of Singapore’s success overlooked key domestic concerns

In a recent talk show, Zhang Haijie, a news anchor from 8World News, defended Singapore’s achievements and countered foreign criticisms about its governance. While highlighting the nation’s success, Ms Zhang’s defence of the status quo was criticised by netizens for overlooking pressing issues like the rising cost of living, job opportunities, and housing challenges faced by ordinary Singaporeans. Additionally, some questioned whether Singapore’s solutions could address similar problems in Western countries.



In a recent talk show, Zhang Haijie (张海洁), a news anchor with Singapore’s state media 8World News, staunchly defended the country’s achievements while dismissing criticisms from abroad.

In the video published on 12 September, Ms Zhang highlighted the criticisms Singapore often faces from international human rights organizations and Western media, especially regarding the perceived lack of freedom in its governance.

She highlighted how Western countries view Singapore’s democracy as abundant but its freedom as limited, whereas from a Singaporean perspective, Western freedoms sometimes go too far, such as in the case of legal gun ownership in the U.S., which raises concerns about public safety.

Zhang pointed out that while Singapore is frequently criticised for its lack of free speech, authoritarianism, and harsh legal punishments like caning and fines, these critiques are often convenient narratives used to attack Singapore’s system.

She acknowledged that these perceptions are deeply ingrained but argued that Singapore’s success, both in terms of social stability and economic prosperity, speaks for itself.

“Singapore has its own way of defending democracy and freedom; Western-style democracy and freedom don’t apply to us, ” Ms Zhang said.

“As a tiny nation with nothing, we first have to survive before we can afford the luxury of pursuing freedom and democracy.”

In her talkshow, Ms Zhang highlighted a recent article by Graham Allison, a Harvard professor and former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense, published in Foreign Policy magazine.

The article, titled “What the West Can Learn From Singapore” poses a thought-provoking question: while Americans and Britons highly value freedoms like speech, press, and assembly, would they be willing to accept some limitations on these rights in exchange for the high standards of governance that Singaporeans enjoy?

Ms Zhang further highlighted that Singapore’s success is not merely the result of authoritarian governance, but stems from the fact that “Lee Kuan Yew and his nation-building team made the right decisions, even when they were difficult to understand or unpopular, which ultimately propelled Singapore to its current heights.”

Zhang cited the 1992 ban on chewing gum as an example, explaining that it was implemented to reduce societal costs and prevent vandalism on public property.

Although Singapore faced criticism for this decision—especially during U.S. negotiations—it reflected the country’s bold and pragmatic approach, she added.

Ms Zhang said despite external mockery, Singaporeans now view the ban as a success, showing how restrictions can lead to better living conditions.

She also referenced Lee Kuan Yew’s comment to the BBC, acknowledging that Singapore has been labeled a “nanny state.”

However, she argued that this governance model has fostered a more disciplined and livable society over the years.

Zhang emphasised “Uniquely Singapore” governance system, which is tailored to its specific needs and environment, including policies like the Certificate of Entitlement (COE), government housing, ERP, and a strong anti-corruption framework.

Nevertheless, Ms Zhang acknowledged that while the Western governance model has its advantages, especially in inclusivity, Singapore’s tailored system has proven effective for its unique circumstances.

Netizens criticise Ms Zhang for overlooking Singaporeans’ pressing concerns, lack of balance discussion

8World News is a Chinese digital portal under Mediacorp, a state-owned media company under Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund, Temasek Holdings.

Despite the supportive comments on 8World News’s YouTube channel and Facebook page reflecting Ms Zhang’s defence of Singapore’s democracy and achievements, some netizens have pointed out that her arguments overlooked criticisms and concerns raised by ordinary Singaporeans.

These concerns include pressing issues such as the rising cost of living, job opportunities, and housing challenges, which have been increasingly alarming for many on the ground.

A comment emphasised the importance of “press freedom” as a reflection of society, comparing it to the necessity of having a mirror in every household. He suggests that just as a mirror reflects one’s appearance, a free press reflects societal issues and concerns.

Netizen suggests 8World News seek diverse opinions on Singapore’s democracy

A YT user suggests that discussing the topic solely from one’s own perspective may not be suitable.

The user recommend that as an individual media platform, the best approach is to invite several guests to share their personal viewpoints, allowing the audience to draw their own conclusions based on a range of opinions.

Netizen asked: Can Singapore’s solutions solve problems in the Western world?

Another comment questions the assertion that Western-style democracy is not applicable to Singapore by highlighting that Singapore’s system is built on parliamentary democracy, elections, a fair judiciary, and a neutral civil service.

These elements, the netizen argues, are essential to Singapore’s success and are not exclusive to Western models.

The netizen further argued that Singapore’s economic prosperity is rooted in the post-war world order led by the U.S., which promoted free trade and provided technology and capital from the West.

He then questions whether Singapore’s model could be applied to the UK or the US, noting that these countries have long histories of stable governance while Singapore is still in its early stages of development.

“The crises faced by the US and European societies are reactions to globalization, such as issues with immigration and unemployment due to industrial shifts. How has Singapore addressed these problems? ”

“For immigration, it firmly denies long-term residency to foreign workers. For unemployment caused by industrial shifts, it opened two casinos and developed the tourism and service industries. Do you think these solutions could be applied to the West? Can they resolve the West’s issues?” The netizen asked.

Rising living costs and employment challenges highlighted amidst growing concerns in Singapore

In recent years, there has been growing concern over rising living costs in Singapore, with many experiencing increased hardships due to policies that have driven up everyday expenses.

Escalating grocery prices, million-dollar HDB flats, and COE premiums exceeding S$100k set records, reinforcing Singapore’s tag as one of the world’s most expensive cities, surpassing even New York.

Last year, Singapore’s Workers’ Party proposed a motion urging structural changes to alleviate financial burdens on citizens, calling for measures to reduce living costs.

However, the ruling party’s proposed modifications to the motion, which the WP strongly opposed, were seen as diminishing the government’s responsibility to address these issues.

On 17 September, The Labour Market Report for Q2 2024, released by Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower, revealed that all job growth was driven by non-resident workers, while resident employment declined by 600.

Time-related underemployment among residents rose to 2.2%. Of the retrenched residents, 55% found new jobs within six months, but 41.4% had to accept lower wages.

Only 32.2% of retrenched residents managed to secure jobs with similar or higher pay. Older workers, particularly those aged 50 to 59, faced the biggest challenges, with their re-employment rate dropping to 41.6%.

Non-resident workers continue to fill roles in sectors like Construction and Manufacturing, which struggle to attract local residents due to the physically demanding nature of these jobs and the rising cost of living.

Over half of Singaporeans polled consider relocating to Johor Bahru to escape high living costs

A recent survey by Singlife found that more than two in five Singaporeans believe they will never achieve financial freedom.

The poll, part of Singlife’s second Financial Freedom Index, reveals significant concerns about the financial future of Singaporeans and permanent residents.

According to the survey, 44% of respondents doubt they will ever reach financial freedom, citing major obstacles such as insufficient income (53%), unforeseen expenses (38%), job insecurity (32%), and debt repayment burdens (28%).

These factors have contributed to a drop in the overall Financial Freedom Index score, which fell from 60 in 2023 to 58 out of 100 in 2024.

As Singapore’s cost of living rises and concerns about retirement fund adequacy mount, an increasing number of residents are considering relocating to Malaysia, especially Johor Bahru (JB).

According to a recent poll by, which surveyed over 1,500 respondents, more than half expressed a willingness to move to JB to escape Singapore’s high living expenses.

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Tan Kiat How: Police called after resident ‘became aggressive’ at meet-the-people session

Senior Minister of State Tan Kiat How shared on TikTok that police were called to his meet-the-people session (MPS) in Bedok on Monday (17 Sept) evening after a resident ‘became a little more aggressive’, reportedly over a job issue. While the PAP MP emphasized the efforts made to assist residents, some netizens questioned the volunteers’ handling of the situation and urged more proactive measures from the MP.



SINGAPORE: Police were called to a meet-the-people session (MPS) in Bedok after a resident became aggressive, causing a disturbance, according to Member of Parliament (MP) for East Coast GRC Tan Kiat How.

Mr Tan, who represents the Kampong Chai Chee ward, addressed the incident in a TikTok video posted on Monday (17 September).

In the video, Mr Tan, who is also Senior Minister of State for National Development, emphasised the need for mutual respect at these sessions, which are intended to be safe spaces for both residents and volunteers.

“It was unfortunate that the police had to be called to MPS today when a resident became a little more aggressive,” Mr Tan said, acknowledging the incident that occurred during the Monday MPS session at Block 408 Bedok North Avenue 2.

Mr Tan expressed empathy for the challenges faced by residents but urged individuals attending MPS to remain respectful towards volunteers.

“Sometimes you see such cases at MPS, where one of the residents get more aggressive and can be a little bit more violent,” he noted.

He added that while efforts are made to assist residents, certain matters are beyond their control.

“For example, we can’t write to a government agency to demand the agency to offer a job to a person … but we can facilitate and make sure that opportunities are available for our residents,” he explained.


It was unfortunate that the police had to be called to #MPS today when a resident became a little more aggressive. We always do our best to help #KampongChaiChee residents, but some things are beyond our control. Let’s work towards mutual respect and ensure MPS remains a safe space for both residents and volunteers. #caringeastcoast

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Netizens Question Volunteers’ Handling of Situation and Call for Greater Action from MP

The incident drew numerous responses on TikTok, with some expressing support for Mr Tan and others sympathising with the unnamed resident.

One comment suggested that the individual may have been “desperate” for a solution to their issue, while another urged patience, noting that not all cases can be resolved immediately.

Separately, Mr Tan responded to one user by confirming that he had previously helped the resident’s parents.

Some questioned whether the issue arose from a lack of tact by certain volunteers in handling the situation, suggesting that they receive proper training to address residents’ concerns effectively.

In response, Mr Tan emphasized that his volunteers always do their best and that empathy is crucial in such situations.

Another user noted that empathy should be mutual, suggesting that while residents are trying their best, they may feel they have no other solutions, urging Mr Tan to show greater understanding.

One comment pointed out that something significant might have affected the resident, possibly leading them to drastic actions, and called for more proactive measures from the MP rather than just expressing empathy.

This is not the first time an MPS has been marked by aggression.

In 2018, Jurong GRC MP Tan Wu Meng was assaulted by a 32-year-old man, leaving him with injuries.

The assailant was arrested after rushing into the MPS area and attacking Dr Tan.

Similarly, in 2009, Ang Mo Kio GRC MP Seng Han Thong was attacked when a resident doused him with paint thinner and set him on fire. Mr Seng survived but required extensive medical treatment.

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