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Jokowi’s intelligence insights into political parties raise alarm in Indonesian civil society

President Jokowi’s revelation of extensive intelligence on political parties ahead of the 2024 elections spurs Indonesian civil society to issue a statement and a debate over the role of intelligence agencies in politics.



INDONESIA: In a recent statement, President Joko Widodo, popularly known as Jokowi, disclosed that he is privy to the activities of all political parties in the lead-up to the 2024 elections.

He asserted that he possesses comprehensive intelligence information regarding these parties, including their directions and strategies.

The President made these remarks during the national working meeting (rakernas) of volunteers from the Jokowi National Secretariat (Seknas Jokowi) at the Salak Hotel in Bogor, West Java, on Saturday (16 Sep).

He initially emphasized his desire for Indonesia to prosper and highlighted the crucial role that national leadership plays in achieving this goal.

“It’s true that leadership is highly decisive,” President Jokowi stated, underlining the significance of the upcoming General Elections, which will determine the future President and Vice President.

These elections, scheduled for 2024, 2029, and 2034, will play a pivotal role in shaping Indonesia’s destiny.

President Jokowi further disclosed that the intelligence information he receives on political parties is exceptionally comprehensive.

He draws data from various intelligence sources, including the National Intelligence Agency (BIN), the police’s intelligence unit, and the Indonesian National Army’s Strategic Intelligence Agency (BAIS).

Additionally, he mentioned the availability of data, surveys, and other pertinent information.

President Joko Widodo at the national working meeting (rakernas) of volunteers from the Jokowi National Secretariat (Seknas Jokowi) at the Salak Hotel in Bogor, West Java, on Saturday (16 Sep). (Photo: ANTARA)

Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Mahfud MD weighed in on the issue, asserting that it is customary for the President to be informed about the political landscape in Indonesia.

He highlighted that this responsibility is enshrined in the law, with the President regularly receiving intelligence reports on sensitive matters.

“The name of the president means he can know anything, including political parties. It’s the President’s duty, security, and legal issues. Every sensitive matter in society, the President receives daily reports from intelligence,” Mahfud said at the Ministry of Youth and Sport (Kemenpora) Square, Senayan, Central Jakarta, on Sunday (17 Sep).

Furthermore, Mahfud explained that even ministers have access to intelligence data, albeit on a monthly basis, while the President receives daily updates.

He emphasized that this is a normal practice and underscored the President’s role in determining policies and safeguarding national security.

Leaders of various political parties have responded to President Jokowi’s statements. Airlangga Hartarto, Chairman of the Golkar Party, acknowledged that they are well-informed based on data and stressed the importance of understanding the future.

He explained that “understanding the future” implies making informed decisions for the nation’s benefit.

Dave Laksono, Chairman of the Central Executive Board of the Golkar Party, supported the notion that it is reasonable for the President to be aware of political party directions.

He pointed out that many Western leaders are knowledgeable about foreign political parties’ movements, let alone their own country’s political landscape.

He expressed no concerns about President Jokowi holding information about the Golkar Party and reiterated Jokowi’s neutrality.

Similarly, Zulkifli Hasan, Chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN), concurred with Airlangga, highlighting the collective future of the nation as a shared understanding.

Masinton Pasaribu, a politician from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), deemed it a logical situation, emphasizing the President’s access to various instruments of the state to gather information.

Ahmad Sahroni, the Treasurer General of the National Democratic Party (Nasdem), agreed that the President possesses accurate intelligence data. He noted that this move demonstrates President Jokowi’s commitment to a peaceful and smooth electoral process in 2024, with his reminders to the public not to make the wrong choice in the upcoming elections.

However, the revelations have sparked controversy, with the Civil Society Coalition for Security Sector Reform expressing concern that President Jokowi may be misusing intelligence resources for political purposes.

The coalition, comprising organizations such as Imparsial, the Association for Legal Aid and Human Rights of Indonesia (PBHI), Amnesty International, the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI), Kontras, Centra Initiative, Elsam, Walhi, Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), Human Rights Working Group (HRWG), the Legal Aid Society of the People, and the Setara Institute., issued a joint statement condemning this as a serious issue in Indonesia’s democracy.

Julius Ibrani, through a written statement on Saturday (16 Sep), Chairman of the Indonesian Legal Aid and Human Rights Association (PBHI), emphasized that intelligence resources should focus on national security threats rather than monitoring political parties and civil society.

“However, intelligence information should be related to national security threats and not related to political entities (political parties, etc.) and civil society, as stipulated in Article 1, paragraphs 1 and 2 of Law No. 17 of 2011 concerning State Intelligence,” he stated.

Article 1, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Intelligence Law read as follows:

Article 1

  1. Intelligence is knowledge, organizations, and activities related to the formulation of policies, national strategies, and decision-making based on the analysis of information and facts gathered through working methods for early detection and warning in the prevention, interception, and handling of any threats to national security.
  2. State Intelligence is the intelligence organization that is an integral part of the national security system and has the authority to carry out the functions and activities of State Intelligence.

The Civil Society Coalition also emphasizes that this is a form of political scandal and a serious issue in democracy.

“Therefore, it must be thoroughly investigated. Hence, it is only right for the People’s Consultative Assembly to summon the President along with relevant intelligence agencies to explain this matter to the public clearly and openly,” they urged.

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Three women to contest charges over pro-Palestinian procession outside Istana

Three Singaporean women, charged under the Public Order Act for organizing a pro-Palestinian procession on 2 February, will contest their charges at trial, a court heard on 18 September. About 70 people participated in the February event, carrying watermelon-adorned umbrellas as a symbol of Palestinian resistance while delivering letters to then-Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.



SINGAPORE: Three Singaporean women charged in connection with a pro-Palestinian procession to the Istana will contest their charges at trial, a court heard on Wednesday (18 September).

The defendants are Annamalai Kokila Parvathi, 35, an activist with the Transformative Justice Collective (TJC); Siti Amirah Mohamed Asrori, 29, a social media influencer; and Mossamad Sobikun Nahar, 25, a community worker.

They were charged in June under the Public Order Act for organizing an unpermitted procession on 2 February.

During the court hearing on Wednesday, the trio, through their lawyer, indicated their intention to contest the charges and claim trial.

Siti Amirah and Mossamad are accused of organizing the procession that occurred between 2pm and 3pm along the perimeter of the Istana, a restricted area.

Kokila is charged with abetting the conspiracy by collaborating with Siti, Mossamad, Alysha Mohamed Rahmat Shah, Anystasha Mohamed Rahmat Shah, and other unnamed individuals to organize the event.

According to a previous police statement, around 70 people gathered outside a mall on Orchard Road at about 2pm on 2 February before marching towards the Istana.

They carried umbrellas painted with watermelon images, symbolizing support for Palestinians amidst the ongoing Israel- Palestinian conflict.

The watermelon, reflecting the colors of the Palestinian flag, has become a symbol of solidarity.

Social media posts indicate that participants of the Letters for Palestine event walked from Plaza Singapura to the Istana to deliver letters addressed to then-Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

The cases have been adjourned to October for pre-trial conferences.

If convicted under the Public Order Act, the women face a potential penalty of up to six months’ imprisonment, a fine of up to S$10,000, or both.

The police have reiterated their call for the public to avoid actions that could disrupt peace, public order, and social harmony in Singapore.

They advised that while strong feelings about the Israel-Hamas conflict are understandable, lawful means of expression, such as participating in organized forums, dialogues, and donation drives, are preferable to illegal protests.

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Cambodian union leader Chhim Sithar released, vows to continue fight for workers’ rights

Cambodian union leader Chhim Sithar was released after nearly two years in prison for her role in leading a strike at NagaWorld. She vowed to continue advocating for workers’ rights despite the challenges posed by authorities.



Chhim Sithar, a prominent Cambodian union leader, was released from prison on 16 September 2024 after serving nearly two years for leading a high-profile strike at the NagaWorld Hotel and Entertainment Complex in Phnom Penh.

Upon her release, Sithar pledged to continue advocating for better wages and working conditions for workers in Cambodia, particularly at the casino and hotel where the labor dispute began.

Sithar, leader of the Labor Rights Supported Union of Khmer Employees, was sentenced in May 2023 to two years in prison for “inciting social chaos.”

She was initially detained in December 2021 after the strike against NagaWorld began, following the company’s dismissal of over 1,300 employees, many of them union members.

Cambodian authorities have claimed the strike is illegal, alleging foreign involvement in its organization.

“It is a mistake for those who think that putting people in prison can stop workers from protesting,” Sithar told Radio Free Asia.

She reiterated that workers in Cambodia have the legal right to organize and strike, and stated her commitment to continue the fight despite the challenges faced.

The ongoing strike has been met with a violent crackdown by Cambodian authorities. The Phnom Penh Municipal Court also sentenced eight other union members, though their sentences were suspended.

Sithar’s arrest and conviction were condemned by civil society groups, the U.S. State Department, and human rights organizations. Amnesty International noted that the union members were “prosecuted solely for exercising their basic rights.”

Sithar’s release was met with anticipation by supporters, who had planned to gather outside Prey Sar Prison in Phnom Penh.

However, authorities transferred her home before dawn, reportedly to avoid demonstrations.

According to Ou Tep Phallin, president of the Federation of Food and Service Workers of Cambodia, officials “fear the public’s attention,” indicating a broader governmental concern over public protests.

The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) also welcomed Sithar’s release but condemned her imprisonment, calling it a politically motivated effort to suppress union activism.

The organization’s Executive Director, Mary Aileen D. Bacalso, urged the Cambodian government to cease its repression of union leaders, saying, “No one should lose their freedom for exercising their fundamental rights, as Chhim Sithar did.”

FORUM-ASIA regards the case as the continued misuse of “incitement to commit a felony” by Cambodian authorities to suppress peaceful activism is a direct attack on unions and workers fighting for their fundamental rights, and further undermines Cambodia’s already restricted civic space.

NagaWorld, one of the most profitable gambling centres globally, is owned by a Hong Kong-based company with reported ties to Cambodian political elites, including family members of Senate President Hun Sen.

The labour dispute continues, with workers demanding wage increases and the reinstatement of employees dismissed during the pandemic.

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