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Thousands gather at Hong Lim Park for Singapore’s first climate rally to call for bolder climate policies



Over two thousand Singaporeans and permanent residents gathered at Hong Lim Park yesterday for the inaugural SG Climate Rally – Singapore’s first climate rally. Covering the park in a sea of red, the crowd braved both haze and heat to collectively urge the government to take stronger action in mitigating the climate crisis.
The tagline for yesterday’s rally was “This is not a total defence drill”, in reference to the total defence drills carried out in schools to prepare students for national emergencies. Organisers chose this tagline to communicate the severity of the climate situation in a uniquely Singaporean way.
The rally featured a series of family-friendly activities including a card game on deforestation, a mobile library of children’s books about the environment, and a body-painting station.

Participants were also invited to share their personal climate crisis stories in facilitated conversations.
The most popular booth by far was “Postcard to My MP,” where participants could express environmental concerns in hand-written postcards to their elected representatives. The booth provided writing prompts on topics ranging from seasonal haze to fossil fuel divestment to the carbon tax. By Monday, these postcards will be making their way to the offices of members of parliament.
Regarding the booths, 23-year-old organiser Ms Tan Heng Yeng said: “We wanted to offer a range of activities and spaces that would appeal to people across generations and diverse
backgrounds. Hopefully this line-up also demonstrates how all-encompassing the climate crisis is, and how there are so many ways to meaningfully engage with it.”
Participants of the rally were treated to a vibrant speaker line-up composed of six concerned citizens. To kick off the speeches, co-founder and National University of Singapore (NUS) student Ms Lad Komal Bhupendra warmed up the crowd with a rousing speech on the urgency of the climate crisis.

Commenting on the current over-emphasis on individual action, the 19-year-old said: “I don’t want the generation younger than me to walk through their school life believing that we can protect the Earth by merely increasing the aircon temperature from 19 to 25°C.”
Lad’s impassioned speech was followed by Ms Karen Sim, a 40-year old who discussed the importance of speaking up in spite of her fears. Other speakers included young student environmentalist Ms Ellen Wu, conservationist and NUS lecturer Dr. Sivasothi N., and founder of Lepak in SG Mr Ho Xiang Tian.
Participants were enraptured by the youngest speaker, 11-year-old Oliver Chua, whose speech discussed the struggles of growing up in a climate-stricken world.
Presenting possible solutions to the cheering crowd, Chua said: “The government can introduce compulsory subjects into our school curriculum. No different from civic education, where we learn about ethics and values, but instead about our relationship with the environment.”

The speeches ended with strong words from the final speaker, founder of environmental advocacy group LepakinSG, Mr Ho Xiang Tian, who presented a pointed message to the government. 23-year-old Ho argued that Singapore’s climate policies thus far have been glaringly insufficient, and state messaging has failed to recognise Singapore’s responsibility for mitigating climate change.

“Singapore only takes responsibility for 0.11% of the world’s emissions, and that is always the reason cited for our lack of climate action. But we ignore the fact that we are the world’s fifth largest refinery export hub, or that the fuel we provide to ships and planes emit almost 3 times of our own national emissions,” he declared.
“It makes no sense to me that we are told to switch off our lights when [they are] not in use, but the lights on Jurong Island never seem to be switched off.”
Finally, the event closed with its signature activity, the “die-in.”

Participants were invited to collapse ‘domino-style’, falling one after another in a ripple beginning from a corner of the field. The activity created a space for introspection, with the falling bodies reflecting the loss of life and biodiversity caused by the climate crisis.
When quizzed on future plans, organisers say they will continue building momentum to achieve their formal calls to action, which were published last month on their social media channels.
They include calls for the government to slash national emissions in compliance with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s special report and fully divest from polluting industries.
On specific plans in the works, organiser Ms Annika Mock, 20, said: “Our ultimate goal is for our work to become obsolete. But until concrete climate action has been taken, we hope to establish a sustained presence inside and outside Speaker’s Corner. Right now, we are exploring a number of follow-up events that engage different sectors of Singaporean society. We may have established ourselves as a movement to be taken seriously, but there is still more work to be done.“

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RSF Director General meets Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te, proposes measures to combat disinformation

Thibaut Bruttin, Director General of Reporters Without Borders (RSF), met Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te on 16 October 2024 to discuss measures for strengthening Taiwan’s democracy against disinformation. Bruttin highlighted the importance of media reform, citing Taiwan’s improved press freedom ranking and RSF’s global initiatives.



Thibaut Bruttin, Director General of Reporters Without Borders (RSF), met with Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te in Taipei on 16 October 2024.

The meeting focused on strategies to bolster Taiwan’s democratic resilience against disinformation. Bruttin was accompanied by key figures from RSF and Taiwan’s leadership, including Secretary-General of the National Security Council Joseph Wu and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs François Wu.

The delegation also included notable figures from RSF’s Taipei Bureau, such as Director Cédric Alviani, Advocacy Manager Aleksandra Bielakowska, and Development and Projects Manager Shataakshi Verma.

The talks were held in the context of Taiwan’s rising prominence in global press freedom, with the nation moving from 35th to 27th place in RSF’s 2024 World Press Freedom Index.

Bruttin praised Taiwan’s advancement but emphasised the importance of continued reforms to ensure that Taiwan’s media remains resilient in the face of increasing disinformation campaigns, particularly given the island’s tense geopolitical situation with the People’s Republic of China.

“Taiwan, as a regional leader in press freedom and the only democracy in the Chinese-speaking world, has everything to gain from aligning its media regulations with international standards,” Bruttin stated. He argued that reforms are crucial not only for combating disinformation but also for restoring public trust in the Taiwanese media, which he noted is alarmingly low.

According to recent studies, only three out of ten Taiwanese citizens trust the media, a figure that ranks among the lowest in democratic nations. Bruttin attributed this in part to Taiwan’s polarised and sensationalist media landscape.

During the meeting, Bruttin outlined several key RSF initiatives that Taiwan could adopt to enhance its media environment.

Among these was the Journalism Trust Initiative (JTI), the world’s first ISO-certified media quality standard, designed to promote reliable and transparent journalism.

He also discussed the Paris Charter on Artificial Intelligence and Journalism, which aims to ensure ethical standards in the use of AI within the media.

Additionally, Bruttin introduced RSF’s Propaganda Monitor, a project that tracks and counters propaganda and disinformation worldwide, including efforts by state actors.

Bruttin stressed that implementing these initiatives could help Taiwan build a more transparent and trusted media sector, crucial for democratic stability. He also addressed the role of international platforms, which often dominate local media landscapes, posing a long-term threat to the viability of independent journalism.

Bruttin’s visit coincided with two significant events for RSF in Taiwan.

Firstly, the organisation held its inaugural Asia-Pacific Correspondents Seminar, which gathered regional representatives from RSF for internal discussions on the state of press freedom across Asia.

Secondly, RSF celebrated the seventh anniversary of its Taipei Bureau, which was opened in 2017 to strengthen RSF’s presence in the region. The anniversary reception saw over 200 prominent figures from the media and academic spheres attend, highlighting the increasing significance of RSF’s work in Asia.

Taiwan’s media landscape has long been under pressure due to aggressive efforts by the People’s Republic of China to assert sovereignty over the island. China’s state-sponsored disinformation campaigns are frequently aimed at destabilising Taiwan’s democratic institutions.

These efforts have exacerbated divisions within Taiwan’s media sector, which is already fragmented and prone to sensationalist reporting. Bruttin’s recommendations reflect a broader push to enhance Taiwan’s ability to resist such external interference through robust media governance and public trust-building measures.

Bruttin’s discussions with President Lai follow a similar visit by RSF’s previous Director General, Christophe Deloire, in 2017, when he met with then-President Tsai Ing-wen. RSF has consistently praised Taiwan for its commitment to press freedom but continues to advocate for further regulatory improvements.

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Meta and X served targeted POFMA order after activist’s non-compliance

Meta and X received targeted correction directions under the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act on 11 Oct after activist Kokila Annamalai failed to comply with a correction order. The Ministry of Home Affairs stated her misleading posts claimed the government executes arbitrarily without due legal process and will refer her to the POFMA Office for investigation.



SINGAPORE: Two social media platforms have been served with targeted correction directions under the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA) on Friday (11 October), after activist Kokila Annamalai failed to comply with a correction order issued to her last week.

Ms Annamalai received the order on 5 October for misleading posts made on Facebook and X.

In a statement, The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) said the posts falsely claimed that “the government schedules and stays executions arbitrarily and without regard for due legal process, and that the State does not bear the legal burden of proving a drug trafficking charge against the accused person.”

MHA noted that an article on the government fact-checking website Factually elaborated on why Ms Annamalai’s assertions were false.

The order mandated that she post a correction notice on the two posts; however, she has not complied.

In light of this non-compliance, the Minister for Home Affairs has directed the POFMA Office to issue a targeted correction direction to Meta Platforms and X.

This order requires the platforms to notify users who have seen the posts that they contain false statements and to provide a link to the Factually article explaining the inaccuracies.

MHA also announced that it would refer Ms Annamalai to the POFMA Office for investigations regarding her failure to comply with the correction direction issued on 5 October.

Earlier, the Anti-Death Penalty Asia Network (ADPAN), an organisation advocating for the abolition of the death penalty in the Asia-Pacific region, was also served with a correction order by the Singapore government under POFMA.

This order, initiated by Minister for Home Affairs and Law K Shanmugam, was in response to alleged false claims made by ADPAN in social media posts on 3 October 2024.

The posts, which were circulated on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, related to Singapore’s legal processes for death row prisoners and the treatment of activists opposing the death penalty.

They were released just before the scheduled execution of Mohammad Azwan Bohari, a drug trafficking convict sentenced to death for possessing over 26.5 grammes of pure heroin.

While ADPAN has since complied with the correction order by adding a notice to the original posts across its social media accounts, the group has expressed its intention to engage further with the order.

ADPAN reiterated its commitment to its statements and opinions, which it asserts are protected by international human rights law and standards, and expressed solidarity with human rights defenders and groups on the ground.

The organisation also reserved the right to issue additional statements on the matter.

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