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East Asia Forum faces access blocking for non-compliance with Singapore’s POFMA correction direction

Following the non-compliance of the Correction Direction by East Asia Forum, the Minister for Communications and Information initiated Access Blocking Orders, restricting Singaporean access to the platform.

Additionally, due to East Asia Forum’s omission on its Facebook post, a Targeted Correction Direction was issued to Meta Platforms, Inc., requiring a correction notice to Singaporean viewers of the post.



SINGAPORE: Following a breach of the Correction Direction issued on 13 September 2023 regarding misinformation in their article titled “A Spate of Scandals Strike Singapore,” the Minister for Communications and Information today directed the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) to execute Access Blocking Orders against East Asia Forum.

The directive under the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA) mandates that internet service providers restrict end-users in Singapore from accessing the East Asia Forum’s website, where the inaccuracies are displayed.

The Correction Direction served to the East Asia Forum on 13 September demanded the presentation of correct information alongside the alleged falsehoods, enabling Singaporeans to discern the truth by comparing both versions.

Contrary to this directive, East Asia Forum positioned the Government’s response within the comments section at the end of the article. This arrangement did not comply with the stipulated positioning of the Correction Notices at the article’s beginning and the website’s main page.

The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) has stated that if East Asia Forum later adheres to the Correction Direction’s full requirements, the Access Blocking Orders will be rescinded.

Moreover, due to the East Asia Forum’s failure to display the Correction Notice on its Facebook post connected to the contentious article, the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), Ms Indranee Rajah has directed the POFMA Office to issue a Targeted Correction Direction to Meta Platforms, Inc.

This mandates Meta Platforms, Inc to relay a correction notice to all Singapore end-users who viewed the East Asia Forum’s Facebook post.

Earlier, the POFMA Office had issued a correction direction to the Australia-rooted academic platform, East Asia Forum, on 12 September.

This action was a response to the assertions made in the article written by Dr Ying-Kit Chan from the National University of Singapore.

The PMO flagged the article for containing “false statements” regarding the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) independence and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s methods of addressing extramarital affairs among parliamentarians.

In a detailed clarification on the Singaporean government’s website, “Factually,” the PMO addressed several points from the article, including claims about PM Lee, the independence of CPIB, and potential cover-ups involving property acquisitions and bungalow rentals by ministers.

Questions surrounding potential overreach in POFMA directives

In the wake of the East Asia Forum’s access blocking, parallels can be drawn to the debate in Parliament concerning the Asia Sentinel, an online news publication which was also blocked in June 2023 for non-compliance to the requirements set by the POFMA office for its correction notices.

Mr Pritam Singh, the Leader of the Opposition, posed pointed questions about the extent and prominence of POFMA correction notices.

Specifically, Mr Singh sought clarity on why online publications are mandated to feature correction notices not only within the contested article but also on their primary landing page.

Voicing apprehension about overreach, he suggested that having the correction on the article itself should be adequate, preventing the potential misrepresentation of the entire website’s content as disputable.

Drawing a comparison to traditional media, Mr Singh highlighted that print publications wouldn’t customarily be mandated to display an apology or correction on their front page, indicating that similar considerations could be given to online platforms.

In response, Senior Minister of State for Communications and Information Janil Puthucheary emphasized the challenge of digital falsehoods, noting the government’s aim to counter misinformation as broadly as the original false claim was disseminated.

He rationalized the approach by stressing that online readers seldom revisit articles, making it paramount that the correction reaches them effectively.

Acknowledging the unique design, user patterns, and content nature of each website, Dr Puthucheary underscored the need for adaptability, asserting that a uniform approach might fall short in ensuring maximum exposure to corrections.

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Civil Society

Three women to contest charges over pro-Palestinian procession outside Istana

Three Singaporean women, charged under the Public Order Act for organizing a pro-Palestinian procession on 2 February, will contest their charges at trial, a court heard on 18 September. About 70 people participated in the February event, carrying watermelon-adorned umbrellas as a symbol of Palestinian resistance while delivering letters to then-Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.



SINGAPORE: Three Singaporean women charged in connection with a pro-Palestinian procession to the Istana will contest their charges at trial, a court heard on Wednesday (18 September).

The defendants are Annamalai Kokila Parvathi, 35, an activist with the Transformative Justice Collective (TJC); Siti Amirah Mohamed Asrori, 29, a social media influencer; and Mossamad Sobikun Nahar, 25, a community worker.

They were charged in June under the Public Order Act for organizing an unpermitted procession on 2 February.

During the court hearing on Wednesday, the trio, through their lawyer, indicated their intention to contest the charges and claim trial.

Siti Amirah and Mossamad are accused of organizing the procession that occurred between 2pm and 3pm along the perimeter of the Istana, a restricted area.

Kokila is charged with abetting the conspiracy by collaborating with Siti, Mossamad, Alysha Mohamed Rahmat Shah, Anystasha Mohamed Rahmat Shah, and other unnamed individuals to organize the event.

According to a previous police statement, around 70 people gathered outside a mall on Orchard Road at about 2pm on 2 February before marching towards the Istana.

They carried umbrellas painted with watermelon images, symbolizing support for Palestinians amidst the ongoing Israel- Palestinian conflict.

The watermelon, reflecting the colors of the Palestinian flag, has become a symbol of solidarity.

Social media posts indicate that participants of the Letters for Palestine event walked from Plaza Singapura to the Istana to deliver letters addressed to then-Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

The cases have been adjourned to October for pre-trial conferences.

If convicted under the Public Order Act, the women face a potential penalty of up to six months’ imprisonment, a fine of up to S$10,000, or both.

The police have reiterated their call for the public to avoid actions that could disrupt peace, public order, and social harmony in Singapore.

They advised that while strong feelings about the Israel-Hamas conflict are understandable, lawful means of expression, such as participating in organized forums, dialogues, and donation drives, are preferable to illegal protests.

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COE prices surge across most categories, Open Category hits S$113,104

COE premiums rose on 18 September, with the Open Category hitting S$113,104, the highest since December 2023. Category A and B premiums also saw increases, while commercial vehicle COEs remained stable.



Certificate of Entitlement (COE) premiums surged across most categories on 18 September, with the Open Category recording the steepest increase, reaching S$113,104.

This marks the highest price since December 2023, when the premium for an Open Category COE peaked at S$118,388.

The Category A COE, designated for smaller and less powerful cars as well as electric vehicles (EVs), rose by 2.1% to S$98,524 from S$96,490 at the previous tender on 4 September. This is the highest price recorded for Category A COEs in 2024.

Category B COEs, which apply to larger and more powerful cars and EVs, saw a 3.5% increase, with premiums rising to S$110,001 from the previous S$106,300.

Meanwhile, the Open Category, or Category E, which can be used to register any vehicle except motorcycles but is often applied to larger vehicles, rose by 5.8% to S$113,104, compared to S$106,901 from the earlier tender.

In contrast, the COE premium for commercial vehicles (Category C) remained largely unchanged at S$74,000, only S$1 below the figure from the previous exercise.

The premium for motorcycle COEs (Category D) saw a modest 1% increase, reaching S$9,900, up from S$9,801 in the last round.

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