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Has NHB CEO Chang Hwee Nee recused herself from decisions on 38 Oxley Road’s future?

NHB has launched a new study to determine if 38 Oxley Road should be preserved, following Lee Hsien Yang’s application for demolition. This decision raises concerns, given the comprehensive 2018 report, and questions about CEO Chang Hwee Nee’s involvement due to potential conflicts of interest with her husband, Deputy PM Heng Swee Keat.



DPM Heng Swee Keat and his wife, Chang Hwee Nee, CEO of National Heritage Board

The National Heritage Board (NHB) has announced that it will begin a new study to determine whether 38 Oxley Road, the home of Singapore’s founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, should be preserved as a national monument.

This comes in response to Lee Kuan Yew’s son, Lee Hsien Yang, applying to the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) on 21 October to demolish the property following the passing of his sister, Dr Lee Wei Ling, on 9 October 2024.

The NHB’s decision, however, raises questions about the necessity of a new study, especially since a thorough assessment was already carried out in 2018.

Additionally, it has led to queries about whether NHB’s CEO, Chang Hwee Nee, has recused herself from this process, given her connection to Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat, her husband.

Chang, who has been CEO of NHB since 1 May 2017, leads the organisation during this critical period.

While there has been no formal statement about whether she is directly involved in decisions concerning 38 Oxley Road, her position naturally brings up questions about potential conflicts of interest.

Heng Swee Keat is a senior figure in the government and Chairman of the People’s Action Party (PAP).

It is publicly known that PAP cabinet members and senior leadership have expressed a desire to preserve Lee Kuan Yew’s house, despite his objection to its preservation.

Given the political sensitivity surrounding the house and how the PAP views 38 Oxley Road as a symbolic site linked to its esteemed late leader, Chang’s role has come under scrutiny.

The NHB has not clarified in its public statement whether Chang has recused herself from involvement in this study or the broader decision-making process.

Why a new study when a 2018 report already exists?

The announcement of a new study has raised eyebrows, particularly as a comprehensive report was produced by the ministerial committee in 2018.

This earlier report, which included an assessment by architects and surveyors Alfred William Lermit and Johannes Westerhout, reviewed the architectural, heritage, and historical significance of 38 Oxley Road.

The committee outlined multiple options, including full demolition, partial preservation (such as retaining the basement dining room), or demolishing the building but designating the site for alternative uses like a park or heritage centre.

The ministerial committee did not make a final recommendation in 2018, instead leaving the decision to future governments, with the understanding that any decision would need to balance public interest with the wishes of the Lee family.

The committee also noted that while Lee Kuan Yew’s preference was for the house to be demolished, he had been open to alternatives, provided the property remained in a habitable state and the family’s privacy was protected.

In light of the 2018 report, NHB’s decision to commission a new study has sparked scepticism.

The NHB press release on 24 October 2024 acknowledged the prior report’s conclusions but stated that the application for immediate demolition by Lee Hsien Yang would “rule out a proper and full consideration of the above options.”

This justification for the new study has led some to question why a fresh review of the house’s national historical, heritage, and architectural significance is needed, as many of the potential options and its significance were already identified in the earlier report.

Minister for Culture, Community and Youth Edwin Tong’s statement further reinforced the government’s cautious approach.

In a Facebook post on 24 October, Tong said that allowing Lee Hsien Yang to proceed with demolition would “rule out options which can be considered” and emphasised that “we do not think that any option should be precluded, or closed off, at this stage.”

However, this statement has raised concerns, as many of these options were explored in the 2018 report. The delay in decision-making and the commissioning of another study could be perceived as indecisiveness or an attempt to avoid confronting a controversial issue in the lead up to the upcoming General Election which must be held by November 2025.

The role of NHB’s CEO and potential conflicts of interest

Another significant question surrounding the process is whether NHB’s decision-making is being conducted independently, given the potential conflicts of interest associated with its leadership.

Chang Hwee Nee’s role as NHB CEO, combined with her marriage to Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat, naturally raises concerns about impartiality, especially on an issue as politically sensitive as 38 Oxley Road.

Heng, a key member of the ruling PAP, was once in line to become Singapore’s Prime Minister, adding further complexity to the situation.

While NHB operates under the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth, led by Edwin Tong, another senior member of the PAP, the board itself is responsible for commissioning and conducting heritage studies.

The board has not provided clarity on whether she has recused herself from involvement in matters related to the house. With no official statement confirming her recusal, public concerns about transparency and independence in the process remain unaddressed and continue to fester.

Lee Hsien Yang’s application for demolition aligns with Lee Kuan Yew’s final wishes, as set out in his will.

However, approval for such demolition must be granted by various regulatory bodies, including the URA and the Building and Construction Authority (BCA).

The application for demolition, aligned with Lee Kuan Yew’s final wishes, has been redirected to NHB due to the potential historical significance of 38 Oxley Road.

However, NHB’s decision to commission a new study raises questions, as the 2018 report had already explored many of the relevant options. If the previous report was insufficient, it leads to concerns about what NHB has been doing in the intervening six years.

This move risks being perceived as a reactive step, possibly aimed at delaying the demolition rather than making a timely decision based on available information.

Furthermore, the lack of clarity about CEO Chang Hwee Nee’s involvement, given her ties to Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat, continues to fuel public concerns about potential conflicts of interest.

Without greater transparency and a clear explanation for the new study, NHB’s actions risk being seen as politically influenced, particularly as this issue grows in prominence in the lead-up to the 2025 General Election.

For many, the core question remains: is NHB genuinely reassessing the site’s heritage value, or merely postponing a difficult and politically charged decision?


Why was no POFMA action taken against Straits Times for wrongly linking Clementi murder suspect to grassroots?

The Straits Times wrongly linked a Clementi murder suspect to grassroots activities, a claim refuted by the People’s Association. Despite the error, no POFMA correction was issued, raising concerns about potential double standards in its application, especially compared to cases involving alternative media.



In the aftermath of a tragic murder at Clementi on 21 October 2024, speculation and false information circulated regarding the identity of the suspect.

The Straits Times inaccurately reported that both the murder suspect and the victim were linked to the grassroots activities of the Trivelis Residents’ Network.

However, this claim was promptly refuted by the People’s Association (PA), which clarified that the suspect was not a grassroots volunteer.

The PA, which falls under the purview of the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY), swiftly issued a statement on 22 October confirming that while the victim had been a grassroots volunteer, the suspect had no affiliation with any PA grassroots organisation.

Despite this clear misreporting, no POFMA (Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act) correction was issued against The Straits Times.

This situation has raised questions about the consistency of POFMA’s application, particularly in light of its use in previous cases involving misinformation by alternative media outlets.

For instance, in October 2023, the Minister for Manpower directed the POFMA Office to issue correction orders to multiple platforms—including Singapore Eye, Gutzy Asia, and The Online Citizen Asia—for spreading unverified claims regarding the nationality of a suicide victim. Both Gutzy Asia and The Online Citizen Asia had relied on a report from Singapore Eye, which had wrongly identified the deceased as a Filipino domestic worker.

In this case, a case of misidentification of a domestic worker led to the immediate use of POFMA by Dr Tan See Leng to correct the error.

In another instance involving Channel News Asia (CNA), the Housing Development Board (HDB) simply alerted the outlet to a factual error, which CNA corrected with an editorial note, without any POFMA direction being issued by Minister for National Development Desmond Lee, who had previously issued four sets of correction directions to individuals and The Online Citizen without any prior alerts.

In the case of The Straits Times’ erroneous report, it is worth noting that a POFMA direction would have been issued to alternative media or individuals making such claims—rather than the People’s Association (PA) issuing a clarification—if it involved a misrepresentation suggesting the suspect was affiliated with grassroots organisations.

The swift action taken against these smaller, alternative media platforms and individuals contrasts with the lack of any POFMA direction against The Straits Times and CNA in similar situations. This raises the question of whether POFMA is being applied exclusively to alternative media, while mainstream outlets receive different treatment.

If the law is to effectively counter misinformation, it must be applied consistently across all media outlets, whether mainstream or alternative, to ensure fairness and maintain public trust.

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Is the Singapore government delaying its decision on 38 Oxley Road ahead of the upcoming election?

The Singapore government’s delay in making a final ruling on 38 Oxley Road has raised concerns about whether the move is politically motivated. With the upcoming 2025 general election, some speculate that the PAP government is postponing a decision that could go against the majority’s support for demolition.



38 Oxley Road, Prime Minister Lawrence Wong

The fate of 38 Oxley Road, the former residence of Singapore’s late founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew (LKY), is once again in the spotlight following the National Heritage Board’s (NHB) announcement on 24 October 2024 that it will conduct a new study to assess whether the house should be preserved as a national monument. People’s Action Party (PAP)

This comes after Lee Hsien Yang, LKY’s youngest son, submitted an application on 21 October to demolish the house following the recent passing of his sister, Dr Lee Wei Ling, on 9 October 2024.

Lee Hsien Yang has reiterated that his father’s will expressed a clear and “deeply felt” wish that the house be demolished once Dr Lee  was no longer living there.

In his statement on 15 October, Lee Hsien Yang declared: “It is my duty as the sole living executor of my father’s estate to carry out Lee Kuan Yew’s wishes to the fullest extent of the law.”

He also pointed out that in 2015, his elder brother, then-Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, had said in Parliament that the government of the day would decide the fate of the house once his sister no longer lived there.

“It has been nine years. That day is today,” he said, questioning why the government has not yet made a decision.

NHB’s study: Buying time or due diligence?

NHB’s decision to conduct another study has raised concerns about whether the government is simply delaying a difficult and controversial decision.

Lee Hsien Yang, in a comment to Reuters, expressed frustration over the need for further examination, stating, “Many expensive ministerial man-hours were spent and expert input sought to study options, and a detailed report was published in 2018. What need is there now to be studying this further?”

The 2018 ministerial committee, which included then-Finance Minister Lawrence Wong, explored several options for 38 Oxley Road, including demolition, partial preservation, or repurposing the site. However, the committee refrained from making a final recommendation, noting that no immediate action was necessary while Dr Lee continued to live in the house. The understanding was that a decision would follow after her passing.

It was also publicly known that Dr Lee had been severely ill, having battled Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) since 2020, a rare neurological disorder that significantly affected her movement and health. While PSP generally results in a life expectancy of 5 to 10 years, studies indicate that for older individuals, particularly those in their 70s and beyond, it can be as short as 3 to 5 years.

In a poignant post in March 2023, Lee Hsien Yang revealed that Dr Lee had become “extremely unwell.” He expressed deep sorrow over the possibility that he might never see his sister again due to his own circumstances.

In light of these circumstances, the committee ought to have prepared itself for the eventual decision, considering LKY’s expressed wishes in his will, which stipulated that the house be immediately demolished once Dr Lee no longer resided there.

Why the sudden statement from NHB that a study will now be conducted by NHB’s Preservation of Sites and Monuments Advisory Board, which comprises experts from various sectors, to determine if the site has national historical, heritage, and architectural significance as to be worthy of preservation?

This is especially notable given that a professional study had already been conducted by Alfred William Lermit and Johannes Westerhout Architects and Surveyors, commissioned by NHB, which was included in the ministerial committee report in 2018.

So given that the committee’s work was comprehensive, and Mr Wong, now Prime Minister, was deeply involved in the discussions, it is puzzling to some why a decision has not been made and why a new study is suddenly being commissioned only after Lee Hsien Yang made the application for the house to be demolished.

Adding to this is the comment by Minister for Culture, Community and Youth Edwin Tong, who took to Facebook following the NHB’s announcement.

Mr Tong stressed that “no option should be precluded, or closed off, at this stage” and emphasised the importance of keeping an open mind. He noted that “the passage of time will help us better appreciate the matter in its proper context, with the benefit of some hindsight.”

This message of caution and patience has further fueled speculation that the government may be stalling to avoid making a decision that could go against the majority’s support for demolition before the next general election, which is due in November 2025.

The politics of delay: Is the election a factor?

One could argue that the timing of the NHB’s decision to initiate a new study is politically motivated, potentially aimed at deferring the final decision on 38 Oxley Road until after the general election.

The issue surrounding 38 Oxley Road has been contentious, with strong opinions on both sides. A 2015 YouGov poll revealed that 77% of the 1,000 respondents supported demolishing the house in accordance with Lee Kuan Yew’s wishes.

Of those in favour, 61% felt it was important to honour his wishes, while 39% cited the need to respect his privacy. However, a smaller group viewed the house as a site of historical significance that should be preserved.

This minority view is aligned with the position of the PAP government, whose cabinet members have expressed a preference to preserve the house, despite Lee Kuan Yew’s explicit wish for its demolition.

In his 2017 ministerial statement, then-Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong explained that he had informed his father that, based on the Ministers’ views and public opinion, it would be difficult for him to override the Cabinet and prevent the house from being preserved after his passing.

He added that if he were no longer Prime Minister, it would be even more likely that the house would be gazetted.

“He understood,” Lee Hsien Loong said, indicating that his father had come to accept the strong possibility that the house would be preserved, despite his preference for demolition. This belief that the house would eventually be gazetted also led to it being willed to Lee Hsien Loong, instead of being equally divided among the three children as originally intended.

Making a decision before the election risks alienating the majority of the electorate, as the PAP government’s likely position to preserve the house goes against public sentiment for demolition.

By postponing the decision until after the election, the government may be positioning itself to handle the issue with more confidence, assuming it secures a strong mandate.

Does Lee Hsien Loong still have a say?

Adding further intrigue is the upcoming PAP convention in November, where the party’s leadership will be determined.

A key question is whether Lee Hsien Loong, as former Prime Minister and Senior Minister, will continue as the PAP’s Secretary-General, even after stepping down as head of government in May 2024.

If Lee Hsien Loong remains the party leader, he could still influence key decisions, including the fate of 38 Oxley Road.

His central role in earlier discussions about the property, along with his personal connection as LKY’s eldest son, raises questions about how much sway he may still hold.

Although he claimed to have recused himself from direct involvement due to family conflicts, his continued leadership would likely shape the party’s broader approach to the issue.

What’s next for 38 Oxley Road?

The government’s delay in deciding on 38 Oxley Road appears influenced by political considerations, with concerns that the issue is being pushed beyond the 2025 general election to avoid controversy.

If the PAP secures a strong mandate in the upcoming election, it may feel more confident in deciding whether to demolish or preserve the house. Alternatively, the government may believe that even without a strong mandate, Singaporeans will have moved on from the issue by the time the next general election arrives.

Meanwhile, Lee Hsien Yang remains committed to honouring his parents’ wishes, pushing for the house’s demolition. As the sole legal owner, his application to demolish the property remains pending while the government conducts further studies.

With public sentiment largely favouring demolition and the groundwork laid since 2018, many are left wondering: Why the delay?

In his swearing-in speech as Prime Minister, Mr Wong said, “Shaped by these experiences, our leadership style will differ from that of previous generations. We will lead in our own way. We will continue to think boldly and to think far.”

Whether Lawrence Wong is prepared to make a decisive call on the fate of one of Singapore’s most iconic properties, acting as his own man, remains to be seen.

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