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Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong urges support for new generation of leaders

During the parliamentary debate on President Halimah Yacob’s address at the opening of the second session of parliament, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong urged Singaporeans to support the new generation of leaders and maintain the nation’s high global standing.

He emphasized the importance of honesty, integrity, and a well-functioning system in Singapore’s success. Despite facing global challenges, Mr Lee highlighted Singapore’s resilience and encouraged the nation to embrace its forefathers’ can-do spirit and outsized ambition.



During the parliamentary debate on President Halimah Yacob’s address at the opening of the second session of parliament last week, Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong underscored the importance of support from Singaporeans for the country’s new generation of leaders.

In the second speech of his term in the 14th Parliament on Wednesday (19 Apr), Mr Lee emphasized the remarkable global reputation Singapore enjoys and expressed gratitude for the admiration he has received from foreign leaders and businesspeople.

He stated, “Many Singaporeans take this good reputation for granted… But they do not realize how important this high standing we enjoy is to us, nor how astonishing it is for a small island state with no natural resources to enjoy this standing.”

Prime Minister Lee acknowledged the challenges of upholding a country’s ideals and values beyond its founding generation.

He emphasized the crucial roles honesty, integrity, and a well-functioning system play in Singapore’s success.

To ensure good leadership for the long term, Mr Lee emphasized the need for a strong economy, solid institutions, and capable, dedicated, and trustworthy leaders.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Singaporeans witnessed the importance of strong political leadership.

The Prime Minister said, “The MTF ministers were in the hot seat, but the whole 4G team played a key role. It was a formative experience for the 4G ministers handling the crisis. They got the measure of each other and gained confidence in each other’s judgment and abilities.”

Last year, Deputy Prime Minister Wong was chosen by the 4G ministers as their leader.

Mr Lee urged Singaporeans to support Lawrence Wong and the 4G ministers wholeheartedly: “I ask you to give Lawrence and the 4G ministers your fullest support… Help me make this leadership succession a success for Singapore and for you.”

Mr Lee called on Singaporeans to embrace the can-do spirit and outsized ambition of their forefathers. He encouraged the nation to maintain its international reputation and build upon the trusted Singapore brand of quality, reliability, and efficiency.

He concluded by saying, “We may be a small island state, but we are not a small people, and neither are our hearts nor our aspirations. So, think boldly, aim high, and seek far.”

Before his delivery of what seems to be an election speech, Mr Lee had emphasized the importance of Singaporeans having a passionate vision of the future, a readiness to adapt to modernization, and a willingness to postpone immediate rewards for greater gains in the future.

He cited examples of young Singaporeans making their mark overseas in various fields, highlighting the entrepreneurial spirit and determination of the younger generation.

Mr Lee acknowledged the challenges of staying open and connected to the world amid global tensions and protectionism, but maintained that Singapore can continue to thrive as a global city and international hub.

He also addressed three major challenges or “storms” Singapore is currently facing, which include the ongoing Ukraine war, the tense relationship between China and the US, and potential conflicts in Taiwan.

Additionally, the global trading system is under threat due to rising protectionism, which could lead to significant economic costs for all parties involved.

Despite these challenges, Mr Lee emphasized Singapore’s resilience in overcoming past difficulties through unity and perseverance.

He also urged Singaporeans to remain united and resilient in the face of these challenges, as division will only weaken the country’s ability to navigate through these turbulent times.

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Workers’ Party to question Govt on Mobile Guardian breach and entry of extremist preacher in upcoming parliamentary sitting

In the 9 September 2024 parliamentary sitting, the Workers’ Party will raise questions on the Mobile Guardian breach, which affected 13,000 students, and the entry of extremist preacher Amir Hamza. Other key topics include housing affordability and the costs of the Founders’ Memorial.



In the upcoming parliamentary sitting on 9 September 2024, the Workers’ Party (WP) Members of Parliament will focus on key issues such as housing affordability, cybersecurity, national security, and public expenditure.

The topics raised reflect the party’s attention to areas affecting Singaporeans’ daily lives, public safety, and the management of government resources. (read PQs here)

Housing Affordability and Policies

Housing remains a priority, with multiple WP MPs addressing questions on the topic. Mr Chua Kheng Wee Louis is seeking details from the Minister for National Development regarding HDB loan-to-value ratios and HDB resale price trends over the past five years​. This aims to provide insights into the challenges faced by first-time homebuyers.

Additionally, Ms Sylvia Lim will question why some Build-To-Order and Sale of Balance flat applicants are restricted from selecting flats in projects with later booking dates, seeking clarification on policies that may limit buyers’ choices.

Cybersecurity in the Education System

The recent breach of the Mobile Guardian app, which impacted 13,000 students, is another key focus. Mr Gerald Giam will question the Ministry of Education on how many students were affected, the extent of data loss, and recovery measures.

This follows a Reddit user’s claim that the vulnerability had been highlighted months before the breach. The Ministry confirmed receiving the tip-off but stated that the reported breach had been patched, although the informant refutes this in a subsequent Reddit post.

Ms He Ting Ru will also address the Ministry of Education, asking how it plans to involve parents more actively in managing their children’s devices following the security breach and the removal of the Mobile Guardian Device Management Application.

National Security and Extremism

Mr Pritam Singh is questioning the Minister for Home Affairs about the entry of Bangladeshi preacher Amir Hamza, who delivered a sermon in Singapore on 9 August 2024, asking if he is on any watchlist in the possession of Home Team security agencies.

Hamza was able to enter the country under a different name, raising concerns about the effectiveness of Singapore’s security measures.

He had publicly announced his intention to enter Singapore on his Facebook page with the date and location specified.

Transparency in Public Events

In another area, Mr Gerald Giam will question the Ministry for Culture, Community and Youth on the People’s Association’s criteria for inviting elected MPs to Resident Network-organized events, asking for details on how equal access is ensured for MPs from all parties​

Costs of the Founders’ Memorial

Public expenditure will also be under scrutiny, as Mr Chua Kheng Wee Louis asks for information on the development and annual operating costs of the Founders’ Memorial. The S$235.6 million project has sparked public debate over the use of taxpayer funds, with critics questioning whether such a large sum is justified for a national monument.

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About 580 National Servicemen disrupted annually for university studies from 2018 to 2022

In response to a parliamentary question by WP MP Gerald Giam, Minister for Defence Dr Ng Eng Hen disclosed that about 580 full-time NSFs were allowed university disruptions each year, between 2018 and 2022.

Notably, about 520 opted for local institutions, while the other 60 pursued studies abroad.



SINGAPORE: Annually, from 2018 to 2022, approximately 580 full-time national servicemen (NSFs) were granted disruptions to pursue university studies, as revealed by Minister for Defence, Dr Ng Eng Hen.

Among these disruptions, 520 NSFs chose to attend local universities, while 60 embarked on overseas academic pursuits, marking a distinctive trend within the sphere of National Service (NS) commitments.

Dr Ng was responding to a Parliamentary Question presented by Mr Gerald Giam Yean Song, a Member of Parliament from the Workers’ Party, on Tuesday (19 Sep).

Mr Giam sought clarification on the number of full-time NSFs who were granted disruptions for overseas studies, the proportion of Government scholarship holders among them, and the rationale behind allowing these disruptions.

In his written response, Dr Ng elaborated that the majority of disruptions, approximately 70%, pertained to NSFs who had enlisted later than their peers.

This aligns with the policy of ensuring that each cohort commences their university studies in the same academic year, necessitating disruptions for these later enlistees.

Around 27% of the disruptions were allotted to NSFs pursuing medical studies, preparing them to serve as SAF Medical Officers during their NS.

Public Service Commission (PSC) scholars make up the remaining 3% or an average of 19 NSFs. This follows a long-standing practice since 1967 to attract top talent into the public sector.

Dr Ng emphasized that all NSFs are required to complete the remainder of their full-time NS after the disruption period.

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