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NTU Student Union Exco Member suspended 5-week for Intoxicating junior, allegedly running for SU’s top role

The NTU Student Union (NTUSU) faces turmoil as a 24-year-old Executive Committee member, who now allegedly seeks the top role in the Student Union, had previously been suspended for five weeks.

This suspension stemmed from accusations that he manipulated a junior member into consuming alcohol until she blacked out in his dorm room.

The Student Union issued a statement on September 22nd to address the online allegations.



SINGAPORE: The Nanyang Technological University Student Union (NTUSU) has been embroiled in controversy following allegations against one of its Executive Committee members, who is allegedly recently listed as a candidate for the SU’s presidential bid.

These accusations claim that the 24-year-old business student manipulated a fellow junior NTUSU member into consuming more alcohol when she requested water.

NTUSU issued a statement revealing that the accused member, who will step down this week, received a five-week suspension from Union duties but was later reinstated as all parties involved aimed to “move forward from the incident.”

The university concluded its investigations, finding no basis for further disciplinary actions, and more serious misconduct allegations were labelled as “unsubstantiated.”

Reddit whistleblower expose campus controversy

The allegations initially surfaced on the SGExams subreddit on September 14th.

“Last year there was quite an infamous case that spread around in school, where there was this exco member (let’s call him E) that kept giving alcohol to his junior in the same NTUSU team until she got blacked out drunk in his room.”

“When she was almost unconscious, he even lied to her that the clear alcohol was water, coercing her to drink even more….”

The Redditor, who claimed to be friends with an eyewitness, expressed concern about E’s inappropriate behaviour, including asking the junior inappropriate questions about her romantic interest.

Despite E’s suspension, the Redditor questioned how he could aspire to the highest leadership position in the school.

The whistleblower shared additional allegations against E, such as his unilateral decisions to shut down committee ideas and cancel an annual event, as well as his misrepresentation of committee members as incompetent.

The post criticized the school’s handling of the situation, claiming that the previous president and management had disregarded the committee’s complaints.

Furthermore, it highlighted that the victim had faced victim-blaming and gaslighting when reporting the incident to the disciplinary board.

Student-run news outlet shed light on further insight into the incident

A article published on September 23rd, a student-run news organization at NTU, provided further insight into the incident.

This event purportedly took place on October 12th, 2022, in the perpetrator, E’s dorm room following a union committee meeting.

Six union members were present in the room and engaged in a drinking session.

According to the victim’s account, after consuming a few drinks and feeling lightheaded, she requested water. However, instead of water, the perpetrator offered her cups of alcohol.

Due to her heavy intoxication, she couldn’t recall the events of that night. Nevertheless, eyewitnesses in the room observed what was happening, and the president allegedly intervened, instructing E to stop serving alcohol to her.

One of the eyewitnesses reported that the victim vomited and had to be removed from the room. She remained unconscious for six hours, with the president and chief of staff staying with her, as recounted to

The victim only learned about the incident a week later and felt betrayed, as she had a close working relationship with the perpetrator and would not have consumed drinks from people she did not trust.

“I felt angered because I don’t normally drink in a guy’s room or with people I don’t trust,” she said. “But it was because we had that close working relationship and the fact that he was a respected senior four years older than me.”

Regarding the incident, on October 18th of the previous year, it was brought before the NTUSU disciplinary board, which decided to suspend the perpetrator for what they deemed as “overboard actions.”

Despite objections from the victim and her friends concerning E’s reinstatement, they were informed by the Disciplinary Committee that they could confront him directly after his suspension.

Victim’s opposition to the perpetrator’s reinstatement echoed well before SU election also noted that screenshots of Telegram chats revealed that E continued to engage in discussions on union matters during his suspension, before officially resuming his duties in January of the current year.

The victim said she started raising objections to the perpetrator’s reinstatement months before the election season this September because she was unhappy with how NTUSU had dealt with the matter and felt he should not run.

According to the article, E plans to run for SU president, and though he hasn’t made an official announcement, he’s listed as a candidate and actively participating in pre-election events.

The victim said she does not intend to file a police report against the exco member, “But I really want him to learn from it in the sense where he can’t just cover things up and think it’s okay to run for president.”

Another Reddit post alleged that NTUSU removed comments on their Instagram that mention the incident

Interestingly, Another Reddit post alleged that NTUSU removed comments on their Instagram that mention the incident, further stirring up more frustration in the online community.

NTUSU claims all parties involved, and affected parties sought to “move forward from the incident”

On September 22nd, NTUSU issued a statement on its Instagram page addressing the allegations circulating online.

They confirmed that they had conducted an internal investigation and suspended the perpetrator from Union duties for five weeks.

After the suspension, all parties involved, and affected parties sought to “move forward from the incident”, the statement claimed.

The statement also mentioned that the university had concluded its investigations into the matter, with no ongoing disciplinary proceedings against the perpetrator.

“To date, there are no other ongoing disciplinary proceedings being taken against the Executive Committee member concerned.”

“As such, we would like to clarify that the more severe assertions about misconduct of a different nature are unsubstantiated.”

No one had been elected as Students’ Union President yet

NTUSU further stated that no one had been elected as Students’ Union President as of yet, with voting scheduled for September 24th.

An Instagram post indicated that the new student union’s investiture would take place on September 27th.

NTUSU reassured the student population that they are committed to serving with the highest standards of conduct and propriety, always prioritizing the well-being of students. They also requested that the privacy of all parties involved be respected.

Regarding the missing Instagram comments, NTUSU clarified that they disabled comments on one of their recent Instagram posts due to an influx of insensitive comments.

They also mention that inappropriate comments that violated Instagram’s guidelines were automatically filtered out by the platform.

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Fire in Bukit Merah HDB unit: Community comes together for family

Last week, a fire in a Bukit Merah HDB flat left a family of five homeless. On 14 September, a TikToker launched a fundraising campaign that raised over S$4,000 in just four days. The TikToker personally delivered the donations to Mr Liu, the head of the family. The ongoing appeal, running until Friday, has been praised by the online community as a true reflection of Singapore’s “Kampung spirit” and compassion.



SINGAPORE: Last Tuesday (10 September), a fire broke out in a one-bedroom HDB flat located on the ninth floor of Block 104, Bukit Merah.

The blaze was reportedly started by a three-year-old boy who had been left unattended.

The fire, which originated from a mattress ignited with a lighter, caused significant damage to the unit and affected surrounding areas.

In response to the incident, TikTok user @something4rsomeone launched a fundraising appeal on September 14 to support the affected family.

Within just four days, the appeal successfully raised over S$4,000.

An accompanying video captured the TikToker delivering the funds in cash to Mr Liu, the head of the affected family.

Mr Liu, who lives with his wife and three children, expressed his gratitude for the public’s support.

He shared that the family has relocated to temporary accommodation and has received sufficient donations to manage their immediate needs.

However, he noted that they are still expecting more items to be delivered and took the opportunity to thank everyone for their “concern, love, and donations.”

The fundraising effort will continue until 20 September, at 11:59 pm.

Donations can be made via the PayLah/PayNow QR code available on @something4rsomeone’s TikTok page.

Any proceeds received after the deadline will be used for future charitable activities under the same account.


UNCLE LIU (Part 3) UPDATE ❤️ How are you and family? We are doing alright easing into our new home. We have received much help. How is your new home and are there any other items you need? We have enough for now. Many people have donated and there are still more items on delivery. Are you going back to your old place once it is refurbished? No. We will not be going back. We will stay in our new home from now on. Mr Liu would like to thank everyone for their concern, love and donations. It will help them a lot to recooperate after the incident. We also told Mr Liu to let us know if he ever needs any sort of help or other extra items, the community are ready to assist. Just give us a text/call. As many if you would like to donate items, we are trying to organise a donation drive for the low income communities in the area. You can make a difference. We will keep you updated. More than $4000 was raise during the first batch of fundraising. The final batch of fundraising for Mr Liu is still ongoing. Although Mr Liu has paynow, he has difficulty using it, hence he has allowed us to collect on his behalf. All proceeds will go to him directly during this period and everything will be accounted for. (Link in bio) We will end our final collection on *Friday 20th September 2024 (23:59)*. Everything after the cut-off time will be used as donations under this page. Thank you Singapore, for doing something for someone.

♬ Jaithep Raroengjai_Grandma Home – Ganee

‘True Kampung spirit’

In the comments section of the TikToker’s post, many praised the gesture, calling it a true representation of Singapore’s “Kampung spirit.”

Others commended how this act highlights Singapore’s spirit of compassion and the country’s ability to come together and support one another during challenging times, reflecting its harmony in a multi-racial society.

According to earlier report from Shin Min Daily News, Mr Liu and his wife were at work when the fire started, leaving their two sons, aged three and nine, at home.

A friend was supposed to supervise the children but left them unattended for unknown reasons.

The older son, who was playing mobile games, did not notice the fire initially but acted quickly to get his younger brother to safety and alert the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF).

SCDF firefighters promptly extinguished the fire, which had spread from the bedroom, and evacuated about 35 residents from the building.

Smoke from the fire caused visibility issues in the corridor, prompting police and SCDF personnel to assist elderly and disabled residents to safety. Six individuals were hospitalized for smoke inhalation.

The fire caused extensive damage to Mr Liu’s flat, including the destruction of personal belongings and electronics.

Concerns raised over Mr Liu’s S$2,000 household income

The family faces the challenge of replacing these items while managing their daily expenses.

Mr Liu, a cleaner, and his wife, a food stall assistant, have a combined monthly income of just over S$2,000.

Their 11-year-old daughter, who returned home later in the day, was devastated to find her belongings destroyed.

Despite the overwhelming losses, Mr Liu emphasized that the safety of his children remains his top priority.

Notably, some Singaporeans have raised concerns about Mr Liu’s family’s income, which is just over S$2,000, questioning whether it is sufficient for them to cope with the rising cost of living in the city-state.

Daniel Yap, former publisher of the socio-political news site The Middle Ground, pointed out that Singapore has yet to establish a minimum wage or define a poverty line.

PAP MP rejects Jamus Lim’s proposal for official poverty line

In a Parliamentary speech in April last year, Workers’ Party MP for Sengkang GRC, Associate Professor Jamus Lim, renewed his call for Singapore to establish an official poverty line, arguing that it should address more than just basic needs like housing, food, and clothing.

Assoc Prof Lim pointed out that as a country becomes wealthier, what is considered a basic need evolves. He highlighted the distinction between the “absolute minimum” and what is necessary to fully participate in society.

For example, while some may view smartphones and tuition as “unnecessary perks,” Assoc Prof Lim emphasized that many Singaporeans struggle to access essential government services or succeed in school without them.

In addition to proposing a poverty line, Assoc Prof Lim suggested refining existing assistance schemes, such as ComCare and the Workfare Income Supplement (WIS), arguing that they do not adequately support lower-income individuals.

However, National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) Assistant Secretary-General Desmond Choo, also a People’s Action Party MP, dismissed Dr Lim’s proposal, citing the “inherent problems” of a single poverty line.

He warned that it could create an “unintended cliff effect,” excluding those who are financially needy but have incomes slightly above the threshold.

Choo further noted that a poverty line could overlook other challenges faced by needy families, such as difficult family circumstances, poor health, and job readiness.

Responding to Dr Lim’s criticism of the complex processes for accessing government assistance, Choo acknowledged the need for assessments to ensure responsible use of public resources and to properly allocate aid. However, he agreed that efforts could be made to simplify these processes while maintaining the focus on the effectiveness of the schemes.

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M’sia NGO highlights toxic healthcare environment, urges reform after specialist’s suicide

A Malaysian NGO has urgently called for reform following Dr Tay Tien Yaa’s tragic death amid workplace bullying allegations at Lahad Datu Hospital. The NGO highlights how a toxic work environment, exacerbated by doctor shortages and inadequate facilities, impacts healthcare professionals. They demand a transparent reporting system, strict anti-bullying policies, and enhanced mental health support to address chronic understaffing and excessive workloads.



MALAYSIA: Hartal Doktor Kontrak (the Contract Doctors’ Group), an NGO in Malaysia has issued a strong call for immediate action in response to the tragic death of Dr Tay Tien Yaa, a young specialist who took her own life amid allegations of workplace bullying at Lahad Datu Hospital in Sabah, Malaysia.

The NGO extends its heartfelt condolences to Dr Tay’s family, friends, and colleagues, and underscores the profound impact her passing has had on the medical community.

Despite recent findings by the Ministry of Health (MOH) task force on workplace bullying, Hartal Doktor Kontrak argues that the response has been inadequate.

The NGO demands more decisive action to tackle the pervasive issue of bullying within Malaysia’s healthcare system.

This includes implementing a transparent and independent reporting system for all healthcare workers and enforcing anti-bullying policies with strict accountability measures.

Additionally, Hartal Doktor Kontrak emphasizes the need for enhanced mental health support services for healthcare professionals, particularly those in high-stress or remote positions.

Dr Tay’s death highlights critical issues such as chronic understaffing and excessive workloads, which contribute to severe stress and mental health concerns.

The NGO insists that the time for change is now and urges the Ministry of Health (KKM) to expedite reforms to safeguard healthcare workers and prevent further tragedies related to workplace bullying.

On 14 September, a netizen named YS Tay, who claims to be Dr Tay’s brother, posted on Facebook alleging that Dr Tay experienced workplace bullying.

YS Tay revealed that Dr Tay, 30, had an impressive academic record, earning a Master’s Degree in Chemical Pathology in 2023. She was appointed head of the Chemical Pathology Unit at Lahad Datu Hospital in February 2024.

Despite her best efforts to improve healthcare services at the hospital, including upgrading diagnostic equipment and securing resources for her unit, Dr Tay allegedly faced immense pressure.

In August 2024, just six months into her tenure, she was found dead in her rental unit. Her family was informed of her death on 29 August.

YS Tay accused Dr Tay’s department head of workplace bullying, alleging that the superior manipulated her, assigned tasks outside her job scope, and subjected her to overwhelming workloads.

The pressure included managing personnel, handling budgets, and attending endless meetings.

He lamented that the medical field in Malaysia is rife with exploitation and questioned whether authorities had become indifferent to such tragedies.

Earlier, Lahad Datu police confirmed that no foul play was suspected in Dr Tay’s death but acknowledged the family’s allegations of bullying.

On Monday, Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr. Dzulkefly Ahmad addressed the incident, reaffirming his commitment to eradicating bullying in the medical field.

In a post on X (formerly Twitter), he emphasized that all staff deserve a safe and fair working environment and pledged a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding Dr Tay’s death.

Community Voices Alarm Over Healthcare System’s Toxic Culture and Lack of Support

In response to Dr Tay’s passing, the Malaysian community has expressed deep concern and frustration about the mental health support for medical professionals.

Many have highlighted that the challenging culture within the healthcare system, combined with a shortage of doctors and inadequate facilities, significantly contributes to the toxic work environment in KKM.

Comments suggest that administrators and doctors who mistreat their colleagues are often perceived as “effective” in managing staff shortages.

This dynamic exacerbates the problem, leaving many healthcare workers, particularly government doctors, fearful of speaking out about bullying due to potential repercussions.

Kenn Yeap, a state assemblyman in Perak, shared insight from a doctor described widespread bullying and exploitation by senior staff in hospitals, highlighting that the hierarchy of bullying is prevalent even in healthcare settings, where it should be least expected.

Yeap’s friend’s message, expressing despair and a lack of support, underscores the severe pressure and exploitation faced by medical professionals.

Yeap questions whether the government is effectively managing these issues and whether the pressures faced by doctors, often perceived as glamorous, are being adequately addressed.

He calls for a critical examination of the government’s handling of the situation and the overall support system for healthcare workers.

For those struggling with suicidal thoughts or mental health challenges, help is available. In Malaysia, support services include the Mental Health Psychosocial Support Service (03-2935 9935 or 014-322 3392) and Befrienders Kuala Lumpur (03-7627 2929).

In Singapore, you can contact the Samaritans of Singapore (SOS) at 1-767 or text 9151 1767 for support.

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