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Here to provide a listening ear




When Andrew, Chief Editor of The Online Citizen,  asked me to help out with TOC as a guest counselor for a new column last year, I readily agreed as I feel that Singaporeans, by and large, are besieged by many issues which are often  beyond their control. Many also need a listening ear and support so that they can draw from their inner reserve and fight  another day.

For example, we are hit hard from the recent financial economic crisis and as many as 50,000 Singaporeans were retrenched last year. Many jobless executives have difficulties adjusting as this was their “virgin” retrenchment. Many also belonged to the middle aged category when children are still at a dependable age and home mortgages are mostly not paid up yet. Their stress level is unparalled and some have even given up in their struggle to stay sane.

I want to particularly pay more attention to those who are divorced or contemplating divorce here.

One in three marriages also breaks up in our country and the situation does not look like it’s going to improve. Many friends around me have also thrown in the marital towel and are on their own now licking their wounds.  Some have ended their marriages lasting  more than ten years of relationship. So what happened here?

Many people have suggested to me that keeping a marriage going is like running a marathon. You have to put in a lot of effort and energy to maintain the relationship and like in a marathon, many feel like giving up half way as it is a tiring and painful journey. Having ran several marathons before, I agree with their views.

It is not difficult to find the reasons for our society’s dismal divorce rate which has accelerated past the roof during the past few years. The high unemployment rate among the older executives, stressful lifestyle and outrageous standard of living have contributed largely to this problem. Depression and suicidal thoughts tend to be associated with this group.

High Divorce Rate Prevalent In Developed Countries

Having a high divorced population can only be bad news for the country socially.  Children from dysfunctional families tend to end up as juvenile delinquents as single parents find it tough to balance both work and family commitment on their own. Men particularly find it tough  to adjust to being  single all over again,   cruelly cut off from their children and often having to rent  a small HDB room on their own. Some continue to live a life devoid of any meaning after a divorce and many entertain suicidal thoughts at their darkest moments.

In fact, the modern highly-esteemed lifestyle of most developed countries  has directly contributed to the demise of many of our marriages. We all know that the more developed the country is, the higher will be the divorce rate. Modern women who have benefitted from the country’s economic prosperity, have evolved over the decades and will not hesitate to live independently of their husbands if they find that the relationship is going nowhere.

Our fast paced materialistic society and the constant focus on acquiring wealth have also eroded the priority placed on relationship building. Couples belonging to the modern nuclear family unit spend more time at work than at home often resulting in disastrous consequences for their marriages. People are often ignorant of what constitutes a good marriage when they could find quick self actualisation from their work.

Just like when one prepares for a marathon with regular scheduled running, cross training, speed running and proper dieting, a marriage needs all the right ingredients for it to survive and thrive in the long haul. Without proper conditioning and training the couple, like the marathon runner, will find the journey tough and arduous and will give up mid way through the course.

In their book, “The first 90 days of marriage”, Eric and Leslie Ludy wrote about the challenges of marriages: “The ups and downs of married love are too much for the man and woman with a weak tensile rating…Marriage brings out a whole host of challenges that a single person can’t even comprehend…To have a successful marriage, you need to build up the strength of your inner life.”

They went on to write about how to build up tensile strengths by giving up their own individual desires so that their partners can enjoy each other’s sacrifices. It sounds like  a cliche and a very difficult process for many of us to follow as we are all  so conditioned to do things to please ourselves. I believe many of our marital difficulties arise from couples wanting to do things their way without ever learning how to compromise. Over time, such attitude chiefly contributes to the break up of a relationship. Our Asian men with deep seated egoistic values will face many challenges here especially in the area of giving in to our spouses. After living in a masculine-bias family setting for many years while growing up, many men from Asian cultures fail to realize that in a modern day relationship, it truly takes two to tango. The olden days’ practice  of a man making all the decisions for the whole family will not hold ground anymore now.

However, this unique practice of self sacrificing so that our partner may reciprocate  is certainly worth a try for those who are going through difficult relationships right now. Our high marital attrition rate reveals that a radical approach is needed to arrest the  downslide here. I will highlight this more in the following chapters.

Men also play a huge part in forgetting how  to romance their wives. The main complaint of most wives is that their husbands have thrown away their courting charm altogether once they have tied the knot. It is as if they have married a totally different person from the one that has wooed them with flowers and toys while they were courting. Man, when courting their potential life partners, tend to treat the whole dating game as a mission and once the gal is caught, they then move on to their next mission – often their career. Newly married women sometimes felt cheated that their men are not the romantic flower-sending men that they were before marriage.

Too many of our children are also growing up without any  dominant parent by their side. Sadly, they grow up seeing their maids more by their side than their parents. Many eventually grow up without any sound social values incalcated in them due to a lack of regular proper parenting. Parenting simply needs a lot of time which the modern nuclear families have little of.

Those who could not balance their time and priority well enough face the consequences of a chaotic home front.  A relationship, without the required communication and nurturing, always face the strong chance that it will falter away eventually.  It is like purchasing a pot of plant but we simply leave it at one corner without any watering, fertilizing, trimming and tending. The plant, like our relationship, will wither away slowly but surely.

The often-heard reason when a marriage breaks up is: “We grew apart eventually” – a sure sign that our relationships have largely suffered from the after-effects of neglect and  apathy.

Painful Effects  Of Divorce

Divorce not only break the hearts of those who love us but more importantly it leaves behind a legacy of hurt for our children. Studies have shown that many children from broken  families  eventually end up as juvenile delinquent as they fail to cope with life in a broken family. Many children I know also sadly never get to see the other parent as  the one who has custody often makes it difficult for them to meet up. They end up carrying a lot of emotional baggage with them while growing up.

A property agent friend, who recently divorced after a 15-year marriage, told me that his ex-wife moved away immediately when their marriage broke up. He also could not get his three young children on the phone. He has  not seen his children for the past 3 years since the divorce. He has since recovered from the break up after wallowing  in deep depression for two years. His advice for me: “Seek help early when you sense that your marriage is in trouble. Put away your ego and pride when you live with your spouse.”

I have heard too many heartrending stories of bitterly and acrimonious separation from friends who recently divorced and often wondered how they can  love each other so much before when they say “I do”  on their wedding day.

Lives were destroyed and dreams shattered when a relationship ended. They say that divorce is like having the same feeling as someone passing away. Children often are the ones that suffer the most when their parents fall out. They have no choice here and in the innocent minds of most young children, a happy family unit always include  a father and mother. Though growing up children do successfully cope with a dysfunctional family, many experience unhappiness and tend to vent out their frustration through rebellion in their teen years.

How We Can Help

If you have a specific problem and need a listening ear, do email me at [email protected]. I will try my best to answer your enquiry.

We are here to help and support one another so don’t be shy.

Gilbert Goh


About Gilbert:

Gilbert’s Listening Ear is for those who may be facing certain problems in their lives.

Gilbert has worked in the counselling and social service sector for the past 7 years. He has a passion for those who are suffering and will  try his best to provide a listening ear even though he may not have all the answers to their problems.

Last year, he started the society,, and has provided counselling and support group activities for those who are unemployed. He has also given talks to the jobless at Care Corner Counselling centre, Singapore Mental Health Association (SAMH), Executive Counselling & Training Association (ECTA) among others. His blgosite has also been featured on local and international papers such as the Straits Times, Today, Channel News Asia, Sin Min Daily, BBC, Readers’ Digest and others.

His book, “How to survivie unemployment”, was successfully launched in 2009 March.

In his latest venture is a blog to support divorcees and single parents as he feels that they are often misunderstood and alienated. The site is at and as usual online/face to face counselling services are provided free of charge to those who need it.

You can email Gilbert at [email protected] if you wish to share a problem or a circumstance you’re facing in your life. Letters will be selected to be published here on TOC with Gilbert’s response.

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Ng Eng Hen: Dust clouds likely caused armoured vehicle collision during Exercise Wallaby

Dust clouds limiting visibility likely contributed to the collision between two Hunter vehicles during Exercise Wallaby, Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen explained in his parliamentary reply. 12 servicemen sustained mild injuries, but safety measures prevented more serious outcomes. A formal investigation is ongoing to ensure further safety improvements.



SINGAPORE: Low visibility caused by dust clouds was identified as the likely cause of the collision between two Hunter armoured fighting vehicles (AFVs) during Exercise Wallaby last month, Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen said in a written parliamentary response on Tuesday (15 October).

The incident, which occurred in Queensland, Australia, on 24 September 2024, resulted in mild injuries to 12 servicemen.

Dr Ng’s statement was in response to a parliamentary question from Mr Dennis Tan, Workers’ Party Member of Parliament for Hougang SMC.

Mr Tan asked for details on the accident, specifically its cause and whether any lessons could be applied to enhance training and operational safety within the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF).

The collision took place during a night-time movement of Hunter AFVs at the Shoalwater Bay Training Area.

The vehicles were returning to base when one rear-ended another. Dr Ng explained that the dust clouds generated by the AFVs’ movement significantly impaired visibility, might likely contributing to the accident.

The 12 affected servicemen sustained mild injuries and were promptly taken to the nearest medical facility.

None of the injuries required hospitalisation, and all 12 servicemen were able to rejoin their units for training the next day.

According to the minister, adherence to safety protocols—such as wearing seat belts and protective gear—played a crucial role in limiting the injuries to mild ones.

Following the incident, a safety pause was immediately implemented, with all drivers being reminded to maintain proper safety distances, especially when visibility was compromised.

Troops were also reminded to adhere strictly to safety protocols, including the proper use of safety equipment, Dr Ng added.

The safety lessons from the incident were shared not only with the affected units but also with other participating groups in the exercise, as well as units back in Singapore, through dedicated safety briefings.

Mr Tan also asked about the broader implications of the incident. In his response, Dr Ng said that a formal investigation had been launched in accordance with SAF’s safety incident protocol.

The investigation aims to assess the circumstances more thoroughly and identify any further measures that could be taken to enhance safety.

Dr Ng shared that recommendations arising from the investigation will be implemented where necessary.

Exercise Wallaby is SAF’s largest unilateral overseas exercise, and the 2024 edition began on 8 September, running until 3 November.

The exercise involves approximately 6,200 personnel, including 500 operationally ready national servicemen.

The exercise has been conducted at Shoalwater Bay Training Area in Queensland since 1990, and it is a key part of SAF’s overseas training program.

The Hunter AFV, one of the vehicles involved in the collision, is a state-of-the-art platform jointly developed by the Defence Science and Technology Agency, the Singapore Army, and ST Engineering.

It replaced the SAF’s aging fleet of Ultra M113 AFVs in 2019, which had been in service since the 1970s. The Hunter is equipped with advanced features, including a 30mm cannon, a 76mm smoke grenade launcher, and an automatic target detection and

tracking system designed to enhance operational effectiveness. It is also capable of traveling at increased speeds and covering longer distances, making it a versatile asset for the SAF.

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Current Affairs

Government to “carefully consider” Lee Hsien Yang’s demolition application for 38 Oxley Road

The Singapore Government will “carefully consider” Mr Lee Hsien Yang (LHY)’s application to demolish the house at 38 Oxley Road. LHY announced his intent on Tuesday morning following the recent death of his sister, Dr Lee Wei Ling, reaffirming his commitment to honour his parents’ wish for the house’s demolition.



The Singapore Government has indicated that it will “carefully consider” Mr Lee Hsien Yang’s (LHY) application to demolish the family home at 38 Oxley Road.

LHY, the youngest son of Singapore’s founding Prime Minister, the late Lee Kuan Yew (LKY), announced his intention to apply for the demolition in a Facebook post on 15 October 2024, following the death of his sister, Dr Lee Wei Ling, on 9 October.

The announcement marks a significant development in the ongoing saga over the fate of the historically significant property, which has been at the heart of a family dispute since LKY’s passing in 2015.

In his will, executed in December 2013, LKY expressed his desire for the house to be demolished “immediately after” Dr Lee moved out of the property. Dr Lee, a prominent neurologist, had been the last remaining resident of the house.

LHY reaffirmed his commitment to carrying out his father’s wishes, stating, “After my sister’s passing, I am the only living executor of my father’s estate. It is my duty to carry out his wishes to the fullest extent of the law.”

He added that he would seek to build a small private dwelling on the site, which would be “held within the family in perpetuity”.

LHY also referenced his brother, Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s (LHL) remarks in Parliament in 2015, when he was Prime Minister, stating that upon Dr Lee’s passing, the decision to demolish the house would rest with the “Government of the day.”

In response to media queries regarding LHY’s announcement, a spokesperson for the Ministry of National Development (MND) acknowledged the intended application and emphasised that the Government would “carefully consider issues related to the property in due course”.

The spokesperson also highlighted that any decision would need to balance LKY’s wishes, public interest, and the historical value of the house.

The house at 38 Oxley Road, where key decisions about Singapore’s path to independence were made, has been a focal point of public and political discussion.

The future of the house became contentious in 2017 when LHY and Dr Lee publicly accused their elder brother, LHL, of trying to preserve the house against their father’s wishes for political reasons.

LHL denied the accusations, issuing a Ministerial Statement in Parliament, where he also raised concerns over the preparation of their father’s final will. He clarified that he had recused himself from all decisions regarding the property and affirmed that any government action would be impartial.

In 2018, a “secret” ministerial committee, which was formed in 2016 to study the future of 38 Oxley Road, proposed three options: preserving the property and designating it as a national monument, partially demolishing the house while retaining the historically significant basement dining room, or allowing complete demolition for redevelopment. LHL accepted the committee’s conclusions but stated that no immediate decision was necessary, as Dr Lee was still living in the house.

In a statement conveyed by LHY on behalf of Dr Lee after her passing, she reiterated her strong support for her father’s wish to demolish the house. “My father, Lee Kuan Yew, and my mother, Kwa Geok Choo, had an unwavering and deeply felt wish for their house at 38 Oxley Road to be demolished upon the last parent’s death,” the statement read.

She added, “He had also appealed directly to the people of Singapore. Please honour my father by honouring his wish for his home to be demolished.”

Despite selling the house to LHY at market value in 2015, LHL’s stance regarding the house’s preservation became a public issue, especially after the family disclosed that the Government had raised concerns about reinstating the demolition clause in the 2013 will. The ministerial committee had reviewed the matter, but a final decision was deferred until now.

The fate of 38 Oxley Road remains to be seen, but the Government’s decision will likely have lasting implications for the legacy of the Lee family and the conservation of Singapore’s historical landmarks.

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