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Lee Hsien Yang suggests possible breach of ministerial code over bungalow rentals

Mr Lee Hsien Yang, in his latest Facebook post, indicates a potential violation of the Ministerial Code of Conduct, spotlighting the rental of colonial bungalows by Ministers K Shanmugam and Vivian Balakrishnan and calling attention to possible conflicts of interest



SINGAPORE — The colonial bungalows at 26 and 31 Ridout Road are at the heart of a brewing controversy involving two key Singaporean Ministers – the Minister for Home Affairs and Law, K Shanmugam, and the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Vivian Balakrishnan.

Questions and allegations raised by Kenneth Jeyaretnam, the Secretary-General of the Reform Party, have sparked wide public discussion amongst the Singapore populace.

In response to media queries, the Singapore Land Authority (SLA) issued a press release on 12 May, stating that the rental agreements for the properties at No. 26 and No. 31 Ridout Road were conducted in accordance with relevant SLA procedures.

The SLA also announced that more details would be provided during the next Parliamentary session in July 2023.

Confirmation from the SLA and the subsequent public outcry have raised concerns amongst parliamentarians. Both the ruling party and opposition MPs have filed questions to be addressed in the July parliamentary session.

The Workers’ Party has also requested the SLA to provide additional information, including the guide rent for the properties, to ensure a comprehensive debate in Parliament.

Mr Lee Hsien Yang, son of late founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew and brother to current Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, chimed in on the issue via his Facebook account, alleging possible breaches of the Ministerial Code of Conduct that was issued to the Parliament in 2005.

The allegations centre around potential conflicts of interest. Mr Lee Hsien Yang stated in his Monday Facebook post, “Regardless of approval or SLA procedures, there are serious conflicts of interest.”

He pointed out that a senior minister had been able to rent a vast property from an agency under his control, suggesting a possible breach of Section 3.1 of the Code, which states that a minister must avoid “any actual or apparent conflict of interest between his office and his private financial interests.”

Mr Lee Hsien Yang’s comments underscored concerns over potential conflicts of interest, given that the minister appoints the chief executive of the Singapore Land Authority (SLA), who is also his landlord.

Mr Lee Hsien Yang also questioned who authorized the cutting down of several old trees and the extensive renovations carried out on the properties, as well as who bore the costs.

According to Urban Redevelopment Authority records, the SLA was named the developer for restoration work at 26 Ridout Road, where the Minister for Law resides.

Echoing Mr Lee Hsien Yang’s concerns, People’s Voice leader Lim Tean described the leasing agreement as “ownself rent ownself”.

He highlighted the problematic nature of two government officials renting properties owned by the government. His comments implied reference to Section 4.3 of the Code, which stipulates that a minister should not “direct or request a civil servant to do anything or perform any function that may conflict with the Singapore Civil Service’s core values of incorruptibility, impartiality, integrity and honesty.”

Furthermore, if the housing arrangements were made under preferential conditions due to their ministerial positions, this might infringe on Sections 6.1 and 6.2 of the Code.

These clauses caution against ministers accepting gifts or favours that might place them under an obligation conflicting with their public duties or appear to do so.

The press release from SLA is somewhat problematic as it discloses that Mr Shanmugam had reportedly communicated with a senior cabinet member about his bid.

This information suggests that the Minister may have contributed to the released press statement, as the agency wouldn’t typically be privy to such communication between the two in a standard bidding process. Moreover, the promise to reveal more details in July raises questions about whether the Minister has informed SLA that he will address this matter on its behalf in Parliament.

If the above is the case, the Minister’s influence over the agency seems apparent, muddying his bid for the Ridout property.

Without more detailed information about the nature of the leasing agreements and any benefits the ministers may have received due to their positions, it is difficult to definitively state whether there has been a breach of the code.

The forthcoming parliamentary debate will provide an opportunity to bring more facts to light and to discuss the allegations in further detail.

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LHL’s 15-minute visit to Dr Lee Wei Ling’s wake raises eyebrows among Singaporeans

On the evening of 10 October, Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong and his wife, Ho Ching, attended Dr Lee Wei Ling’s wake, staying for about 10-15 minutes. This brief visit sparked online discussions about the custom of family members remaining throughout the day at funerals.



On Thursday evening (10 October), Singapore’s mainstream media, stationed outside Singapore Casket where Dr Lee Wei Ling’s wake was held, reported the arrival of Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong and his wife, Ho Ching, to attend his sister’s funeral.

Dr Lee, the daughter of Singapore’s founding Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Yew, passed away on 9 October at the age of 69, at her family home at 38 Oxley Road.

Her wake is being held at Singapore Casket from 10 October to 12 October.

According to Lianhe Zaobao, SM Lee and Mdm Ho arrived outside Singapore Casket at around 8.30 pm.

They reportedly stayed at the wake for about 10 minutes and did not provide any comments to the media.

In contrast, the South China Morning Post reported that SM Lee and Mdm Ho stayed for approximately 15 minutes before leaving.

A member of the public who paid respects to Dr Lee shared with TOC that SM Lee had written a simple “RIP” in the condolences book.

Mr Li Yipeng, the eldest son of Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong, also attended Dr Lee’s wake earlier.

Observing comments on social media, some users questioned the brevity of SM Lee’s visit to his sister’s wake.

One user remarked that even attending a friend’s funeral typically lasts at least 30 minutes, asking, “Where can you find a brother who attends his sister’s funeral for just 15 minutes?”

Others pointed out that it is customary for family members to stay the entire day at a funeral, particularly the eldest brother, who usually greets visitors and offers hospitality, such as refreshments.

“That’s what family members do,” one user noted.

A netizen lamented that instead of receiving guests at his sister’s wake, LHL appeared as a VIP guest accompanied by bodyguards.

Another user expressed sadness over the situation, noting that the eldest brother was attending the wake like any other outsider.

The comment highlighted that Lee Hsien Yang, the younger brother, was organizing the funeral remotely and could not return.

This led to a broader question among netizens: Would LHL attend his own brother’s funeral if he were to pass first?

Some netizens disagreed with the criticism of LHL’s attendance at his sister’s wake, arguing that, regardless of public sentiment towards the government, this is a personal matter.

One comment emphasised the need for objectivity, stating that people cannot judge LHL solely based on appearances or media reports.

He questioned what LHL might have done for his sister behind the scenes and pointed out that even if he had stayed longer, some would still find fault with his actions.

A comment on Reddit expressed that while LHL doesn’t necessarily need to be invited, his absence from receiving mourners as the eldest family member suggests he was not asked or instructed to participate in the funeral proceedings at all.

A netizen lamented that family disputes deeply affect one’s soul, particularly when reconciliation with a sibling is impossible, even in death.

The Reddit comment emphasised the emotional pain that arises from being reminded of happy childhood moments during such difficult times.


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Netizens: Was Ho Ching smirking before entering Dr Lee Wei Ling’s funeral?

On 10 October at around 8.30 PM, Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong and his wife, Ho Ching, were spotted arriving at Dr Lee Wei Ling’s funeral. While Singaporeans mourned Dr Lee’s passing, some netizens, after viewing media footage, questioned whether Mdm Ho was smirking before entering the funeral.



Dr Lee Wei Ling, the daughter of Singapore’s founding Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Yew, passed away on 9 October at the age of 69, at her family home at 38 Oxley Road.

Lee Hsien Yang (LHY), Dr Lee’s brother, announced her passing on social media, and had earlier requested that the wake and funeral remain a private affair.

He also noted that respects could be paid on a strict queue basis, adding, “There will be no exceptions, not even for VIPs,” to ensure that everyone is treated equally during the visitation period.

The wake is being held at the Pearl & Sapphire Hall of Singapore Casket, located at 131 Lavender Street, Singapore. Public visitation is open from 2 PM to 10 PM on 10 October, and from 10 AM to 10 PM on 11 October. The final visitation period is scheduled for 10 AM to 1 PM on 12 October.

Despite the request for privacy, mainstream media (MSM) representatives have gathered outside the Singapore Casket building.

MSM reporters are focused on whether Dr Lee’s elder brother, Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong, will attend her funeral.

On Thursday (10 October ) at around 8.30pm, MSM spotted Senior Minister Lee and his wife, Ho Ching, entering Singapore Casket.

SM Lee and His Wife Attended the Wake for Approximately 10 Minutes

According to Lianhe Zaobao, SM Lee and his wife stayed at the wake for about 10 minutes and did not provide any comments to the media.

Comments on social media pages of various media outlets show Singaporeans pouring in with condolence messages, remembering Dr Lee’s contributions to Singapore’s medical field.

They praised her as a low-profile and modest woman, despite being a President’s Scholar and the Head of the Neurology Department.

Many noted how much she resembled her mother, who also shunned the limelight, even at their funerals.

However, some netizens, after viewing videos and photos taken by mainstream media, questioned whether Mdm Ho Ching was smirking before entering Dr Lee’s funeral.

Netizens Urge Media and Public to Give Grieving Family Space

Some netizens disagreed with the speculation surrounding Mdm Ho Ching’s expression in the media footage, urging others to refrain from making unfounded assumptions.

They called for compassion, emphasizing the need to give the grieving family some space.

Some netizens also recalled the Lee family feud surrounding the 38 Oxley Road house, where Dr Lee and LHY accused their brother, SM Lee, of opposing their father’s wish to have the house demolished after his passing.

One netizen lamented the strained relationship within the Lee family, questioning why there was supposed to be a sense of family, yet it felt more like guests attending the wake.

Another commented on the fact that SM Lee and his wife attended the wake rather than being involved in arranging it, especially given that Dr Lee was unmarried and their parents are no longer around, “it says alot about their relationship.”

One netizen speculated that Dr Lee might be SM Lee’s greatest regret in life, as he had failed to mend his relationship with her.

The comment added, “Attend or not attend his sister’s wake doesn’t really matter since the person had already gone.”

Meanwhile, some netizens questioned the media’s actions, pointing out that despite LHY’s request for no media coverage, reporters were still camping outside Dr Lee’s funeral.



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