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Ho Ching launches 2 new submarines at minimum S$1b each while GST starts increasing 1 Jan



It was reported that Mdm Ho Ching launched two Singapore submarines made by German ship builder ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) in Kiel on Tuesday (13 Dec 2022).

Located in the northern part of Germany, Kiel is one of the major ports of the German Navy, and a leading centre of German high-tech military and civil shipbuilding.

Mdm Ho who is the spouse of Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, christened the two new Invincible-class submarines, named Impeccable and Illustrious, by smashing champagne bottles against their hulls.

They are the second and third of four customised Type 218SG submarines built by TKMS for the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF).

MINDEF plans to have all four submarines in active service by 2024.

Tuesday’s ceremony was officiated by PM Lee and attended by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen, Foreign Affairs Minister Vivian Balakrishnan and Singapore defence chiefs were also there.

In an address, Mr Lee emphasised the importance of submarines in helping Singapore to keep its sea routes open. He also thanked TKMS and the German Navy for their support and sharing of expertise, noting the growing defence relations between the two countries.

“The submarines being launched today are a tangible manifestation of our close and productive cooperation,” he said. “Our collaboration on this strategic capability underscores the depth of partnership and trust between our navies and our defence industries.”

At least a S$1b per submarine

According to a report from last December, the Type 218SG is a class of submarines with air-independent propulsion (AIP), which can allow for superior underwater range and durability, and a minimal rate of instability and thermal signature. This greatly expands the strategic advantage of AIP submarines. also reported that the initial deal for the first two submarines was valued at €1.6 billion (S$2.3 billion), including logistics and crew training.

On 16 May 2017, Ng Eng Hen announced an order of two more Type 218SG submarines for a total of four. The first Type 218SG submarine, named RSS Invincible, was also launched at Kiel on 18 February 2019 and started its sea trials in September 2020.

Meanwhile, the government has announced in Budget 2022 that the GST rate will increase from the current 7 per cent to 8 per cent next year with effect from 1 Jan 2023, and 8 per cent to 9 per cent with effect from 1 Jan 2024.

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Netizens express discontent with Minister Chan Chun Sing’s approach to school bullying

Netizens are calling for harsher punishments for bullying perpetrators, arguing that rehabilitation alone is insufficient given the lasting trauma victims endure. Their concerns follow Education Minister Chan Chun Sing’s remarks during a recent parliamentary session, where he emphasized the importance of balancing punishment with rehabilitation in addressing school bullying.




SINGAPORE: Netizens are suggesting harsher punishments for bullying perpetrators, emphasizing that rehabilitation alone is insufficient considering the lasting trauma victims often endure.

This sentiment follows a recent parliamentary session on Monday (14 Oct) during which Education Minister Chan Chun Sing addressed concerns raised by Members of Parliament regarding a school bullying case that has sparked public outrage.

During the session, Mr Chan reported that, on average, there are approximately two incidents of bullying per 1,000 primary school students and six incidents per 1,000 secondary school students each year.

He noted that incidents involving technology account for fewer than one per 1,000 secondary students, and even less at the primary school level.

A specific case highlighted involved a video that circulated online last month, allegedly showing students from Bukit View Secondary School bullying a peer, although the incident actually occurred in October of the previous year.

In response to the ongoing issues, Mr Chan reassured MPs that the Ministry of Education (MOE) is committed to equipping students with pro-social skills through the Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) curriculum.

This program includes lessons on kindness, conflict resolution, and appropriate behaviour.

He explained that teachers are trained to foster a supportive classroom environment and proactively address bullying.

When determining disciplinary actions, the MOE considers the severity of each incident as well as the profiles of the students involved.

Disciplinary measures can range from detention and suspension to caning for boys as a last resort, with police reports filed in serious cases.

However, Mr Chan also stressed the importance of balancing punishment with rehabilitation.

He warned that “circulating such materials, trying to dox the student perpetrators, or calling for them to be ostracized could isolate them even more, drive them to extremes, and make it harder for them to mend their ways.”

“We want to steer clear of actions that might hinder or deny a perpetrator’s chance for rehabilitation, such as counterproductive social media behaviours,” he added.

Public voice discontent over minister’s response to school bullying

Many netizens took to the Channel News Asia and Mothership Facebook pages to express their disagreement with Mr Chan’s proposed solution regarding a recent school bullying case.

Several users commented that if the video of the bullying had not been circulated, it is unlikely any action would have been taken.

One user pointed out that if no one had recorded the incident, it might not have gained the attention needed for action.

Another user shared a similar sentiment, stating, “If these videos hadn’t been circulated, I don’t think actions would have been swift.”

They added that, in many cases, the videos are often recorded by the perpetrators themselves or their circle, and are posted to showcase their arrogance and supposed “bravery.”

Several users expressed concern that it seemed as though the minister was siding with the perpetrators rather than the victims in the school bullying case.

One user questioned, “Where is justice for the vulnerable bullied victims?”

They criticized the Ministry of Education’s (MOE) approach of emphasizing rehabilitation for bullies, warning that such individuals could potentially become members of secret societies, abusers, or even criminals in the future.

They argued that punishment for bullying should be harsher, suggesting public caning and imprisonment as effective deterrents to prevent further incidents.

Another user voiced concern that focusing primarily on helping the perpetrators would not improve the bullying situation.

They pointed out that conflicts are a normal part of life and can serve as opportunities for children to learn how to manage their behaviour.

However, if bullies face no real consequences because of their age, they miss out on valuable learning opportunities.

The user argued that this lack of accountability could make bullying more widespread, as bullies may see it as a “no-loss” situation where they gain attention and help without facing punishment while victims are left to endure their pain in silence.

Another user raised the question of who would help the victims if the focus was solely on rehabilitating the perpetrators.

They emphasized that victims often suffer lasting trauma and asked who would be held accountable if they do not recover.

The user stressed that perpetrators need to understand the consequences of their actions and take responsibility for them.

One user argued that leaving a long-lasting digital footprint for perpetrators could be a strong deterrent, as it would serve as a constant reminder of the consequences of their unlawful behaviour.

They criticized the protection of bullies’ identities through doxxing laws, suggesting that it may indirectly encourage such behavior by minimizing the consequences simply because the offenders are not yet adults.

Calls for stronger anti-bullying measures in schools

Several users highlighted the broader dynamics involved in school bullying, emphasizing that it extends beyond just the bullies and victims to include bystanders.

One user pointed out that bystanders can either perpetuate or help mitigate the problem, but, unfortunately, some schools tend to downplay bullying incidents.

They observed that schools often focus only on counseling the victim while giving verbal warnings to the bully and their accomplices.

Another user emphasized that true justice requires schools to adopt a more effective framework for tackling all forms of bullying, including not just physical bullying, but also social and cyberbullying, which can be even more harmful.

They suggested that there are often telltale signs of bullying that are overlooked.

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MFA Minister stays silent on arms sales to Israel, citing national security policy

In response to NCMP Leong Mun Wai’s inquiry, Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan declined to confirm whether Singapore would halt arms sales to Israel if there are reasonable grounds to suspect their use in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. He emphasised the government’s policy of not publicly disclosing details of defence sales for national security reasons.



SINGAPORE: Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan declined to confirm whether Singapore would halt arms sales to Israel in instances where there are reasonable grounds to suspect their use in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

He cited the government’s established policy of not publicly disclosing details of defence sales for national security reasons.

Dr Balakrishnan noted that while some countries have imposed sanctions on certain Israeli settler leaders and entities, it remains unclear whether these measures have had a meaningful impact on the ground.

He emphasised that this is not how Singapore should conduct its foreign policy, stating, “We must weigh all considerations carefully.”

“Any decision to impose unilateral sanctions must be considered carefully and based on our national interests.   ”

His comments came in response to a parliamentary question from Non-Constituency Member of Parliament Leong Mun Wai filed on 15 October, who sought clarification on Singapore’s commitment to a UN General Assembly Resolution.

NCMP Leong, from the Progress Singapore Party (PSP), inquired whether Singapore would enact a ban on imported products from Israeli settlements following its vote in favor of UN General Assembly Resolution A/ES-10/L.31 on 18 September this year.

He also asked about the potential suspension of arms sales to Israel and whether Singapore would sanction individuals and entities involved in maintaining Israel’s unlawful presence in the territory, and if not, why.

The ongoing conflict in Palestine has claimed the lives of at least 42,000 Palestinians to date.

“Israeli settlements in West Bank hinder viable two-state solution”

In response, Dr Balakrishnan reaffirmed that Singapore’s vote in favour of UNGA Resolution A/ES-10/L.31 reflects its respect for the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the principal judicial organ of the UN.

“I have re-stated this view on several past occasions in this House, most recently on 7 August 2024. ”

“The presence of Israeli settlements in the West Bank will make it much harder to arrive at a viable two-state solution. Settler violence against Palestinians cannot be condoned. ”

He further highlighted that Singapore’s vote aligns with its longstanding support for the Palestinian people’s right to a homeland and a negotiated two-state solution, consistent with relevant United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions.

He asserted that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can only be resolved through direct negotiations between both sides, emphasising the need for both parties to remove obstacles to peace.

“Our YES vote, however, does not mean that we agree with the entirety of the resolution. ”

Dr Balakrishnan expressed Singapore’s serious reservations about the use of the ICJ’s advisory jurisdiction to adjudicate political disputes between states without their consent.


No record of imported products from Israeli settlements

“We also have concerns over the resolution’s call for measures that have not been negotiated between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Other countries, including Japan and South Korea have placed on record similar concerns.”

Regarding Mr Leong’s inquiry about banning imported products from Israeli settlements, Dr Balakrishnan stated that the government has no record of Singapore importing such products.

On the question of arms sales, he assured that Singapore strictly complies with international obligations regarding arms sales and adheres to UN sanctions and embargoes.

This includes submitting regular reports to the UN Register of Conventional Arms.

However, he reiterated that it is the government’s policy not to publicly disclose details of defence sales for national security reasons.

As for sanctioning individuals and entities, he confirmed that Singapore consistently complies with all UNSC sanctions as part of its international legal obligations.

In April 2024, Singaporean activists demand a halt to arms trade with Israel amid allegations of genocide in Palestine

This is note the first time Mr Leong rhas raised questions about arms sales to Israel.

On 2 July 2024, Mr Leong asked the MFA whether Singapore had sold any defence materials to Israel since the conflict began on 7 October 2023.

At the time, Dr Balakrishnan responded that Singapore strictly adheres to international arms sales obligations and submits regular reports to the UN, but does not disclose specifics due to national security reasons.

It should be noted that there is no embargo on arms sales to Israel.

In April 2024, a group of Singaporean activists staged a peaceful demonstration at the iconic Gardens by the Bay, advocating for an immediate cessation of arms trade with Israel.

The group criticised the Singaporean government’s continued engagement in arms trade with Israel, highlighting that between 2018 and 2022, Singapore imported approximately US$73 million worth of military equipment from Israel, making it the tenth largest customer of Israeli defence products.

The demonstrators pointed out that such dealings undermine Singapore’s humanitarian contributions to Palestine and perpetuate the violence they are intended to alleviate.

They stressed that ending arms trade with Israel would align with the moral and ethical concerns of the Singaporean people, as outlined in numerous communications with government officials, including emails, letters, and online campaigns.

Separately, earlier in February 2024, at least nine individuals were summoned by the Singapore Police Force (SPF) over investigations into the solidarity actions with Palestine that occurred on 2 February 2024.

The allegations against them include “organising a public assembly without a permit” under the Public Order Act and “promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of race and doing acts prejudicial to the maintenance of harmony” under the Penal Code.

This investigation relates to Letters for Palestine, where 70 individuals delivered 140 letters to the Istana urging the Prime Minister to address the ongoing genocide, and Steadfast for Palestine, a live-streamed private event attended by 160 individuals.

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